Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 2003, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 15, 2003-31 Veion Bible $chool j Cvmvand divno Gods lovewh August luth-22nd 915Sa.m. -1135 am.Daly M/itn Gospel Hall 306 Otario Street North One btock soaîh uf Steetes Avenoe Ages 5 and uy No Cost Please pre-register CatI Kathy: 905-878-5019 M57 ROBYN, HENORIICA (RIA) At the Mitron District Hospital ou Wednesuay, Augost t3th 2003 Ria Robyn, belovd wîle ofthe5 latv Hank Rouyn. Looîng mother of Hanit and hîs wtv Sharon, due and his mile Bell, Miitîvaod lier husband John Sauve and Johanna and net huband Ricto Bradley Sadly mssvd y lier groodchildrvo and grvat grand- chldrer Ria is surutuvd liv hvr 2 rothers an0 1 ss- ter Predeceauvo by 1 broter and 1 ululer Famiy a007 rîvodu 010/visit ai te McKrsie-Kochnr Fsneral Home 114 Main St Mlon 905-878-445?, rom 7-9 por on Friday Tiretuerai service wi 0e held in the unerul humne nayel oit hatorday. Augisi 16h02003 aI il ý00 arnAs exyressions oi sympathy. memarial donations to lhe Miton District -iospiral Foudalion wooid he ayyreciatvo 25 259 (a ofThe*$ Crd of buikt To my frenas, neghbsurs ana my wondentul tamily for suçh a ovely Party un my 80th Brthday The gihus cardu & vists sure made tny day a special une. Thanks soctmuch Olga Bicters WE50 BROO t ONTESSORI 'AIOO MY eBeatflnw collcd lu quiet residentiil ai brodeBrih pcious ctassrvms * [ad-nononoeapouch ta teachîîîg sReading, r gadmathemphuized e Frnchintoducion* Cmputer introduction *Personalized report cards e Music und art classes " Half or fuîl day progrum e Compeitive tceestructure " Exciting afier school clases.e Ages2.5 Iv grade 2 " Special discount lffered te the Oirsi 20 tudents OPEN HOUSE AIJGIST Eh ERI SATIJRDAY AND SLNDA I toIpet 905.826.4648 7227 (apeithagen Rd. 00,0r Rd. and t5înaen Churechilt A KigPil mpMatre CARPET 1 have neyerai SeNeîng ltpasttreas t 1,000 yrds. of new Staîn- $6Set ewnipsic. C450 s(). auler & 100% nylon car- $15-6099Sacrific er0. pet WilI do lIuingroom & 905-67-459cas etier. hall for $389. Incudes car- BEAUTIFUL sectional Bl- pet, pad & inslation (30) fabed sofa. Bougit 1 year yards) Steve, 905-639- ago. Ooesnt fit in new 2902 home. Green with ait pl- DINING ROOM 13pce. lows bought for $1100 seli- Chery 8 hars buffet, îng $750 060. Cati 905- hutch, 'serer donetail con- 693-1018 struction. 5h11 n boxes. BED, Amazing hargain, Cosa $11,000. Sacrifice queen orthopedic pitowtop $,00 95-6-95 set. New in plastic, warras- FORD yard tractordawn ty $150 905-567-4042 ritI mower, 48" bed, 16hp dehnver Bggs & Stratton Engine. BEDROOM set. 8c hr Engine needa a lune ap, ot her teise in good condi- rpwood. Bed, cheat, dress- hon $45000 or hent offer er, mîrror, night stands. Phoie 90054-2729 Ooveta/ cornstruction. Hav- an openeri.. Coat $8000. HIARD top for Sida- Sacnifice $2400. 905-567- kck/Tracker/Sunrunner, 4042. White ca (905) 7022752 IDON'T PAY A CENT EVENT PMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 NEED a Computer' Doo'tTI Have Cash' IBM, Gatewuy ITRNTW KN & Compact PC'u au Low au N ENT O KN $1 a "DO/i No Money SUPER Suiv. Custom uy hotstenng. No GSI' Suv- ingsu oi 30% or decora- tut fabnîcs. Sotas wth faO- hic frum $78 Chairs wth tabrîr trom $249 Felds Furnîture & Fubîîc. 9-9 Oi- le. 905-875-4427 31$ W-ne $$$$5- Wunte- ail china, sîlver, crystai tva copo, Royal Doutton, Swurovsk, gltusu, ewvltery old tops, coleclibles, nulales, Cai Johin/Tracy 90S-331-2477. 370 Peft REGISTEREO chocolate tahs uvolahie mîid Sept.ln- ciades microchip, irul uhols and vtchieck. Great taon- y 000 905-878-5793 M0 for Sale - 1992 N ssan Maxima oaa- ec! Al conion, ceOlvOed& O eured 230K tmng aune. many new parts.Must oel $3250 000 9e5-878-7617 allvr h 1999 Jeep TJ hyori Blue 40 O c/i. 62,OOkms, hard & suit loy, 30" whevls, CD player $17.500 060 905- 8788806 2000 Honda Cîvîc Hulctr- Oucir, 6000KM, standard trnsmission, silver, suni root, une owner $1099,00 905-549-1476 7M Inter netWor king " s a free 2-week programn designed to teach unemployed people how o use the internet to search for jobs. You'l lear n how to: Access hu ndreds of local1 job isti ngs Send pou r resu me usi ng eenail Find and research compu nies online. lasses start every 2nd week at the Y MCA Career Development & Learning Centre in Burlington. For i nfo cal1:905-681-1140 or 1-866-244-7244 toîl free. C-~ anad*à FREIINF I IlAG it pays o Advertiel inThe \Classifiedsl Iids - Teens - IPetites Seeded AIR a9ei/sIze . eutes welcume kir würKk Ir tashIen/hair sbcws. muvies. eaateleue werk. s2 - M mer bour. