j- The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 1, 2003-29 o JAUTO currentiy eeekbng a Lube Technician Full and Part Time Please forward resumne ta Larry Gibson - Fax 905-875-1516, No Phone Calis Please Pari Time Cashier Raqaîrea to wonk two enenîngs par week (5-9> ana to- tatîng hoars on ceeeahnas Must be accarata in mate. Wii train. Piaasa fan rasuma te 905-87a-4049 or E-mai:mttnhh@pathcomcom Milton Home Hardware Buidng Centra ia5 Seetes Ana Miltos Th ordsi geHirsyigChi Offri g pruitgfr WE OFFER .... 0M.100 imina Bons Great commissions e Career adeancement Flox. work heurs a Sotîd benelîl ptognam IM ARGES ERIW 1 aN v iN A O 0N Av SALON & Ovn SPA Oakvîlia Town Centra We are neeking high-energy and talented team members.t Hairstlits Salon Asst (Exp. preferrod) Estheticians.- Receptionists PFT PT Parmi F/T & P/T CAREER OPPORTUNITIES compiane wînh competîve saiary + commission + excellenr benelît packagei For inia. Cati Barb ai 905-338-3333 or fax reauma: 905-338-9561 S Hair tylists Start tying NOW MILTON PREMIUM PAY STARTING A T$92SylR + Ccrrnssim & Bon TIME + 1/2 SUN. *Eec heneftiepackage *Paîd liceese ees *Advanced tranng *Ergipment provvdee *No cienieie reqerred Cal 905-308-6118 www.firstchoice.com W;elcome.. - to a worid of choice Annunc g' g seiag ocason ingu Mile'on Secion J OAKTOWN COLLISION Heoe we grow again: Prepper Technician We olfer exceptionai workrng ennironment, Compensation and benefit packages. Please cati 905-878-8883 SafmTruckTe Aam laer? Tinre e ai Thernymyh STrAF CCUNTreqired h nai:peroe Sie ai uir acor TinoreRir ersopfrnai ri eri ra h i f i tt i n o M i csssu aTerial î re ac Cirrg p onacti r Mus s' torinr i'ib eu p oe r ax rpa re uer i e srit i : Baemsan EacKay ChrtuiyEmploycernat Attu: im SynatdA*Fa 905-39-228 F/T BOOKKEEPER/ RECEPTIONIST Onkoîlle industriel rent business iookîng for energetic oel-starter. Bookkaepîng eeperîence and excellent computer skiln o must. Benelîts avoulable. Fax resume toi: 905-827-5445 HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND BARBECUE Georgetown retaît store seekung tuti-tîme Administrative Clark to tain smail, busy of- fice. Versatile candidate wiii handie a wîde range of duties, înciudîng ciosing/baiancing cash, ratait, service scheduling, data entry, provîde praduct inormation/service. Fax resume 1-905-825-2094. ACCOUNTINO Accounts CLERK e FIT Rececivahie! fer growîng Briigion aetomelîve deaiership. Inventory Mesi be tanhmi! lh Clerk aul aspect ni accoentîing inciding AP & gjp Generai office Oiies Some nwichheard Fulurne Mon.-Fri rouiet dues îrictuded. $tPîhr Please fax resume Entrp ieoei position wlth handwrlftmn Caîl Julie at ef ter te 905-827-8230 905633-8815 Alto P aroi Shegiev tu apply coTmPmerca calts for preventav Whkile pre iSo 9000Crexerienevces prefieredtwe comrai mte rciglhtidvial wiharvecn eGod acomplishents. cotm feral cmetitieor renration program together with opportunities for continuing professional development. Please reply in confidence via e-mail to hrmanager@nutemp.ca or fax Manager HR (905) 338-6677 INSIDE SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE TechniCal Sales Support The TG-BUIIGMANN Division eftPhomson-Gordon is the Excusive Canadian Licensed Manufacturer and represeeltîve tee Borpmaee Mechaeicai Seais osed en pompe aed itrer rotatîeg eqeipmeet We have an opene termedrate eet position oinîsde Saies/Cuetomer Service in ver Berlirgion Head Otice, Raspensîbilttes inciada toiephone support ton Ces- tomers aned Oisîde saiespeopie, technicai asistance wîth producI application, order write up, onder entry prepararron et quotations, repaît shop scheduie and ce ordînatîitorif ders, prises and delijeries with our oeedore The pace ot work is tant and reqaires the abiîtp te balanrce mulitpte prierîtres Irle ssccessti candidate wiii haoe abone average Engiish communication skils hoth verbal and erîtten, a technisai education, streep mechanicai aptitude, ho able te yoad engineering drawîngs and be comiortabie witr MicroseftiCilice applications for word precessing, epreadsheet and database applications Growlteie tels position cao iead te more sniîor Cetomer Service miles, Dussde Paies or oppertueities :I other Thomrson-Gordon Dvisions Please send Your resume jn confidence te: Donna Mason, Human Resources Manager TG-Burgmann, Divis ionnni Thompson-Gordon 3225 Mainway, Durlington, L7M lA6 Fax 905-335-4033 INSIDE SALES Diverse entrp levai position mîth tooilaod induotriai ouppty busines ocated in Oakviiae Must have good knyboardîng skîllo and strong wilîengneso ta lears, Pionne forwyard resuume complete with work related references ta Fax: 905-338-0412 dkeshhOre P1acr On ireineo(Resoideco feqlrieo P/I RPNs With meds Cempetitive saiary triendip envrvement Send ieeme te DCC 5314 Lakeshore Rd Burt Iegton ULL6L8 Fan: 905-333-3103 ENerh evic soeRd. 1A 2 men & truck $r9+/hr, trayalinîcivaee No mini- mum" avaiiablieReiaOie, lisureni (905) 793-7565 Please KecycIe this Paper Now you can browme irbe Eaia 'il si(IMER Kimer Manfacaring irc s a manufactarer & sapplier oi mant cimbirtg work piatînems te the cotructon indnstry. We are tocaled in the Miton arna. Pull-lime Permaent Shop/Fld Service Mecfianlc Requîrementa: Slmng hydraaiceectricai troabieshooting skis Smati angine service repair *Minimam 3 yrs. construction eqipment service/maintenance *Slmng organizalionai skis We offer a strong team eneronmant, competiline wages & benetits package. please repty mih rmoame te Nancy Allen E-Mail: naecpa@kiimer.com Fax: 905-876-3791r