Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jul 2003, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 8, 2003 I112OfeSsIonaIs Dr. Ron Strohan BARROW FAM Opto etrit n180 Ontario St. S.fN S Wakefield Professional Centre (0)8849 106 Wakefield Rd., Mlton Il s ýI -. Fax:(905) 875-448ý Or Rnn Strnhan 905-878-5882 Fmail: angebarrowdcCchof r Optomntit How Chîropractîc Can HeIp Voi 1iad a deam as anuîpîmet t i nis eeau0'sopse rop hseed frgas ti esna lege is and tasons peope dsîîînp1e,, luasî s Ad5î 24/teai- un e'ppacliceWîhSeasoal M1e4gof aSi haie Sien dîdîcaisa a lot. 10siLsyand research, 1 tais iouîd aagr fr ien as 10 lie devîlienis on healIthand perception Iiaionueveaeinam lo m ori oi nua i\lci esnal attergicrhintisilt tuii/es of the disieni sciences usai i ouddehilîad mnphystîs ptycholg er- hf\ Icj.%lltll lailect 15-20% t f..nadi sciences, mstaphysucs and the (tARI. Vison s a srite, michi s nel lîmiei 10lie tsi Vision is a snse wiii copss dult ah .%cr. Vîthom n hei leIl ig fcdr o et ail lie body mtnciand pînîsptal aittîies Whî ntanypsouple deielo f u te Pilicr eco in reple nci pug r seeing ai an eissu age isiause ni lite inunlînsal ilemîni il peceptioîn pirse p ten Somnetîmes smme suent, peitun. nu niteci places a persun in an îmîîîîî care arýunie. n]ragweed and ther need pollenston]e sais o ni cerntoy Mudsunilt ILeilrato For eample: A mois 10 a nia homo, achange in tcnools.Oifiîîlîtie n fml yai ucs places thî'îhtîd ut pesonnin a suis ilf liai or unci/aîunty Many peopen 'p i feg\oXiU C letik"fdlilLlIII ýIenfl diîcultîîs sesînq shise latntng lu dttverntanu sien tint art d iving ai ig t1hv ilI la l ili, chrnh .1le IIIIIC I'nP\II fond mhat lis petton piesenis uivutht meatutanî saitn and setîsor ufclis p mhich t not tetînînled ptnpitly aireînttagnose/ aild lie pîlsun îîay egvnapi oiiii\nurl/n,ýwii. ut glassis flrthle incorrect reasun ispiciaily ai e ages of 3 lu 19 ytaiso geAfl oculovîsuai assîsîment usîti ieasuremîtîts il ail tue tîtuai lîtîtîtions aid aunit/t i t tal(Ioi îîîtto încluai'tlttii, ut ii îttcutplt liaiu Ilcr" standing ni a hsiory outhirii nîuîuaî s iiei s impuinttiLu îaauatîng aa ieua, ton rîlt ilnniauicad iâililsngzlqno'tem ue, Tis naisound surantebut ilht ones rsycholugt haveuILtao iiîthtistiandd li/r iter 1ti111lc iiu Lt eststit uuo lîtt more puyscs? iity simple tuiryihîng toi tinte vittti utr ista, surîse sa ihout llît 'Lt i l 'iille"t' ili',.1.di) ti[ t tic . t iifi itîttît hoingiatirIl t rlatîd l mtouit oryalto ondittuning utîttioneryinotstiotît att body phpooiy Muci ni thei inîsîpîstation ut tout vituat tvroitrîent vilil tl ut'.ffutt it ', 1iltciIl ' fiut l .tt l lnd i t i t v -ti iie .t 'tLII litd yuu unns Hum utlucu voa inisîprî lu a momient is lntiito ut prîrîplual tittutory ttt and thus is inuuencia it pîsi saintsItilinmal lihetubcotscous titouglit end ur tn'tititti Inui ~ollîît i i'i d lie btitil pîoduicîîg a iotil sputîse (muscle, htoroalor eitluilterigitispîhît tunmend itl i ti1tuu o Iitt %iertlstplitnins. u t11i,itsîctkn L I,î f.îil. tesuit ni a pîîcîptual tipte ettitr'ot' nLtil i ttiLIttItI ' ilit i Wieîe dovioms oiii al hs0 Wîll ftîîîtî htouJts iin dicatiti itîtrougli tout ittncd and i o ît pleuse8 cn Otofti tiutJsti' îl arn tonuillt Ltand nasti ' uIPi5"II'Ue iic iiittîîîî~.ttiîîîîîî î tit el a lving Il patterns ufthtiuihi are tlîzîd ail the pilciptoal senti, thitril lturi pais îîîcîîîhr.i,, iliu .udb o w l iaîuc mihpioplos nemnty imotuonsad acituns Titiont car ooIt boi/ Lis ttlrte 5li Lt.iutttii îîiltLtlL~.t tîi ivtntoally lie tnergy wihcs itubtattng tirouni tout itodyaian i 55înîImoentt'aiIl i'iîni 1il itI l 'Lun IL ,utla itltIllte tuintuauly change lie Imuscletsionurand upertîlo yur bs oyt iîsus ani nîgans tcluig y5011 ist. anS nlated attuai rgnniaî s in lrnlart5 li trti iloîîîîiîî,îiîîlltrtic,, a,'î .