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requîtes COUTRACT CRIVERS Delîvetîog l/uts & papers 10 001 carriers Wvdnesday, Frîday & Saluîday Must Se avalable 6SA.M - 2 PM and have a full s10f van and cellular phonv cbarleumsall@akullebever.ce. OWNERIOPERATOR TEAM & SINGLE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Weekty teara van sas, pin-to-pin between Oakvitte & Catîfomia Excettent mîeage rate Singte operators for fat & van worm, Ontario&U.S. CatI Jlm @ Wayrelght 1-800-265-2562 DEUVERY DRIVER reqoireri GTA to Windsor aras. Milton hased company Regutar and dlean licence required. Lay off in inter menahs. Ptease send aesome bt Attention: Andrew Gayeton c/o Miton Champion PCO. Bon 1003 191 Main Street Miton ON L9T 4N9 Drier/ Owner Operators Needed Immediutetpt ".74MI (US) *2200-3000 mi/aek *Future dedicateet! *Paîd base plaies & perlmîls *Att bridge lotis paîdi 96 or necet a/Tan- dem axie ractor w/ sleeper req'd, (800)467-6016 SNO WBIR OS- need your vehicte detivered safety and promptty to Fiorida? Proes- sional courteous drivers avaitabte at reasonabte rates. Cati George a) 905-866-9161 and beave message. Att colts returned promptty. - Thistleoaks Child Care Centre Executiv Director Permanent F/T Applîcants must haoe: ECE tipioma/Degree, min. 2 yro. Superoisor eop in a non-profit cftiid cure uettîng. Fan resume to: 905-847-8840 Afin: Chai-persan Oadine Aug 26/03 I INTRODUCINGR dani~iI Check our Càemr2OO3 online at www.metmband.comn For more infomiation email: careers2003@n» or contact your local Metrvland Newspaper Ckassiied Depariment TA'6 tj sariewe &r ie. TRG tnsurance BroSero tnc., a leading indepen- dent brokerage firm. is a strong and progressive companp whose proves succesa has coma by stayîng on the teadîng edge. Currentlp. their Milon Brancht s eapanding and requires a resutts-dniven individuel 10 tilt the toltowîng position: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE PERSONAL UINES INSURANCE The rght candidate witt be responsibte for devetopîng, promotîng and setting Personat Lînes tnsurance to our extensive cient base throughout the Golden Horseshoe Area. TRG wilt provîde pou wth an excetlent markret representation 10 assist pou in reachîng new heights in pour career. Your RIBO Lcense as comptimenteet with pour superior interpersonal strîtîs andt the drive to be the best- pou know a cameer in insurance sales hits the marIk. Proves sales expeeneo and a commitment 10 solid relationships make pou îdeatly suited to maxîmize pour client base. We offer a competitive compensation package sud excettent arowth ootential. If pou are selt-motivated and readp to work iu a rewarding envronment, ptease submit pour resome tn confidence no satar than: SEPTEMBER 2,2003 to: Humas Resources Oepartment Fas: /905) 374-3739 E-Mail; kn( We rhank reapondenta for thir inferast, buf advîae Ihaf oniy hose setecfed for interviews Wî0 hbe confacted. So Place Your Ad Today! Calil905"75-3300 or drop by at 191 Main Street! Monday to Friday 9 arn - 5 prn A lleriteage of Quallty, BailitOne Honme ai a Time Since 1978 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER The Reîd's Herifage Group of companies is seeking a quaiified candidafe for fhe rote 0f Customer Service Manuger whu ciilonernee ail aspects of our Home Service Deparfmenl. Reporfing 10 the Operations Manager, youu iii Se responsibie 10 adminlufer our compiefe Warranfy Service Prograra. You ciii esore thaf a high degree of customer safisfaction is main- faised for our Nec Home Purchasers, as ceti as our Rentai coofomers. You ciii oversee and direcf a feamn of Castomer Service Representalives intereaily as wel au in fhe field. The successfsi candidate ciii possess the fotiowing qualifications: " A lhorough knowiedge of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program; " A mieimum of 5 years experience cifh residenfiai constracfion and service; " Excellent inferpersonai and communication skilis; " A proves frack record in difficaif culomer relations issues; " SuperS orgasîzationai okilis and the abiiity f0 cork well sder pressure. The Reidu Heritage Group of compaties is onle of the largesf homebaiiding andt deveiopmenl companies in Soutfh Western Ontario, cilS projects acfivety under- cay ai a number of sites in Gaelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Coiingcood andt Huntsville. Plu»ssfax Yeur resens Iy Augiast22nd, te 519-654-9746 Afttlem: Hom@amReseurcos Supervise Pieuse no p/houe cat/s. Oniy hose app/îcants se/ected for as interview ctii e cun/acted m»eldsertaegrea.ce.

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