18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 1, 2003 BusinessServicesI Pannrer *Consulting- Sales & Service »Software & Accessories * On Site Service 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton Phone (905) 878-4651 Fax (905) 876-1013 - 1-800-268-0034 i Monday - Fridny 9-5:30 pm Saturdny 10 - 2 pmn Lock&5;afen ADVANCED & GENERAL MASTER KEYINO SYSTEMS HIGH SECURITY LOCK SYSTEMS & COMPLETE KEY CONTROL *INOUSTRIAL HANDICAP OPERATORS *COMMERCIAL PANIC BARS - 00CR CLOSERS MOBILE *RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC STRIKES & ACCESS CONTROL MTER EINGý SECUR11TY CONSULTATIONS SERVICE *LOCK-OUTS FOR ALARM SYSTEMS 8858 SAFES 8858 ,GERDAU AMERISTEEL MILTON METALS RECYCLING P.O. BOX 10 17, 8645 REGIONAL ROAD N., MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 4B6 1905-875-4800 Fax: 905-875-4808 I <ome visit our sbdowroom 900578-0000 - 18 Thsmpssn Road, Milon 1 www.platnumhomemprovements.com July and August usually nwca a slower puce and more time ta enjoy aur ail toc> short suer, aur faillies, and leisure pursuits. White w've been doing ail of that at the Chamber, we've also been busy. For us, it's budget trne again. The Chaniber's fiscal year end is September 30h oJan-de Burton has given us ail ic homnework of devel *opgaur budgets for 2003/04. Witi a Chamber tat is growing as quickly as ours, and ail of thc new initiatives we ve undertaken and plan ta undertake over the next few ycars, aur budget is our bible. While I've been on tise Board, I'vc heard repeatedly about Uic "old days" when Uic Chamber wasn't fortunate cnough ta be operating in the black. W'vecocme a long way since then, and we're very careful ta try ta maintain, if not irnprove upon aur culrent position. Gourmet cuisine and classic cars made for an exceptional Business Aftcr Hours Event on July 22nd held at Memory Lane Limousine. Co-hosted by Infusion Catering and Event Designi, the event was attended by over 50 Chamber members who enjoycd being chauffeured hy limo ta thse event and then greetcd with fruitful cocktails, lusciaus appetizers and scrumptious desserts and entertained by authentic Mariachi musîciaus. Door prizes were awarded ta lucky attendees and included tickets ta Uic Rolling Stones; dinner and limousine ta and from thse winner's home; and a local limousine ride accampanied with catered hors d'oeuvres, all courtcsy of Memory Lane Limousine and Infusion Catering and Event Designi. Thse August Business After Hours will be held at Bravo Software Group on Tuesday, August 26th froni 2Last ycar, for the firstthm in many years, we approved a deficit budget on thse assumption that we woul have ta invest significant dollars in new staff and space improvements. Our plan was ta recoup the deficit in the 2003/04 year. There waasanime seriaus debate, and 1 also rcceived a lot of ribbing about being thse president that was gomng to bring us back to thc dark days of debt. I'm happy to report that due ta oui expenses being lower than' budgeted, so far we've been operating at a surplus, and (fingers crossed) it looks like wc'll finish with a surplus. lt's a good thing budgets arc flexible! Pcrhaps at the August board meeting we cari ail vote ourselves a pay raise ... Have a wonderful summer everyone. Sec you at Business After Hours. i5:OOpm ta 7:OOpm. Brava Software Group is located 1at 6508 McNiven Road in Kilbridc, Ontario. Please R.S.V.P. ta thse Chamrber at 905 878 058 1. HobteSbblKarmelKelly Slayl MUler(inhluaCaterlgs »d E-veat Dedpg) sud Brisa Ins. (Memor Lame Lhnosuln) toautoB Cutyowma e.Alr adseAtrRus lâ BICK FINANCIAL !SECURITY CORPORATION Melissa De Brouwer, cFP Financial Planning and Invesîrnents "Investing in you & your dreams." 575 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontario L9T 2N2 Tel: (905) 875- 1000.- Fax: (905) 875-6896 AittusElectrin Ld Me Industries Lsd. AuniHospital 0f mion Dr. Js Boxail Brinsat Anodizig (1985) BusinessDevelmen Bsak of Cmiod The Caan lRed Cras DO Iwxyfi"rpu Dr A- Ko& f m owc mcmn Mr tmte mc a&nq Envirosearc Lu Umied Grante Ridge Golf Club ICF Custren Building bWec Cenli la. ines n Deneaboun lm Roporting Servke Maple 1118 TreServloe MwrMac Traiter Ssrvue itosomce Centre * Miltovergises CmesRsy 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 Milton, Ontario L9T 4N6 www.arthurelectric. com milon %b eAcsdeey PrepaidLgal ri eslc Quality Hote & Executive RegionalPurapService Searu Audsorized Dedie Stom re BoosLsd.) ibeopn Mechenscal lm. United Way 0f Miton W-didnson Trucking Wiodish IIStable DRfVBRS/DoWsiosbse Ob M CuNuofCmmr i mWt Thne itha henier a oJamere la rou t nsne otFiatnUce foorabhe Jant ofer Ontario will be the Ouest Speaker at an upcomng Chamber a~ - www Cr av esYs tem S.Con-i 153 Main Street East Mi05-878 -29 905-878-559- Sales Service IAccessories 1Casa Mods 1 PC Games " Industrial " Commercial " Troubleshooting - Panel Building " Pole Line Tel: 905-876-2519 Fax: 905-876-3903