Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jul 2003, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 8, 2003-13 It you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: 191 Maini Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax ton 878-4943I Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Velerinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza> Debbie Hawkins Phone (905) 875-6888 B. Sc., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 HEAT STROKE I tltuglt t ojr c poi/ pi//i'ite tti isitc iterd' ts otiltii, tc'Ope'i'tustiihti.c ioit/.IVle' /icie /iete reco'dii'e/tg/ic and ctii/I 1/hav"ec'ît diîp conii uîîî'/l 't'cars/uic' /ctheivic'ic'i' aie iPie he/shopping t, oint/ iVeet/I knotsi/on' fatat/lieat .ti'iikc' u/tp'l't/ie'e'îtititi lin e' ta humiti leittî. IHIYPERTH-ERMI. t.,. /icVie'fiîtttîiît. ccî/eîîei subtattic leetic ' ini- cii , toi'v/tenî'ille'littitît' Titi' h/tî iolo/iial c/ e cpîîîe' te t'i'tîiîics se'tIîtp lii tiltel i i/eit ' ie'ett îiîîi t/te' /dI. Litt,'. andI tat.cdotiti 1) /ssc.e'.u mcie'atgilamtinii tîtei' .kiit fte/cl c. Tlic'î'in tn l/cotlttI /ac .ciitlit, r tlîeoaîglî tîeir /îut/ltltt p-tId bv an > liWeu tte'vlhttlil ~n~ext essii'e/' eîîe/Jor /loungî je't'tul.c njrtie't/te p/H af'tite h/chc/aunge..T/tics,'esult.î ita fi'tniiuf'.hc/iut'/.t/efi.t /î/ tr'eatening. One titis tctsciad/e ' neents l/sîc(.îu it ee/. unfo't'urtate/cy dearli is iminenit -/oi sutre l/i,'nie. cette find this subjc er-'eus ecting, but îeijeaîtieiate/c lt/ta/a pens a/I tua fieîi. Please use c'emmuîi seîse ini the îhot meat/ter. Ifte fent- pertrure is Podihotrfirote enýu nutl/ea'e vour pet i n a t'ar or ourside. Be assîa'ed, if t/te iseather is rua hut for ccii then it is 5 finles rua hotfcîr vaut pet bee'aîî.e uj' Iis inabiîuta 100/oolhimsef' If yau see a pet /ac'ked in a eehic'/e. mi a disti''d state, ca/I jir assistance imnediateîv c'u vu jusr mighr sai'e a vry preciaus lfe! Elayne M. Tanner B.A, B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counsetling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner Q. I arn divorced. I have heard that 50%1 of marriages end in divorce, so I ar n ot alone, but I have also heard 75% of 2nd marriages also end in divorce. Why is this an.d how can I avoid becoming another statistie? A. A big part of the reason that so many tecond mar- riages fail is the fact that many people do flot ever heal from the pain of their ceparation or divorce. They remain angry and bitter and they carry this witb îhem into al subsequent relationsbips. Tbey think they are over the marriage but they cannot talk about their ex-spouce witb- out stil getting angry and depressed. Afîer a separation or divorce, people need ta rebuild their self-esteem and learn how ta trust. Tbey muet ieam to let go of tbc past so that tbey are free ta ltve in the present and build a nexe future. Separatton and divorce is in many ways like a death and must be deait witb in much the same xiay. No one ever marries cxîth the plan rtf getting divorced. People need to leam ta lve, love and iaîîgb again. Yoxî cannot grab onto the future if you are basy holding on ta the pasi. Eiayne Tanner & Assaciates uwil] be hostino a day-longc workshop ta gise y oitthe tuais tidlt echniquces that , il heip eau aeconapitsh Ailof these tsk.Yuîî vii be guided throng-h the recovery proeess nd taken on a heaiing joarney that c,%il] leave you xxhoie agufin. This \vorkshop is now in the planîning stages and ciii be pre- sented later this suinmer 50 please eall for further infor- mationt andi ta resers C yoitr space. f ît7unw~Ev * ntm~ n~ El CONCEPTS.:,--- [b Alfiliated with NF. Insurance Agency Inc. B 11i Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 LmMfiaMA FRH 420 Main Street East, Mlon, Ontario L9T 1 P9 Q: %4e reaill'iycjoîedlotir receresl oIte Plansing Seminar. f'îîld >%uspirate gie U%mitre information ahbout tîhal a beneficiarýi s'! PARI I 511 A: i ast nievithnAe discussed basic te uts rlini iiiitticticti i cit IoI 1h i ll oiît i i ci ý l ii cLi- n o ltll ie "î c . a ."