32-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 10, 2003 If you have any questions A s these professionas can A k The answcr, please write to: c/o ie Ch(aaaadîaaa Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 cciniio!coCn ckoioodîcoc T el&! -a: 9 086028 ocucciackononoooiîccoc '95)07-51 Q: Why is the water in my pond brown? A: At this fime of year, brown water is a cm mon complaint from pond owners. Heavy ra n the spring is the cause of the brown water. As the rain fails, if picks Up dust particles and nutrients from the air. The water in the pond rises, picking Up even more nufrients from the area surrounding if, The brown or tea colour that you are now seeing is a type of algae bloom that is being fed by al these extra nutrients. Usually this occurs after heavy rainfali and wil ast for a few days f0 a week before returning to normal. When we have more rainfail than normal, like we have experienced in the past week or so, this keeps the algae bloom weIl fed and therefore this brown mater wil ast a littie longer. Be patient, as things will refurn to nor- mal soon. (Hopefully, if we do flot have a wet sumn- mer) Some ponds also have a scum on the sur- face. This is also the dust particles from the air and rising water. This scum can be scooped out. None of these conditions wilI harm your fish or your plants in any way. These are nafural occurrences in ponds and streams. Fish actually love when this happens as if introduces a whole new smorgas- bord f0 feast on, NMONEY V CONCEPTSe ~~P Affiliated with N.F. Insurance Agency Inc. ý Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 LIMuiiga M, CFRPHU 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1P9 Q: We roeal ejoyed oour receai esiato Planning Sominar. !'ouldiIou pleasoe e us more infourmaîjon a'bout whaf a benefriaro s? (PART (I A: Deiangain a cnci.i-Nic a cîii cca i i c ien f'wreciiicplanningicandcia\iplait acag If voiu die aihouial ci. crAich "ciaî' ir cieicicai r mihoui can\cI dc cccicd hncfiiciaii u\(,or i i ll ihc tlhle cI piiih: dI aic i,î,iiici i c, ii \ci i'a pe'r« tliiiih0Iiiiwucca.îc[oicîcciîcIihi ii ICiiCcciicccIiîcuiifor aa.ai ic aih or the nauibi(cnd) i cl a poiCicci iipciriicipicci(liec cicci. i clii heca ii cc Forccarcipic, %ou ca nineiicconicon ,ii ihc'eiici iccian I\,i ii iia, plc t',hcciccc(lie.îtheiiccfa cic iui iil c\i, i p.i iciici itccicilii (acci cc Sacîccaiil undi, acniciii ciiiRRS I', can iii c bniccidic,icccRt SI',i ciii hice anamed hcnaiciarc Rccciliciar\c dccilicccifirci iI cIIc'ccii uiiciiihca,ic hc\ are cliaîîifieaci n sicuacifdcttarinrccc PREF! RREO AN!) NON IRE!! :RH! [i lîcîcccridhciicI:re ii1id iLý childacc. paccai aand c'aidchilicriccccNin ccciici h ccIcc ic, ucrc ii\inccc c tica rrd i c iaiiii' ccin ccicc j re ii(ii,(ic1c ccciii l i ii cI i ci .c 0I k tii icrccd cccup. cpocIi cie aiîcpciiitccii chîlcicca cciicccccc'ci Li lia' ci i,cf Ilc ii'ciw RRS!' îc iipîci cii ui dcciii iiihc'î cc cIII ccc LC1\ I I.c icc.chc IcccccI Nc,,i rlV?'(ci hcncicciciciîcccicriiicci ofic c eici i RI5itCXRI'F,',NiiNR',îî (1 0 ic'c cliici teicc cii icc iicc'c clreal i ci i ci ieiý \I]ý '[n I c 'I1(Io '1 iii cc ccc ci ccii andccappint anhi icic ciicliciacci\n iie uic ci ccc ccc .c c ' ic". i hae cîcca hiiiciicc ciiocciiacchjýnoticîcc iciiccpiccc icccici cc PRIM OROlAND O fNTINGiENT:io['ccc\ih'iiicc iioi'ccciC c in itrl.i Conign ccciia"ihciaIcnctc', CCi iicc'iIiiI Il d iiii, ,ili 1chmciiccic ( hcliieric.Ill zi llcicc 1iiiiic' cciido henefloiarydeaugiaauon ic a icrr importantitern. Ricaca Icccfor "pao cou-" cf bn- eiciariec an nea!montb'c "4c! the Prrofecioalorta cr )iîiroffice fyoi accraci peaificesaacionc. lIn,1ilion, onec Concepts p!aoaie cacaaber c 905-8t76-0940. %,EGONS Dealer Services CanadlaInc Garage Sale Saturday, June 14, 9am Guelph Junction Rd., Campbellville Antiques, Collectibles, Househotd Items. NO EARLY BIROS Garage Sale Saturday, June 14 373 Woodlawn Crescent 6521 Glentern Ave., Kilbride Several tamities have breuehi their ireasures: laree furnitaire pieces. new sofa & chair, se/id weed dinine raom suite. win- dec ireatmenis, headhoard & ottoman - a steat ai $400. 