22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 10, 2003 More accessible transit may make Milton even more attractive: Krantz 0*tromn GO on page 1 Halton Region is contributmng roughly $3.3 million per year until 2010 for upgrades across the re£!ion Milton because of accessible transit. "I do know a lot of new Mfilton residents aiready using the train system and i's a reason why they moved t3Iýý.uic 0 track îînprovemcnts 's more people may move to planning and public works, said the provincial government's intention to create an rnter-region- ai bus service designed to connect nortbem por- tions of the GTA -HaIton. Vaughn. \tarkhamn town Toronto, but in terms of trips across the UTA that connect through the northem parts, '0'e 01 the bellel os iii the (iA system is that Ia.Son Misti'r van hbe rem lied atynhvnjej-(,lij it works very well for trips destined to dlown- toneanadianchamnpion.com. Someduy, you'il be offered a cigarette or be tempted to smoke. Before you start, lhink about it: every drag yos take screws up your body. Smoking cao cause permanent darhage 10 your body. Once a person starts, il becomes extremely tough 10 quit. And did we mention ail that cash you'Il be blowing in the process? So, if you're tempted 10 start, ask yourseif. "Whal's the point?" This message broughl 10 you by: Canatbian CAN HELP! "By donating to Ontario March of Dimes, you are helping aduli's with disabilities live fuller, more independent li 'es." PLEASE DONATE OR VOLUNrEER TODAV 1-800263-3463 or visit us at %Pým www.dlmo.onca MARCH 0F DIMES LA MARCHE DES DIX sous - . DE LONTARIO