Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jul 2003, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Chamnpioni, Tueaday, JuIy 8, 2003 A (MASC iiîsy 905-878-7213 John Cavan 877-667-5483 Msuiiqgo îîaii Jnterested in a recreation proper.v' Flexible and atordahle motgage financing isavaailahie i.iii.di.iiis eeck )Lit tiî tis i l'i s îifse i[ent-c i,.51.For iiiv.i' l l i sltde hsc ilt ie a ibos.iiîieî ho tti b se hue ii tc ikil îsd ,iiborîi L e tcpossile h.iiiiieaipace ihii îier..itirehbel[ it biîîitiinteraii ainini0c lleraiise iatihihoomser deniiiigiphic hil clear! iienniiisied l is sreti' hil periîcirec reaiial ipruipe. W ith iig,i %,aN e:Ilhiiiiiier ii tIi hrouguh tous inteic",iries-..haveiîo',i iicated gîlreaiir ifiraihtiii tiioiand . asiie.. lin i riie. mni.-fNprosipcive pî -iiîusaiî iiici offtiheî oie adiio lleru .siiiiu.siproprio rmarket heuorc moiruigagrte, îtioih hieher Fiiiucngiia recre.iiionipiîpr.îrln.o psioviohbcimore i.legigîsbaniiîning a principa residece. Soule prosjss.iiie siri.h.uer indiihai e(Itidarîpo1s.sseiîiarc gencralliiconidecd lesdesirihie foriradiionar.uîendiing Iliiioiiis urchiîis are offert ad isrdiiii.sî.e iiianiquiti- %oai or pace ascond moifg.ieohei princi- psl resdenc.e o finance fih e rriîiiîpriperie. HuuseNer he lenîiiinglaiîîi soii1%ihdiiîîi ('riantiteder aeirîiîîinte iecrestiiimalpriipeiis5marklet segmientiaid hii buuuchi p ui, >(fcl desigied ro inceiNiu ieeu. Yoiismn% bhe.abieiuirip.îs iiiieniir.iîîleiîîîîîci.îe riai.andiopnihe dîorif)iîner.ship. Reti'iîî.nal rpri uri,.mrtâe, e a,ii sîlihle for litl s iper cent d,iiifr liihuioh, hue .'uu,od cieditiî l . ire %uaton PiliCris neelIoithe osieîisn.akioNI1 caioniii ci. as' ,tairi shoppintiiu aiii .eciesiîîîIt iiiilipro ei\ lit id ýlhae ýrl" a111rel ers, u o e su ie p \i ntI i.e . h iieil NO' i i ii.' iio eîî l,î e ir pti hli . ,,Iin hIt, cnidericliiephaîuî.t 11of ldhîîei s lîtIii uî.îî îi"lîuipîiiii,s. ire ,.1 INifretîs I.aîI.îîîhîîî.îlîe /îîilî - 1( o i îîîîl5îîîîi sss'î liiiedooç i i i uni , ,; , 11,nipî 75 Main St. Ste. 10 MitnM dcal Bu idings îlian Gnard WetuIy Coonk Catittîn McTavshn Ryan weaver (Huns. 8. Sc.,RMT RM1' RMT B Si IIMi' 1 have a lateral curvature in my spine. Is this serious? IA scohiosis is any lateral (lefi or rtght) curvature of the cervical, tho- racic or lumbar spine. A scoliosis may be structural or functional. IStructural scoliosis ts a connective tissue or bony change in thse ver- tebral column. The majority of these cases have no known cause, bat pathtc disease, (such as polio or cerebral palsy) injury, or joint degen- eration. Functional or postural scoliosis is a muscular tmbalance where thse curves can he straightened out or reversed. It may be diagnosed if thse curvalure changes or dtsappears when the client bends forward or to the side. This condition is caused by soft ttssue dysfuncîion, as a resuit of trauma, injury or disc lesion. Most functional cases are atrihutable to occupationally-related asymmetric posture which will translate into muscular changes - shontening of muscles on one stde of lIse spine, creating a convexity on the oppostte stde. Functional scoliosîs ts a reversible benign condition, but because it is assoctated with muscular contractures and spasm, il can bc painful. It can be corrected with deep issue massage on tIse shortened muscles and remedia] exerctses designed by the therapist. The clients postural habits or occupational postural stresses would be evaluaîed and corrected. Structural cases are classifted by the degree of curvature and rotation of tIse spine. The conditton is progressive wtth severe cases character- ized by advanced joint detertoraton, decreased lung capacitîy and decreased lite espectancy. The focus of treaimenis wîth a structural scoltosis wîll be on maîntaînîng tissae health. Generall. a structural scoltosis needs long-îeruî maintenance (once a week for years) whereas a less severe scolio',îs that is correciatite should be treaîed frequenîi5 at ftrst then reducing trealment frequency as the client takes over with self-care esercîses. Pieuse rail Rvan or Jillian ai the Mfiton TherapeutiieMassage ('[ii. if ' ou have any questions conce rnifle massage therapy or u'ould ike ta book, an apposinhment 878-0800. Chicnaom: Mm.