îiîîîîî 'i u\n 1 ittholt i naue heeinftuguntle enoutu .0 mu tesearto ae l uliibnd peoplet a'areaes int U ' te11, l 1ti" . il IuIi i ti i ,tî abletiti' hein fieds Ont ni thein a chropnaciot miii ha backgrouu/ In phytîrs vl' ah le it mi Lidetand utuat lghti Lt ndm o vhu-ail afects lui body More spîcfirait ther suli \ i tlilit.tilcriittaL. t' \ li îtî l l l e c lt, lic lclil)I)[it, t lil. Il teinte In uîdîîstîndîng a piocîscalle/ lie Quantum Cotiapsn Prcess deSiLi 005/ h5 it'tc uit itîtîtf îliecîcîtt \ou ii. i t tîi a Ort Pamartini i haiehein aile lu cunîtiatli heen inln uigyiith tisponsetin lie ste aid liheiarlShoult me bhiablitolubalance oui perceptionîsthîn vL'or îîld hi ciiitian iIcît] plut Lt litolenitfier L itai "Iilila ibis 10 changeouLinbody tespunses in thei î and the ean ShootS tue hi ablet l-i an oui perceptions, lien t-te vaîuît/ hiabletoluchangt iii hody rispirses, ad tus cathitti urcrictt îî'chi îlîîbîî\itoii. l its t ou ei the at sas> ses thîngs' . ad ses soit nialthIl mît souar/ utangt. but is taLc ing thtset% ertefurat suluxoations % ith regutar chiropractit'car Foi mont infonmationnun itis cuttni e/gi tschnulugy. pleasu ciii DrPt Sohan uilla , ter chance t)sncces'nltn% deat lith attergies and the rest of 1 I If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 HALTON COMM UN'5TY REHABILITATION CENTRE Tina Doney 17 Wilson Avenue Connie Francoz PHYSIOTHfRApI5TS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 have really bad teunis elbow. aud have beard ibat your clinîc 1 bas a uew treatmeut 10 belp teudouutis. Cîan you tell ieaothi ,"machine'? Yes, we bave started t0 use a uew modality 10 help wîîh teu- O donitis, espeeiallyite elhow, shoulder, aud foot, which is 't.called totophoresis. loutophoresis is a method of admiuîsîeriug a lîquid sieroid nîed- 17 catînu direcîly in the iuflauted spot usiug an electrîcal current. The medîcatinu, prescnibed by your f amily doctor, is applîed onto a spouge. aud placed directly over te painlul area. ltits ten hooked up to a sutaîl machine, and a gentIe ctîrreuî assisîs in pushiug ficte uedîcationtintî te tendon, ltits leslusvasisve ttan a 1crisonueijection, but very' effective in lîelpîug in îedîîce inllami îîî,îîîîî is et a pais i iiiaiea. Ofîie tîliipli\ sittet ipy tet liniqiieS ar ilsit tses] iii ciiîut( i iîi it i t illiîplîriiic s itoit i i ýtîtîsele (sîtîsiltinflamaioniî. b[lit tlestItie siietîgli aîtdl lesîbtitîs fIll (e siel loiiitipisiesv. ('aiiIlei llîiîîî liii. î .îîîLîîî eiilliiaiîoî Ccli . l1(ý 15t <i tit it c ii , îîîîîîîîîîî i ii p l11i1) fo 11111 0i tlici ipi sses L l t 10 iiLI iiiiiP]11ltti 01t ii îeA Io wUt i t t lit' j1t Il i/ iti e i 1. natti 12.11tlî,î 9ii -s s./515 jî înîîîîuîîîîi îîaboutliiii/icropv. Comnpletl)c g' Let's Plan a Pond When if cornes to wbere Ici build a pond lu your back- yard, cousider these tbings. Do you want f0 see the pond from witbîn your bouse, or would you rather see if ouly from the garden? Your pond sbould have aI least six bours of sunlight daily but sorne shade is a good tbiug. Be sure gos make your pond large enough f0 accommodate ail the '- plants and fisb gos wisb ici have. Mark ouf the shape and wbere the waterfall will be. Wben you sfart digging, find the lowesî point in'tbe perîmefer. At this point dig dowu 12 luches. Sîay at (bis level around the rest of the pond. This is yos plauîing ledge as welI as the shelî for your border. Wbeu diggîug the deeper area 3 feet, make sure Ibis is nt in the same area as tbe waîerfall as this is the place wbere tbe lities will lîve. Measure and bsy the (mner once (bu dîg- gîng is done. nol before. Lay a l3eo Fabric tin before (bu liner 10 protecf il (rom any stones (bal