905- HALTON COMMUNITY CENTR E Tina Doney 17 Wilson Avenue Connie Francoz PHYSIOTHRRAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. M.%sain started pla.ving soccer ihis.vear, and he is romplainiuig uta greal deal oif knee paix aller the games. Ls there an.'thing Ihai I can doi? Nmac îic., cîî liiiici I odccc' ci1ckicc'clia di c lIii(Ilccipla\ia n" ,c cc I ic î. ccii- la heccciuit[IS IJeliCi iiCc'iic' [ic L' Cci icci îcucît lle(tic' . cc cci! c cîciccilu pui font:c IllicIcII ic'e kiCC" ,i l111 hec""îcîc" Ic'î(c'ittc[r i t l lic chîlci IIaýIlad a 'c cii c q îi i cii llt iIc c i i t ic' i mc % cccii l i na I ccc I peti ot] ocfccici ( ie cc ci iici lcciid iiîccl c ci i c icc cccîc (ci ct( li c t[ie hcccc c tfic' ]cg,. a'l(cci (ccfl iiict I plt a c iciot ci cca he i cIm ccc' le i i ccc i ,c'i'ii c i ic(Ii.c' c ciifou i uti tforce liro gifi k[iCUIc'citc îccJcii'c'ilic KIIC'c'c.î(i[Ic indiccIclcci lic hcccccicc'rc'ail] iuiicc paci IL tt ircc',cc i,ii', ilili( e, il'c i l iiic (iII c' ill i t ýiicci(ciici hcciiicifur- IIcCIi ýiiiiiiii Lu ii cil c (IlC 11A o Iciiilci cccic i i IL lccc I ll ili lion I cI I iiiiiiin (ofi l C c ic'Ilý ci l (ii ii,'idc ic k icci (icc II\ýdoI\It (p 1ilic i :ciu (' cci c11,1 cc Il icid ,i cii c liccciili Icc' h'c' ile, îiic ui(ic'allic A ci icie.c ll o u i i, lic ic1,cc1111i IîI cii (if ti,[\ I ccciiie Cl i'U LII i eIii IcIii cciic'A c'c ci (cll iu ii"cIII ui c'. ccii iic'(i c p ILý ule cimou, ' d tc nd , J)Cc I 1ji cci i ccccc' d) ciii li i'ki'ic 1 elt c CII"I llc' cli lire cri ch ro liliiiallcr l-4 ccc'ckîi, cacccg'lc%uc'ici, iic IcIIic' c uii a ii' i o Pea.ç' contatrTinaaorr t'aaiaie'at t/he'lia/toai (oaaaaaaint Rr/aabilitatiaa ('entre. 17 gï l.%oaiiDrivea'it #12, Milîtn, 905-876-1515 fore quîesos about physiatherapy. HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre 11H 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 Il. . Il Georgetown [j~J (905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.com Q My 3 year old cannot say the 'T' sound at ail. She uses a "w" sound instead. Should she have speech therapy? Al G(enerallyvspeaking, i/ tis s the oaly souand tlnat slae has d:tfCIt ihyour dauîghier docas n rerquire speech iliera- py. ('lalda'en learn scauaîds n a particcalar order accordaaag 10 atauraion o! their oral structures and a a',abilaay o! ihe huaullada Typîcally, clnldrcn leaija the ',ovel soaaîads fis! and ihein pr'o- coed to tne sunuînds an',ols ailacahr laps (p.), l, w anad bt. 'lialdreai slould hc able 10 say ilacie sruand o rra'ctly by age -'. Nexi, thlac hald cIa!'!', 10 gel amore cunnirol os or aao\ eaaiais un! iacai langue and i/he soinds (t, d. g and 1)sada!le, des'elnp. ('hildreia shouîld be ah/e 10 raako ilaesc suunds correclly by age 4. Next, the child ceanas 10 oiarol air flow ni i ls er aaooib and we star! hearing sounds suîcb as (f, v, s, z, sh, c/a, 1h>. TheRe oounds general/y !ake a hale longer 10 taasier but the child should be able to do fluoR! of iti by age 5. Tbis is a general outline of articulation des'elopmenî. Howevcr ihere are exceptions te every nm/e. If youîr ehild is dropping !he firot or last sounds of words ai any age a speech ex aluation 10 usually required. If your cbîld bas difficuliy wi!h !ongue inove- naenîs or conîrol, speech î/erapy înaavbe requîîred early oo tha! la!cr soaiads are f0! affecied. If in douabi, please caîl for answers. Speecla probleansasc casier to correct a! a younager age before the clald lias developed dine habit of sayîng the soond aîcon'ocîly. ci if"f MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale Saturday, June 14, 8am - llam Garage Sale at Condominium TOWNHOUSE COMPLEX F Sataurday, June 14, 8am - 12 noon 371 Bronte St BEAVER COURT Garage Sale Saturday, June 14, 8am Beaver Court Garage Salec Saturday, June 14, 8am - ilPm fii 252 Oriole Court NO earîy birds please. t RA IN DATE SINMAY Garage Sale Safurday, June 14, 8am - 12 noon 272 Randali Cres. Items include 8 place patio set - great for cottage, kitchen chairs, smoI pond kit, bicycles, sports equipment, etc. Ceaz ,npletefDesigo Costruction - -- ,~raara' il