ît5"thc'vc'iîcir iiviiflic ainc a a ppoirilise iv licir. Aluc ptiib.ied ciiuiiii oaes diiiisstsliet cli ciliits hriauliesandt plîthiic' i tisitiaicc' andl tîlît' ticeisireil li.s cht v dan ivlii e i2vat ed hc licitries tic' tre.iic'd a ideutti'wur i i uil adclii hi- \picsprit bat îie nd sîiti c rnccttiiiicc, lies k pi ,, iitititi, l liiican liiti r laitîils ".pliti iL\ci cii u'. ticlsc ilicrei it ) liii bit crecoîrd ol u ho c'c Ii'lleti ýlt'ti 'il tcd, .c lir lccciicdtt tenci'li is'.c't luedit li cacpa ien taopr ciii. ' ta, i ithlc:tt iici eu iil iiid lrîhîi l % hic' in flic ltter isc Knotticcitir hît and 1luth cuir heeliciiricc ire lîsîd dcti titi i er> imîpoîrtaut. i-allure iii cicsinaic a bene ut tir tir Leseatine ipur cest aicns bai tht es c iiilie ubîcci ii prithaie. ta\ aîîd public redîcîn hh' isanîtîte uhitAnî i ilook [hetin uit.ihcerturnîns clin t be iciar\ c ciLsnuiiil aterYoitr de,îib req titresacot ord ler ant i îîîscînlî ble poscibie under certain circunniances. Estate prese rstioii 'crîtical Ici tbetircerit înîergencraîîînal iransfer of %caiih. Mttinet Concepts can ascîsi siîuin ciaricing %%hot and bits% ilnr bene itetartes are lied andti l nnîî,îng the tas ciinsequences ici saur eatcand tineficari.Pliusa.cati 905-17b 940 %E1GON®Jî Deaier Services Canada tc. -GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. cH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9IT 1P6 I~ I (905) 878-6479 1 A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. ILawrence (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. Member of the Ontario Society of Chlropodlsfa and The Ontario Collage of Chiropodists Q. Can high-held shem cause damage le my feel? A. For sexeraf îears. ebirepodists bave been warmng women that wear- ing shties ci th igb beels anti narron tocs cas eadt t paisisi anti uftn perntanent foot tieformities. Now, a statiy bas foundthIe first evidence ibat bîgh-hebett shoes mai alset cunrîbsie ici knee arthrîtis in wmrn. For many nomen. patinl ant i mssba>ues ieet are the nlitînate euisi of a lîîng ternt tive aaiarhitih hîgb beceet shies. In the kUnited Siates. cetîren visit ornhopeufic snrgeoîns tior uoît prîtients funr tintes as tîhen as men. and ibev untiergcî about il7ýî if iiiieatiin.s periirtitedt icorrect accutted ti ui eoriîîtîes. sncb as bunmons anti b,înmer tes tîPrîblems tend iti ecelnp in theIroînt biai i itte liii (the ltreiiiotliand incîntie bunîtîns. bantîner îles, clan teles and bunîtîneties A b hnîîîn s a bump tir enlatrentent iof theitie (ifi the foit. ci the base iof the' sînllesî lie [lamnter tues anti clan lit>es are îlelîîrrîîsiii n bîcb the île cutis mci lis joints prîtînude apsýird.tllen rubbîse îe,îîîcî t it ' tic ndcantng p.îîniul eîîrnc Fot tsruîcitirelic'îc'tits tand1the ciîsî(IIil ligament'îîs ciiipretltspuisc' milse peiilc' iiisut b Iclîîrîîîîîî'. Billilii.rrtic îtîîîîîtc hcuasdjuibgli lel loc tîltribhi'scultt C)Ipic"'itli tllt' ltes ancutil n",îîîc rces lon Ielrt îc tîîî i trîie .tI:irlîtiti n .