22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 8, 2D03 Marauders deliver inspired effort i1~ itc ~/t~ ~~1 m-/ -~ By MURRAY TOWNSEP:nD Special to The Champion If exer there xias gainle in xxliieli deserx'ed a hetîirt île. ix sSîirdxngi 'i B iiclimtîni SîadiirninI i lie NMilton Nlarauders 21-6 Nlss Ill e eaCî Niaddogs The leani pui t1h-11an, ixpired] efft ii Kitchener. The\, eame to plav, anti liiirkedl lîke il. Lx erything xx iould go righn Lînlil ixx enI vrong on offensexhieh imav xound tidd. buti il xxas like being iin a car race. hîîiliing YOLir way tb the frontî sexeral limex anI( ihen geling a fliattire eaeh lime. The Marauders gol a fliatire on the tîrxî play of the garne, fumhbling on the Iirsi xnap. Five playx Lter ihex' got il back on a fumble recox'ery hy Michael Ward. and ihen ix plays lter gave up an interceptioîn in whîch Mega-Ciîv lotok the hall intolie endi zone for a tuichdoxx nr. Mlilton fuinhled ounthie kiekoîl reltirni and ihien David Joseph goi il righi hackliforlte Niarauders on te Maddogs 1lirsi play troni strimmage. Slipperx' Siexe Luibin. xxlo picked up 89 yards îoîîthe garnesa breaking of fmils ofI 10Iand Il yari dxil a lie, lielped oui hy Sean Faulknor baiiling for every inch oI fieldi. and a firxî dosxn catch bv Marco Pereira lrîrm Rx'ari MeGCilI. was~ ~ ~ ~~w Coplesddn, edîand hydro seeding dendn nyu etrnts.f We serviepHamîlo an. Qak t e l asenir Dundas andaStcrener Waterloo liahiI seltj11)a I itld goal hy Sielan Linder troi -u42 yards ,oui. 1ihat1xx un Id have heen eistxl roîrîî 62. b ig kickorlf rel[l.îllttoxxed ivega Ciîv a iil Iot 'eltt in wshich tb add anoiher scotre. A coutple iof'series laier illev pieked Inp a liiilîle iecîîverv andI ian il'it)lte end zonre It gir111) 21-3, and undt heir scorrig or lie day xvell heorte ll lim ne. Milton adttedl a 37-yard tfield gîtal b Lindtet r ithe secondtil iaI, "ihe sîuory tif'he garnie lor the Maruaders %vas iheir defenxe. St Gilbert wax sensa- tirial. play irg ax il' siinebody had lakeri ax as' lits l.avotîrite ieddy hear, arîd liai 6e was ihiîiking 'i was prtihably the Mega- City cliarierhack. Htexxax altli ini aIl gaine. eaming ilîrec hurriex. a Knîîckdtîwn. a tîîrîîble riacoixery antd six lackles. Linehacker Peler Hummrîel acîed ax it îe xxas l.aig i l erxonial ly lIta mvMaîditg rtînrîîrîg hback xx iulut haxve Ilie rers e îo hink iliex xere gîîrrg t gelt h muitle hati set tral big smlo luekles. antt xx as hfelped otî y Joîsephi tnd1Mîirk l)tts. xxht seemied lixJleu] the sil Jax acPhailrtxeel a (imbie andt W il f icari, a t timbhlc itagner . rectîxeretl xci anoiher one. Ilxa mitre cimmun tui \iega-City Ito gain zero ori regxîlî xe yardaoe liiia rtorrîrg play ihari i \x\as ftr I ltiumlit ttk up 1ixe orr more yartdx. "The delense Playetl a gîtai i iiihall galme,**nirletl lica ch t a lr ry I1n it. but Ille offlernxe taîledl Itgel il i(torle. L'rftîriuriarelv, thai seeis t be a charatc- 1er suic of, ihîs icanit lsthie itilesesitne gariex.the (uleetse i thers." 'rii very priritîofii herni."he xdded. "'They rose uniitîl a lts anrd sliirxei char- acier. Thar x lIre type of îhrng ltai hrîngs a leam ltogeiher.- Emo was siearnrg ai the titiaîx îtîrirîg the game antI itetensîx e tii trcialor AI Cxllver was ci et trom Illte garnie wrîh secontix remaîrîing lor pruîletng to mirch. -Theotficîating wax the worxî I've seen tri 3(1 years ni fotbîall,- said Ernit. cîîing several examples. -We xxrll he prtesring il lui the leaigtae.* Quarlerback Ryan MeGîlIlihad a gcîîsy fli tt0. fircxdIolitplay xx 11h a xiress Iraclure tri lus leu hecairse the itiher qutarlerhack. Dustii iiit. xxast v sailahle. NicGil I rail ii hbc arrieclotitilet tild in lie lîttrliqtltri xx lien he liasscd itti rîm te pan il'lie \IatriiLiieisLice Markliatii ti their tesi eotiest at Nitror itictr Htgh Sheltl ratirtay ai 3 P.1r1 ..Marins shine at provincials Davidi Dimitrov free-styled his way lix a hefly hardware haul ai the recent junior provincial long-course swim chant- pionships in Brantfordi. The I1-year-olti led the Milton Marlins wiîh lhree metial- winning performances - ail in freestyle competiiion. His hest efforts were reserveti for the gmueling 400)m race, in which 6e struck silver with a lime of 5:07(08. Finishes of 1:06.88 anti 2:27.50 un the 1() anti 2(Dm evenîs were both gooti enough 10 take the bronze. He also eraekedth 1e top-five in the 5Dm free (4th, 30.62s), 5Dm but- îerfly (4t6, 34.48s) anti 10Dm hutterfly (Sf6. 