-Fi. 8-8 e SeL 10-2 *eaisuu iu&M y -"SHOPPERS EDRUG MARTr Open to mîdnight, 7 days a week Carrîage Square, 265 Main St. E. L 905-878-4492 1111111,4[[\s Q: What's nem, in tIse nutriceutical front? A: Twc recent scueoîufîc articles, respccîuveiy fruin stise US. Proceedungs ftI ise National Acadrnsy of Sciences auîd tise Hiarvard Medical Scbool, tndicaîed ibat drinkîng black ica u.ould busosilisuan immnune delcose againsi nstcruî organ- sms, suclî as bacierta, viroses and fungi. In faci. tihe con- clusion is [bai (lie immnune response agaînsl otucro urgatn sois of tea drînkers is appruuxumatcly five ulules quieker than [bat of tIse cofce drinkers. Somte (ibservers escu c ause as far as soggcstung ibai drink- ng Oive cups of black tea daîly coold subsîanîialiy elevate a person's defense againsî infections. Black Ica coosîsîstsof Libheanîne . -tIseanine us coîuverted n buman lîver 10 ethylarnine. whicb in tom stumulates tIse garunsa-Tcelîs anud delta-T-celîs of our inmune systeru. lncudenîaliy. 'Fceils act as a posserful front-lîne defense againt os 05ivadtng osîcro-organtsnis. Tisese are signuficaut stodies because soltd cîtuicai and lah- uraîoriai data werc pruvided tus sobstaîsîuaîe tise benelitu uf' partucular aspect uof tea drunkuusg. DiJu aPppiiinîgiy . suien comnpared] 1o îe,î. cisî edoes lo)t eNhîbilthîe siniiir beielit. M¶ichael lioirg, flealdîrin , chP/îîrmarîist .Sloppcrs I>rug lion. ( urriagc .Square 1 O(MF1IiNTERIORS CaptVînyl nCeramics - Haru'.wood Paîni .Walcoverings ~~Sisoroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Heaket 845 Main St. E. Milton 905-878-4280 Virtually anylhing goes Ihese days & why flot! lite î,oîîuttihiirouuie til I tiiettssuIueh.tu ies t ril Ohvuosty uiere are sîîuue prouid rotes auso lci uors usatet; tsi esusu un n ý ulcitsueatreadi POssess. tuucss yiiu sulnt \uor paunuer livung suttiyou. (;cnerally fiuechoijces pin ale wsu u it fiutu o usorqute suiue uuinie. Sus again do t lus match to your decour and fasctissuo a nmagaziune, onless you are wittîng 10 transfuon tusally. Wheîher ts carpet. wousd, s înyi tarninateur ceramîcs sr any rea ask questions & tale a custioun. labrue sample. paint susaicht. e.ustti ou and lsten to tic advice of a professuuunal. Yes youna have cerarnic un the bedroom if yoo wanî hbu dîd you knîîw tamunate flooring cuornes un a ceramic effeci andis flot as cotd to ual on. 1 wanî trailpaper but 1 hear uts fot un Vogue. Sus what! Agaun dou t 10 yuir faste. "Oh. I shouldnî( decurate in that cotoar as we mîghî bc selI- ing tic house-. Chances arc the new uwners wonit likc your colours anyway andI cas change things for theur litesîpie. So ire fosr yu with- nit reasuin [ouI Remenuber bIne & green should neyer bc sectu escepu wiîh a colour un beîsueen. Sure!! Carnet eau bc ausesusme siîh use il borders. ranners. carved berbers eu.. & have beut 'overuuug floiirs/souusetumes watts fosr handreds uif years. Same ssth wuuod. Make ose utfy unr esusuuuî tonuushuuups liii. lu tihehed ouu an anlieuiu lu coiurnrtofuarge r rcuius& flic su huite riui is uranstoruued. Use an osit culai rck he oiud tc kuds 10> s. Latuce suurk oîr a hanstinoc e uu achiese alu coe renuedy or ut pua nase a cet o ut beius u, u lul ae oftt tic diiors & ýou cao pou uie bcd. shetres. TV, eue insude. So gel bnsy usitt youor decîrlutunp! We re alwlups here au Csîîus to hctp wîth your desugn ideas. If you have any questions these p-rofessionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Walking scems 10 be tbe exercise of eboice Ibese days, as well as aerobics classes aI tbe Milton Leisure Centre. Ms