Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadien Chenij on it ley JuIy 4 2003 SCOMMENT *THE CA NADIA N CHAMION Bo 48 91Na Mitn On.19 905) 878-À 905 905 905 905 Aice> liver, ircl i Si.tV_ The Canadian Champion ml,. 1,!. ,l.I , )T 4NI) Mon SI 1 MiH lol () it 'lI 15. 1, -'lfj ,.1 . I,,.1 '8753300 , lion 1a R,,tî,,,I Yo î, M l ,t i ,,,, 1 4, M -878-59437 GNLia1 Ilklafi ,F l'nîbol l I,,î, N'îI,î1 î,,1,î, Nw ,,I' 1 ll eî, P ublish r 1011k AeIîîeî,î iiAk G I.îî iiejl , lî, i ,î klîklt) 'IIii îki-ý- ,ic,,,,I i-7 - , W4G "een RIîîCe,î0Aîîî , îî,,,1 11 I,îîî,IA,,jI,, I, '11k IIfU iC ale 1ess Iîe e M ý, auIaISIe lseees111 1/11 I Iv ~ ,î0î,,I I < 5-87 -5 47ir Bt'ito'iiv-derti Ir M ie ()jtîî i Ma,îii0o', mme/w IlIUm M~î,ma5'~î The Milton Canadan Champon osa Recypwaime Peouî * We deserve to know lt's important t0 give credit wbere credit is due - and credit is currently due to MP John Bryden. He was instrumental in uncovering the alleged astounding excesses of Ottawa's former Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski, such as about $500.000 in travel and hospitality expenses filed over two years, paid for by us - the lowly taxpayers. Ironically, Bryden had flot been after Radwanski's expenses in particular when he asked that they be revealed before a parliamentary committee. But his answers to Bryden on other issues, as well as to then Conservative leader Joe Clark, inspired the Ancaster- Dundas-Flamhorough-Aldershot MP to wonder aloud why the commissioner did flot faîl under the Access to Information Act. As he did have a duty to reveal his dealings to a parliamentary committee if asked, Bryden requested that he do so. The result, as well known, hit the media and the taxpayers with a blow that only got worse with revelations that Radwanski had also somiebow mnanaged to have almnost $60g0000 in unpaid taxes lorgiven the day beibre taking bis post. A nice job if you can get it. Financiat questions bave come up aIt too often in the current govemment and it's clear now that the puhiCs patience with it is weaning thin. Radwanski appears willing- even charnping at the bit - to defend bim- self. But be couldn't bang on to bis $210000 per year position baving Iosî the trust of parliamnent, bis own staff and, more irnportantty, the public. H-e bad no option but 10 resign troîn bis position. In a five-page statement released last week, Radwanskt said simply be bad been -forced out." He did, bowever, walk awav witb a $79000 severance package. Whatever comes of this mess, we hope the public is kepi informed. Canadians deserve to know wbat led 10 the faîl of the federal privacy commis- sioner. And Kudos 10 Bryden for unearthing Ibis matter. SOUR READERS WRJTE Reader says that those who broke into her son 's car should be ashamed of themselves Dear Editor: My son's car was broken into ast \veek and I'd like 10 offer a revard for anyone \vhem CAn hep recover ssbat was stolen. 1 find it difficulti 10 elieve that someone could smash a car win- dnss. take a skateboard. two big black binders fuît nf CDs and rip oui the CD player from a car parked n front ut Zelters without heing noticed. 1 hope that the individual or mndi- viduats that invaded the privacy of someone else are happy wiîb îbem- selves. You almostinemd prom nighî for my son and bis date. Who wants 10 sut on a pile of glass in their promi dress and have their hair desîroyed in wind? Scîme people take pride mn fixing up their car and saving bard 10 huy the things that they enjox'. 0f course there are also lowlites in ibis world whoi take pride in taking other pen- pIe's Ihings. To ihose who broke mbt my son's car, I certainly hope ynu enjny ail that you took. Milton is a small town, 50 there may well be somebody who knows about wbat you did. To Ibis end, l'm nffering a reward for anyone wbo would îum you in for tbe damage that ynu did and 10 help retum the îbings îbaî you took from my son. Didn't your parents ever teach y0u 10 treat peuple hox vnu wish to he îreaîed and to neyer take any- tbing that doesn't belong 10 you? If they haven't quesîioned where you suddenly got ail this new used merchandise, then it's nu wonder wby you tumed out the way you did. If anynne wishes Io do a gond deed and tom in these culprits, please caîl me ai (905) 873-4618. Terri Pereira Milton Thnat old phrase 'You are whatyou eat' is so true We're in the last month of The Champion's Weight Loss Challenge and I feel great. I feel s0 gond hecause l'm well nourished, exercised and about 15 pounris ligbter. I havent yet lost aIl the weigbt that I set oui 10, however I stilî have a month 10 go in the Challenge and lots of ime lefi in the year. There's no question that if I were on a strict, regimented (in other words horing) diet, I wouîd * have lost more. But I still maintain that kind of eaîing plan wouîd only have heen a short-termn solution as eating sli11 bas 10 be pleasurahie, just * on a smaller scale. As I said aIl aong, I wasn't about to give up pizza, birthday cake or ice creamn. I would just eaî * tbemn sparingly, in conjunction witb a Iow-fat diet and plenty of exercise. t don't believe this Dr. Phil stuf that over- weight people have emotional or psychologicaî issues at the moot of tbeir over-eating prohîemts. The fact is, neyer befote bave we bad s0 mucb selection of foods readily available - ricb, fatty foods - îempting us, and tbey taste s0 good! Couple that with an inactive lifestyle and look out. I's a recipe for an unbealtby weigbt. Fortunately tbougb, fast food chains are mov- ing toward a bealthier menu selection. For example, if I go to Wendy's now, instead of a hurger, I order one of their salads. They're deli- cious and reasonably priced, and the BLT salad, for exaenpîe, covers ail four food groups for a healthy meal. At the samne time, tbere's noîhmng wrong witb ordering a burger as long as it's just once in a whiîle, as a treat. One of my higgest lestons in wbat I wat doing wrong in my eating babits ws that t was con- sumning 100 many carbohydrates. Carbs - whicb Prom the Ieditor's desk include breads and patta - made up most of my meals. I was eating too mucb of that and flot enough fresh vegetables, lean meats and fruit. I was eatmng enough carbs for an athîete, but flot buming off the calories like an athîete. In fact, I wasn't exercising at al. Now 'm active every day, some days more tItan others, but my heart is getting a workout and that's inipor- tant. No more coucb potato. Some people bave asked me how I felt about taking pars in a weighî-loss programn so puhlicly. 1 knew what they meant. There was definitely more pressure to perfonn as well as the some- wbat emharrassing factor of drawing attention t0 myscîf as an overweighî person. But it motivated me and l'm aIl the better for il. I would say more people than flot struggle with heing overweight especîally as they get older, 50 why should t he emharrasscd about il? I wasn't ohese or anything, but if I kept going the way I was going, it could bave tumned mbt an even bigger problem, no pun intended. Wisb me Iuck taI I keep up my new lifestyle and bo those in a timilar situation, juat lake it one day aI a lime and you will be rewarded witb the itatural high of healtb and happiness. Editoial Fax: Advertisine Fax: Classified: Circulation: lian Oliver Neil Oliver A I Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Aà Steve Crozier c Teri Casas Tim Coles Pl

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