may be close Ici tbu sur- face of the pond bolfom. Fabric sbosld also bu wberuvera gos place t ockery. Yoar waferfall shouls] be nuxl. Plan fthe sîzu and] wbere you wanl (o sus (be walsr faling, Wll (bers bu any planfîng or poolîng areas? Maybe Yoli want a strearn of some sort. Keep in mind that (bu plants are tlie ros( - important (bing in your pond. Tbey aerate and balance pour pond's cbemîsfry and] (bey lookgoos] 50 make rooni (or lots of osygenabors. plants (o make shade and] plants (o til- ler ouf (bu bas] nutrients (broîîgb (beir root systenis Now gos are readg to bsild (bal beastîful oasis. HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre 1 H 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 lI~J.]I Georgetown LLI~ (905) 873-8400 Q: Sonneone in mvfamilis in haî'ing speech and laniguage difficulnie.î and il was suggested thtn1 contact a Speech-Language Pihologist. How do lfind one and whai type of questions do 1 ask? A: A Speech-Lisituage PaihliýlSi 5[1iis apritiessitnai tutu s îraîîiriIIii iess ast i îsdc iitien eîîîîiio clîtîtiies anîîî ti, i s i OIIIIIIIiiitttittii eand tii ailtit tit tti d it tc.a SUtîprectisi ii Osiartît LiiI liteituc ti ifie Coiliege of'Atîîttitc an îd Speeceh -Lesgusise Iltoo- ii, i Otaio. îîA SI-t Il s istrk lth ini tuhitcls tustieti,12eII- ticýdti e tîtî i vtetiti tor.S m ti ic r o\ ited t aPc tutt i SITî maî bc hIit \ Ltîti i i iîî.îî' i t î îîtîî'î l eIuttit I diii li itt iill 'ift:i .îî2 " .ttt t t iittiii Iltiti eLtt oft'ttt ii iiti SLI, .mt t.\ot t itt i 'li h L t ttt t t ti L. t Lt f i tilt] t t 1 ti ( ; 1 i i j t i .ttofSl,' 11,1 i i tltI\o .' tlt t t titt ttt Lt L t.t ttitttt ic i tI it. l,- t titt' t't 1 t4 ti [t] lit i îîiî Ilt i ttîLîîîîîtîîî iii titi t f [ ' iltt 0i. t itti t 't tii 't t t t0i)tt' tti i 11' ' t ttL i L i Lt Lt Lt h tittiti it ' ', h tii. lILY rie Milton 15) Du Cope tei Ltc cIo ttttt.t'riSc utc ian chitdren and rnian rss pollen ilpi igtiti c qtltillicr lt utIn it.ît tiL ,l lî h t.ttllc 'i-,c t tn cPoit.tttont'mrestes Llcll it hflt Ldofi it If l l i t" t Taylor Nursery 7429 Fith Line, Milton Latn 905-876-4100 l, ('ve got somne gaps tu fil wi my garden. What can you sug- gest? Wby 'lot try sometbing other than a flower or shrub'? How about trying clurnps of ornamental perennial grasses. They are hardy. distinctive and ollen very elegant. Here are some suggestionus (rom Landscape Ontario. Small Grasses-Small clump forming grasses and grass-like plants lîke sedges make excellent rockgarden plants or can be mass-planîed as an attractive gr<undcoser. They work weil wtth spring-flossering bulbs or as border edging. Mid-Size Grasses-These ornamental grasses are 45 b I 100 cm. taîl and make nîce local points in perennial borders or annual bedding schemes. Founitaîn Grasses make a gond alternative tsi the usual Draceana tii add height and interest and cas bc used lu planters atîd tubs. Tll Grasses-The mosI ssell kiin ofn the taîl grasses is Pampas Grass \vbicli does ni thrive in Ontario but for the same speciacular effect sou cas use Plume Grass \vhose flo\v- erheads cas rcach 12 tii 15 1leet in leighi. Grasses can make attractive lassî ornamentals. A circular bcd planted witî only onue type ofi ornameittal grass will make a splendid shows- place'. At Tal'ark Nursery. we base an excellent seleetion tif hardy grasse s Ici chiouse lrîîm for every garderi use. You eau pick foîr si/e atnc shape-tufted. mounded. upright (divergent, erect or archingi and arching grasses lrom 35 cm to 270 cm in heîght and y'ou can choose for colours nf grasses-blues. greens. stras..gld-and colours nf flosser plumes. Corne see what ornamental grasses eau add 10 your garden's beauty. Sf

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