i Tinte Capsules'ar-egemýs 0/ iitofrmotion estroeted firont past issues>o/ T/he Champion and other pub/ieaotins ini order to prot1ide o windoss mb V itons past. E.sP/anotorv conmment îs sonietînies pro- vided to p/oce t/te situation in tonte t. January 1901 The municipal and sebool trustee nomi- nations were held on Monday. Mayor Deacon is again a candidate for mayor and will be opposed by former Mayor Dice. R.L. Hemstreet was nominated but witb- drew. Both candidates addressed the edec- tors. Mr. Dice is seeking election because of his seven years' expenience as mayor and because be had a good deal of spare time - more than bts opponient - to devote to tbe business of the iown, promis- îng to look after it faiîhfully, as he claimed hie did when in office before. He considers Mayor Deacon a litîle selfisb in asking for re-election. Mr. Deacon, in bis reply, said that though hie might bave less spare trne than Mr. Dice migbt. hie didn't think that anyone could say hee bad neglected bis municipal duties. Some people could get through more work in a given ttme than others. He didn'î thin~k he could be fairly accused of selfishness. He bad offered publicly at the nomination to wiîhdraw in favor of Mr. Hemstreet. He thought he had as gond a dlaim for re- election as Mr. Dice. wbo had held the mayors position longer than hie. Both gen- tlemen discussed the municipal business of the town very good-naturedly and the fcw shots they îook at each other were not ai ail vicious. On Christmas day each emplovee tof the Milton Pressed Bnick Company was pre- sented by the company wîîh a îurkey as a Christmas gift. h trook 42 to go around. The men ail expressed their gyreat appre- ciation of the kmndness on the pant of the company. Engtneer Frank Brothers died lasi week in Cuba. where bie was engaged in the con-t struction o)f a raîlwav. He xas ssýell known n ibis county in the earlv '70s. ssheni the 1 firsi crading of the Credit Vallev. now C.P.R.. line was done. He was walking boss and superîntended the work of the t sîeam shosel. He left a sidow and a son 17 years of --------Reader says he questions if municipal MIilton ,~ Time M government is needed at ail in Milton Dear Edifor: Agaîn, Ibis shows no vision and lors really aren't in charge of muet T i m e -, ffW h te I 'rn tbnlled to see a new bad planning And frankly 1 don t other than street clean ng and keeî . Capsiules 'OIu15 cron rof nolitical wanabes adintik t -- age. who live ai Toronto. The beginning of the 2Oîh century was dulv observed in Milton. Special services ssere held at Grace Cburcb. contmencing at 10. 15 p.m. and closing after midnighî. The attendance was large. At midnighî the town bell rang. the carpet factory wbistle was blown and there was a livelv fusillade. either ot gtant firecrackers or guns. The notse was fairly deafening. but tt didn'î lasi long. Wm. Elltott and Robert Dewar, who left Milton togeiher in June 1899 for the Northwesî territories. both retumed borne last week. tbougb they didn't travel togetb- er. Mr. Ellioti was the first to arrive. H-e bas been employed on a steamer, wbicb runs on the McKenzie River. Mr. Dewar, after being in Brampton a day or îwo, got here on Tuesday. He was in charge of a fur trading post in Fort Good Hope, 1 A00 miles north of Edmonton and about 400 nortb-easî of Dawson. He was tbe only white man permanently stationed there and bad no netghbours except the Indians with wbom be traded. He and two other men walked fromn Fort Good Hope to Edmonton with dog trains and covered the distance in 80) davs. He heard last Jiîlv that there was a war in South Alrîca. but that ssas ail he knew about it until he reached Edmonton.\'Mr. Ellîott wîll retumn to bis steamer shortly. Restdents of Terra Coîta (Milton Heights> complatn ibat last Sunday a num- ber of Milton vouths played a ltvelv game of hockey on the pond of the Toronto Terra Conta Works. and sav that if the aforemen- tioned youths appear there on anoîher Sunday thev will find the iocaliîx, no more healthv for Sabbaîh breaktng than that ot N1ltton. Thisi otet tIaio ossenifh/ed ont hehoîf'of t/w VittolitHistoricol Soci<'tv hs .Int Dt//s. Shi> oan i0e iied ai 111/o their names to the upcornîng fal election. I've yeî to see or hear anv- thing resembling new thinking. visionary thinking or even found someone uffering leadership poten- tial. As for tbe old boys* network. our Mayor and bis coboris promised that growîh would pay for itself, yei here 1 am reading in The Champion thai tax increases are being proposed. Whaî other great tbings have our visinnary rubber-stampers done for us'? Well. there's a new arena on the way witb insufficient seaîîng. How brilliant. Our water park ai Rotary Park will cost Milton taxpayers hurt- dreds of tbousands of dollars, but it's closed ibis summuer because tbe weaîber wasn'î conducive to repairing the pool in the spring. Wby did they nul consider ibis pos- sibiliîy and allocate tbe time for rebuilding the pool lasi falI? ti tepool neeoeo 10 ne replaced in the lirst place. ht worked. If you're new to îown. try driving from Mississauga int Milton. Mîssissauga buiît four-lane roads to handle the already planned expansion of new housing. The roads - and visionary plan- ning - stops ai the Milton border. Hey, Derry is a regional road. We have our mayor and two couincil- lors sitting on regional council. 1 guess they couldn't see ibai far ahead. lt's my opinion that ibis iown bas been run by consultants and Town staff for ai leasi the lasi baîf-dozen years. 1 believe our counicillors and mayor are in support of everytbing, jusi as long as tbey don'î bave to tbink about it firsi. But wbaî about tbe new crop of wannabes? What are tbey bringing to tbe table? Do the wannabes bave any tangible skills, or are they jusi pant of tbe local popularity contest? Election candidate says thanks to Hunter for his service bc ing our parks in good order, yet îbey tbink a new Town Hall is nec- essary to carry oui these duties. Old residenîs tbougbî ibe old boys' network would protect them, yet 1 believe they've caused mosi of the confusion and cosi primarly because they're simply in over ibeir beads. New residenîs unfortunately don't know ail of tbe promises of -doing it better" and "no tax increases," but tbey can see the congestion and confusion even if it's jusi following ail the dumb lines on tbe pavement pointing every wbich way in downtown Milton. Sadly, ius tune 10 consider if we even need ibis level of govemn- ment. We bave four levels of gov- emment. wbicb 1 believe is more iban exisîs anywbere else in tbe world. But wbaî do 1 know?, I'm jusi a taxpayer. Patrick Kelly Dear Editor: Tbree years ago 1 ventured into local polities for the Oirsi lrne. 1 ran againsitbree gentlemen who bad al been ibere before. And yeî when the electon was finished only one of them îook the lime 10 offer someîhing more than tbe expected "giod race- commenîs. Councîllor Wally Hunier îook the lime to offer botb Pud support and counsel on tbings 1 could do better if 1 were to enter int the political arena again. 1 will try to remember tbe advice and apply it to ibis campaign. While 1 admit 1 didn't always agree wiîh bim, 1 neyer doubîed bis smncenity. Mvr. Hunier. you bave my tbanks and respect for vour lime and service. Jlm Timbers Milton by Steve Nease zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom- ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM COMPETITIVE BY NATURE. SUPERIOR BY DESIGN. 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Cal for details The Canadîan Champion' FrîdaY, August li 2003--7 'Milton 's former mayor set O UR READERS WR-ITE to challenge current one jï--ý il SA ý ffÂéFm 1 MOI -2.31 in