Smitb's eaîing Plan- simply following the Canada Food Guide - is working welI, she said, and il means she can occa- sionally splurge SO she neyer feels deprived of ber favourite foods. Sbe said sbe doesnît snack rnucb belween meals anymore, and ber meals are smaller Iban hefore. "Wben you're not eaîing mucb, your slomacb sbrinks," she said. "Tbe less you cal, the less you wanî 10 eat.' She said abes apprecialmng tbe facî Ibat many food restau- I ,ý ranss îw nave ncaltmy items on Ibeir menus. Vi ' ýi 'Il Public comments can be suhmitted up until July 15 from TOWN on page 3 s similai lu Sherwvood and calls foîr about 40J9)0 ies residenis o hetî complete. I here*s stili anîsîher phase ol des eiipmettin Milton 10 (s'eut caîiled Ihle Boyntc Surs ey - soulh ol linsn. But ihiai phase oif grosvth isuit espc'cied to occur for abosut aniither 15 vears. W ithproposed îleselopinent îîltlts mragnitude. ius fui surpris- in-g soine people hise conceris abotut the Sherns ood Surs es. l)î iitc.f Peop[lc mi lied arituncl aiic Jonc 23 open boiuise, mak- un nmquîies as tbey closeiy exarninecl big, colorlul posters liigh- iighiinu tihe s artous compomnenis if flic deveiopment priîposai. Suit iey anîd DoLig Walmsiey own a prîuperiy on Peru Riîad tisai ihieir soli lises on wiîb fls lamîly. The realigoimeni uîlTremaine Road rîsks htsecting Ihat property. they saîcl. -We're not happy about Ihat:- Ms Walmsley saîd. -We don't kniîw il ihe Towen îotends 10 boy or expropriate the property.- A public meeting was also held Jonc 10 give residenîs an oppor- lunîîy tus ask questions about the expansion plan. Among those present was Roeky Gactan ouf Milton Heighîs. whtch ts located in the north portion of the survey lands. He bold c(suncillors he's worried Ibat a proposed Hwy. 4(1inIer- change ai Tremaîne Road will aîîract more truck traffic, makting things noisier around tbe large residential area. H-e saîd the interehange sbould be locaîed furtber away froru the subdivision and dloser 10 where industries are siluated along the bigbway. -You should bear the bowl of nruek traffic at lbree o'elock tn the moming." be said. Mayor Gord Krantz said he's impressed by wbat be's seen s0 far. Whaî be keeps in tbe baek of bis mmnd. be said, is Ibat il'sflot Muiton's job 10 stop growîhbut bol conîrol il 10 give people tbe best ktnd of development. "You'll always gel a m inority of people sebo don't want 10 sec change. but change is going -10 bappen and we're managing il oel'he said afler the counecil meeting. -You have 10 make pro- vsisonts for ness growlb.* Public comimenîs ean be submîîted tii tîe Towno until July 15. These comrments. alone ssiîh Ibose made ai the open bouse and ciioncil meeting,. oui help formtbe Officiai Plan (OP) arindinet f0 licts Sierss.ood Surs cv ibats especied Io Loi elote M\li c ci l îîîifor apprus al i usJ.nuiars* 'llie loi, il tss eiiduieiing a tlîîîuuîuîgb l ininciai .inaiy s;iii1 eetlsti he iiiiniiue îipact oit (lie ltaS base, Proi ded iuts passed bs cîluneric.ibte Shero ood plan 55 osiciL liýi\ e iii ebeire iegiiioai cuueliciti appuis ai. andi talcuiîi bappeti as ii yas ses 1i piig. Less you eat, less you want to eat afromn CHALLENGE on page 10 "Id ltke 10 be able 10 say 1 reced my goal -wbicb seas Io lose 60 pounds and better control my blood sugars,' said Ms McNab, wbo's a diabetie. Karen Smith Keep on keeping on. Thaî's what Champion editor Karen Smith bas been îelling berseif ibese pasî five montbs, and she said she feels her slow and steady approaeh is paying off. T'his month, Ms Smith lost four pounds, for a total weight loss of 15 pounda. '1 haven't reaehed my goal, bot there's still one monlb, and 1 think I'm doing wcll," she said, referring 10 her desire 10 lose 30 pounds. Ms Smiîb said she's been enjoying exercising in the greal ouI- doors. With the nice weatbcr, she said doesn'î bave any excuse nol

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