1:20.37). Dimitrov helpedtih1e I1-anti-untier boys contingent - rountieti out by Alex Davis, Brent Burke anti Evan Ries - place fifth in the 2()m metiley relay anti seventh in the 200m freestyle relay. Davis showeti strongly in individual competition as well, with three top-eight efforts. The Il -year-olti's top perform- ance came ini the 20Dmn breaststroke, which 6e swarn to a fifth-place fmnish. He took sixth in t6e 5Dmn breaststroke anti seventh in the I1D0m breaststroke. Among the girls, I 3-year-olti Jessica Switzer's star shone brightest with four top-I10 showings - inclutiing a sixth in the 10D)m breasîstroke anti seventh in the 20Dm breant- stroke. Kim Galvin, 14, also crackedth 1e top-]ID in indiviti- ual competition, tioing so with a 10t6 place effort in the 2(»nu freestyle. She combineti with Erynn Mayes, Michelle Clacssens anti Rachel Robinson 10 place xexenth anti ninth in the 16 anti 17-year-olti girls 20Dm treextyle relay anti 20Dm metiley relay respectively. Also at provincials were laines Bramley. Jacqueline Clarke, t aura Doherty, Laura Prusha anti Aaryn Fraser. fla ai Famous Seelster prevails at Flamboro your team reports and sports story By SANDRA SN) Special to The Ct Earniius Seelsîi Ontriro Sires Six Elinirnatitoaction. The Bill Buttiti1 and surourdic, alit. scîtrel Gvt ts a cai and we wll wnrk logeiher il raosform 1tv1,cxîîg itît ouar home and yard ita YOur personal paradtst. LeBlanc Rîîsî iai tituîsetC( Ca Il: 905-689-4654 at (95) I01bL, hall s]ntu1 PF0. Bo.965 # Waterdowo. ON LOtI 2H0 878-4943. V. lits '11 c urt x Keep ypu~ are DRIVE Fnr the airwe ~4: L~I<J~breauhe 71 M inStee E Mltn 76318'ZâY IYDER 'iampion ýr exientietihis wrîî sireak uo ihrec xxîîh an ikes recorti-equalling pertomiance iri Gold ai Flambitro Dorxxns Fr itay aqtuemttri. tratice leedlîxerexl a classit eîîrîîe-i1rîtîîl, -ellirnd 52.1 xxi--i- aicliig Il t lrex s eti iriti pat rrg ts1 i i liîîtaîNl'acitc ttiet li tris c. lîttt itc'li\ikter itili ' xi xldIt lle ý c i p i ci I it, iojj 1 l e MILTON TENNIS CLUB SOMMER CAMPS FOR KIOS: BEGINNERS (July & August) Monday lu Friday Prîzes, Drinks supplied. Lunch nul inciuded. Mornings oniy 9.-00 - 12:00 $90.O0/child* Afternoons only 1:00 - 4:00 $90.OOIchiId* AIl Day (1lhr break) 9 - 4:00 $160.00/child* ADVANCED (July & August) Monday la Friday Smail graups - only 4 players per coach Prizes, T-shirt, Drinks supplied. Lunch nal included. Moroings anly 9:00 - 12:00 $160.OO/chiId* Afternoons anly 1:00 - 4:00 $160.OO/chlld* AIl Day (lhr break) 9 - 4:00 $300.OO/child* * Rates for club members. Non-members add $1000 guest tee. SPACE 311.1.AVALABLE WEEK OF JULY 14TH WEEK OF JULY 21 ST AND AUGUSI CALL NOWI Petr Svoboda, Club Pro 905-330-9939 the fieldi passedt he 1:23.2 tlhree-quarier point. On top hy fouîr lengîhs ai the heati of ilic xlreîch. SafIne and Famous Seelsier poureti on the power doxxn the latie. leaxîng the resi otihe fieldi reaching foîr iheir hiriocîrlars as lhey hil ihe xxire Il lengrhx on top. Sixtnebrnutge Prerniiti.ot\\nect 6v RoberitVi asrîarî xfiAncasier. clîrsecl xxil lt place sec'onrdiandîxlplceseller Killer Rahhii heici tit f Andx1 ISicegel Raciig cibhle LLc. tIo rrîks .Ni. and i ilr l'trxera iof 'raieriIstMc . 'iLccttîeti[attrcsSel de i Ille Spi-Ig l t' M xetl Sale fo Silitilttii " j0 ,0 0 and t lt 11î)s1s1 x tituell ii litsa tîrea ixi l'iex l thil I \\ibit txî ttîîi i is o ! u ,ptr c e in tiilts .\ ne rates, larer Il1l3FS Sîtit corredl rhe secontrcl asiesi eita- io tri in xft trI 16encrît i lr ttner BtllI Robitnsonraid cirîlîxier-br-ecl ers HBI CtorporaitniotiiFîrniigitr Hilîs. NE.l.lflic Nativxe Boini colt itrhxiootl a îîrîgh trip Up the îîîîstde lt score a 1:53.3 xxin over pacexeiier Winnnng Breeti andti Bll Butds other enulry. Vllage Blitz. Rantiy Waplex tiroxe HBFS Sixtrin 10 lus xecond Golti Elinîînaîion win of the seaxon,wxhrch hooxiedthIe coli's hankroll io $134.056 ýin 15 siaris ihix season. our <Saimnton Sesi«s: ChienM ero f 8101403