îiigikîe ttilta 1 /4 i îcb ied, pIcs- lire ',il te' tiretottit oe Iliaî'tt i 'il n limtt e t ic' t i i ut i Iii l fai s 's\\'i ci ic'îîcc' ubt i I le t iti lî i il icî. journalîî. I lle i .îîcc'îstîcesîs lihd it 1 .rcîiî iit hoiii fi' tc".n tille t kîte t îtitttis igli le c ittcirescîltit lt' inkîet rtti î iîta s il ,h ll ii a,b'îîîplir( il te Ilince iItikt 0. il t1i.t '.ts[e'iliiia ilts itîtelîIt rc illt iii hîîîîî,ina ritaliiml oit.oul e îts tii tt kîlc jo11it \ intII c h ilce],s chus rlît.t .îîîîîîî siiecis,itttutr, lo j mor1 it e cipoisiiiii . Dr. TongJ Wqn'g I~Tooth Ta Towne Dental Groupà Tony H. Wan Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc.,DDS.(905) 876-1188 Canker Sores - Possible Causes and Prevention The xactcaus of caker sore is stili unknotcn but there sý research totmne t makes at person susceptible to tanker sores in the fir,, plae aweliast\,tctions and mecbanisms îrîgger canker sore ouhek.Arng he things that mai irîpper an attack otr make a - aningediet cm tii almost ailI tenuhpasies , s the additive SLS or sdiu lary]sulateanti may be a cuiprit it canker sore tformation. Tywicig I l hpasîe cchicb docs nt contaîn SLS such as the Remrndiane oretothpaste or Miciens Sentitve (SU.S ireeî. - alerges o lod nd rescrvtttves. Reseirch suggesîs ihai reactons tii certain food proifucîs nay be responsîble tor îoany cases of tanker sures. Among the lhoods ihat nîay cause cinker sores in certain people are: lois, peanni butter. seifiod. spicI foids. uheit pruîducis. choco- laie and milk. -physîcal trauma such as tromn overzealous brushing oir cbeek biîng, eaîîng abrasive iiiods, hotî foid tir drink. acîdîc drinks (fruit juicesi. stress and îttness. bodity sysiemic> dîsorder which shîîutd be dîagnosed by your physi. tJsualiy tanker sores clear wîthîn 7-14 days without ireatmeni. Try your besitii stay away front things that seem to1 irritate the sores and kep or menth astrleandiet tossilve d proai ter insae rA, an (or nietcre from cng sume aa, gvraptescanotrsrs an al mconedieusta an bh djdnt aut eda rlocl itrealsore Th necsary omouathse extreas atinlorue weil. A: easnsrt your qsticion s mst rdefrinely O' otvsurd shnatural ruitsxcndsverpngepesnfor heiati on. lTheys absurd, and avii rang lch for some opeeash an nd ayhscilp Seuchetemsarnuto e T ecesanrjtWhe a y'e srescnbeg s ay te 1oa 5 hngMa or ting hbit: a90 T.-o6 bvetr959 egh make o ityeng e n otulWasto temp r n ht h dietscdontlyworl heyaret ta uik isfordlngtei proble, and1 mnevitably, te weightcornes ebaon whn yog ack n ourn norm"esiatigohats. is xlea s to e o-yo sydroe. heo yo:rTheighnsrtanyu sins ore high b 10w1"Nh!gh agai wrckng hra rso ndyouretablismfoott to the re t of your flei bud Tuh etrefomula fre Owelos s ry hthing n mosderin on a deoay ss.Tchang esta o ae to your eatin nbtsg sE. o h tuldeih BEoMs Esu new ha imtrahth aSTn teorarytaoneefro have sdeineasensîcehatnglanthaut inorratres your own groeriS dt or bouht foreds. Alcohofoaiongthtefrm bentioned fruitatsh eigtbles. are ostdniteyo arto y our por Suie, ail naturg abits.arehis eadstorasehetyoo"cynrateati1ner corvîogheipîngpou b swieslo new and astgatîghaits. Traîeki nutrîticon ounselors en bnd to prenton e sof-oe Thedane anormlsuor egt si eithiis somethîn ousebn cony sîenggis h heus cat o sop by.Aietcoulteationgs ar fenît nEo btgatoun. whbtrte hnatmoaydsrcinfo Maxinlde Stnfeyhaita.A. in Soac,fogy nderand hs.W ndSca hav. e dshnda s wrednsibh eaHerbpan tacrporarnfyor osersi yeT ,ai rained nu frifiona l counsellor . nhn opoieoeo-n LU

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