Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 2003, p. 9

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efromn IS on page 1 four months ago. Y11 o11. ihI theSpeed ccCI-[ecy beRween Thompson and Fifth Line isn't reduced. there will bec orne serjous acci- dents. She was right. lronically, her own acci- dent at Derry Road and Fourth Lmne May 12 was one of the collisions she predicted. She was traveling alung Fourth Line toward Hwy. 401 and had stopped ut the stop sign at Derry Road. She checked lefo and right Ru sec if anyone was coming, but found visibility Ru be pour. Su she inched forward and entered he intersection when she thought iR was clear. It wasn'R. Her Jeep Grand Cherokee collided with a Ford Topaz traveling along Denry Road. She said corne witnesses said the other mutorist was gomng at IeasR 100 km/br. Altbougb Ms Levai was found Ru be at fault, she main- tains that the other vehicles speed played a big role in the accident. The driver and passenger in the Topaz weren't seriously hurt. Ms Levai said she bas been experiencing head and car prob- lems in the past few weeks. Ms Levai said she strongly believes the speed limit on Denry Road near ber subdi- vision needs Ru be reduced. Since ifs nnw 80 km/br, that means moturists will drive 100 kîn/br, she said - ton fast for a resi- dential area. Although Region spokespeople said they're planning Rn lnwer the speed limit Ru 60 or 70 km/br next year. Ms Levai said thaïs not soon enougb. "If's gond tbey want Ru, do il next year. but bow many peuple are gning Rn be dead before?" asked Ms Levai. Speed unsafe for pedetrians, according to local resident Ms Levai said the issue becoires more serinus wben cnnsidering tbe many pedes- trians in the arca frnm tbe nearby bornes. 'Is not rigbt. Peuple ail arnund can be bit. f a persun crosses. sbey can be kilied" Intersections along Derry Rnad- sucb as Dcriy Road and Fourtb Line -sbould be controlled by traffic ligbîs. said Ms Levai. Sbe said pour visibility prevented ber from driving safely acruss Deny Rnad the day of ber accident. She addcd that sbes spoken witb many ncigbbours at Hawthorme Village wbo feel tbe same way. Tim Roberts, training cu-ordinator witb tbe Milton Fire Department, said tbe stretcb of Derry Road in question isn'R pleasant Rn travel un. He said that altbougb be basn't nuticed a drastie increase in the number ni' accidents alnng Derry Road as a whole. lie bas nnticed tbat the collisions seem Rn bc con- centrated in the emmediate area ni Derry Road and Founbh Line. "It's a bad spot tee begin with." Mr. Roberts said. Tihe road is nan'ow. bas a snsail shouider. bas many twists and toms, and "the sun can be pretty bad in the laRe afiernoon." be said. Add an increase in the number of cars on tbe road from residents living near there, and you bave a problem, he said. Although a few of the recent accidents along Denry happened because of red light runners ratber tban road conditions, Mr. Roberts said peuple mun red liglits more readily wbcn they're traveling quickly. Sgt. Trevur Hay of Halton polices regional traffie unit said be tbinks a speed reduction sbould be considered. Altbougb Halton police investigate only serinus accidents and he didn't bave any statisties at hand on tbe number of colli- sions tbis year, be said be wouldn't be sur- prised if the number of collisions is increasing near Hawthorne Village. TheCda n Chamnion. Tusdav. Jne 1.2 ,. Ii n'a.... Region says it won't reduce speed until road ""wiýïýde'éýn'e now 26999 Kenniore 12-amp bagless upright vacuum. 301 power cord. Strefch bose. #3181t. Sears reg. 319.99. I wouldn't be surprised with the amount of' extra trccffic csing Derrv Road-" Set. ildiîicc. t .cIIlIciie iucks .cod servcsc \esdeî dles using the road due Rn construction." Spokespeople from tbe Region said theyre not aware of any particular prob- lems along tIhe stretcb. Jeffrey Reid, traffic operations and safe- Ry analyst for Halton, said the Region wiii probably wait until the road is widened Ru four lantes in tbe area before it reduces tbe speed. t doesn't usually reduce the speed for just a small stretch of roadway, he said. "Typically, if youubave a long stretch like Dcrry Road and drivers are cummuting tbrcecceb f eber"c' ou n)ý(of l rnit co)Le sîneed l uap. pecople ssill gel lots ct tickets but they won't adjusi their speed for a few bundred metres, bhe said, adding there duesnt seem Ru be a probleru with speed- ing on Derry Road from Tbompson and Fifth Line. Nick Zervos, senior transportation co- ordinator witb tbe Region, said that begin- ning next year, there will bc cbanges hap- pening Ru Derry Road near Hawtbomne Village. The cbanges, be said, arent in response Rn an increase in accidents. Its simply mcet, lie said. Expected changes include widening Derry Road Rn four lanes. and reducing the speed limit along Derry Ruad east of Thompson Ruad teu 60 or 70 km/hr. He said there are a "couple of kinks" in the ruad that will be straightened, and streeslights will make the road brighter at nigbt. Left um lanes at some of the intersections are also a possibility, he said. Stephanie Thiessen ('an be re'ached ai sîhiessen@miltunanadianc-hampmonncum. scooo ? caii us with your story ideas at 878- 2341. At Sears, we are big enough to have what you want... but smaii enough to care who you are. FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES: SALE PRICES START SUN., JUNE R AND END SAS., JANE 28,2003. FOR GAS GRILL, LAWN TRACTAR, VACUUM, ELECTRONICS AND AIR CONITIONFR: SALE PRICES STARI SUN., JANE R ANA ENA SAT., JANE 14,2003, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST now 79999 Save $200 on Kenmore gas grill. 62000 total BTU including 10000 AJU rotisserie borner and 12000 BTU side borner nludcng warmcng rack. 030217 Reg. 999.99. tatural qes mortel,030237. 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