4-Tise Canadian Champion, Tuesday, lime 3. 2f03 SHERWOOD SURVEY SECONDARY PLAN & RELATED STUDIES STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING & OPEN HOUSE 1. Background The Town of Milton and the Region of Halton have been involved in tise Halton Urban Structure Plan (HUSP) - a strategy for managing regional and local growth for the next 20 years. In relation to the proposed growîis. the Milton Officiai Plan pro- vides for approximately 2000 hectares (4940 acres) of additional land for new growth. which is referred to as the "Urban Expansion Ares". Milton Council and Regional Council ratified a plan for the phasing of this new growth in May and June 1998 respectively. Tise fiast phase of residential development in tise Bristol Survey Secondary Plan Ares is cur- rently underway. The Sherwood Survey lands (see atached map) rep- resent Phase Il of the proposed resi- dential development. In accordance with tise policies of the Milton OfficiaI Plan and HUSP, the Town of Milton is currently preparing for the development of the Sherwood Survey lands through the preparation of a secondary plan and supporting background studies. Study Area: The study aiea mncludes two areas witisin the Milton Urban Expansion Area. Tise flrst ares is bounded by Highway 401, Peru Road, the C.P.R. Line, and Tremaine Road. The second ares is bounded by Main St. W., tise C.N.R. Line, Derry Road, Regional Road 25, the mid-lot uine between Derry and Britannia Roada (known as the mid-block site- rial or future Louis St. Laurent Avenue) and Tremaine Road. The Study Ares also includes lands within the Niagara Escarpmenî Plan ares, the concept plan of which is subject to approvai of tise Joint Board. These lands are bounded by the C.P.R. Line, the C. N. R. Line, Main St. W. and s lime between Concessions i and 2. The purpose and current statua of tise varieus studies is as follows: Tise Sherwood Survey Secondary Plan is being carried oui in accor- dance witis Sections 17 and 21 of tis Planning Act, and tise policies of tise Town of Miltonand Region of Halto Officiai Plans. Adraft secondaary plan isas been peepured for publi review inciucing stormwater management andoatier related issues. the Shewod Survey Seodary Plan andre- e sudies te puwide the basis for future rwlslai the Twn of Mltion Phsas Il tjrban Expansion Aatsa. The M1TPia beii cairied ou folkswing Pnua*s 1 ino fth~ e Municipal Clas Bviomnse*sal N" ldefinoe*a flani*wàonard net- work with ties tudy ma, prowldes transit opportunities and major trans- portation improvements for impie- mensation over tise next 15 to 20 years. Among tise improvements identified are tise location and config- uration of s possible new intercisange on Higisway 401 and associated approacis roads. Studv Ares: Tise study ares is tise samne as tisai for tise Secondary Plan, but sîso includes consideration of transportation facilities tisai extend beyond tise study ares including: Steeles Avenue; Main Street; Deiiy Road; Tremaine Road, Bronte Street; Regional Road 25; James Snow Parkway westeriy extension from Regional Road 25; No. 5 Sideroad; and l-ighway 401. Indian Creek Subwalersised Siudv. Sixteen-Mile Creek Funciional Stormwater and Env&ronmentai Management Strategv. andI Concepnia Fisheries Tise ahove-noted studies are being carried oui in accordance wiîis approved procedures contained in tise MEA Class Environmentai Asseasmeni for Municipal Sewage and Water Projecis, June 2000. Tishese studies, draft working papers of whicis have been prepared for public review, provide general guidance wiîis respect to stoninwaier and envi- ronmental management. They pro- vide an evaluation of various stormnwater management and servic- ing strategies for tise Secondsry Plan ares, and recommend s preferred environmenial and siormwster man- agement servicing plan. Studv Ares: Tise siudy ares for tise subwatershed and environmenîal studies includes tise secondary plan- ning ares, as well as tise external ares draining to it and tise downstrecam part of tise associated subwaiersiseds. The study ares straddles two prunary drainage sysiems known as tise Sixteen-Mile Creek and Bronte Creek Watersiseda. See map aftacised show- ing tihe Indian Creek Subwaterased isoundary andth ie Sixteen-Mile Creek Functional Siormwaier andI Environental Straiegy ares to bis studied widsin tiis secondary plan- ning exestise. Thse Fasotina Water and Wastewate Sesvicing Master Planis s beizsg carried outiun accorne witls approvod proceduscoitaied in tise Clam Environnmental Assmaapea for Municipal Srwage and Waier Projects. e pupoe oftdie wdy is to prepare a detailed Fuitetional Wateand Wastewater Servicing MaserPasn, wbich un coejunction wM thSiecSçodauy Mmanwgbe sed as a bais fordeveopmteai tise Sberwood Ssrvey Secondary Plan area. Adraît of tisplan has bepe-t. pared for public seview. Plans Update, amd *ill updM the cr- rent Parks Master Plan (2000). Tise purpose of tise study is to prepare s deîaîled Parka Master Plan as a basis for tise development of tise Siserwood Survey Secondary Plan Ares. A draft of this plan isas heen prepared for public review. 2. Public Input Public consultation is an essential componient of tise preparation of tise secondary plan and relaîed studies. Members of tise public wisising to obtain furtiser information witis respect to tise secondary plan prepara- tion and background studies sisould contact tise Planning & Development Department ai 905-878-7252 x2398. Copies of'tise draft secondary plan and draft information related to tise background studies will he availahie for review as of June 2nd, 2003 in tise Planning & Development Department (Annex Building> nextIo1 Town Hall - 43 Brown Street, attise Milton Public Library or on-uine ai ww w.tow n.mîi ton. on.ca under "Siserwood Survey" (draft secondsry plan is tise only document available on-uine). Members of tise public wiso wisis to participate in these undertakings and require notification of future public meetings or other matters related to tise sîudy, sisould contact Angela Janzen, Policy Planner ai (905) 878- 7252 x2307 or aitishe address noted below. Written submissions regard- ing tise draft Secondsry Plan and Reiated Studies should be submitted to tise Town prior to july 15, 2003 and sisould bis directed to: Mr. Bill Mann, Manager, Planning Pollcy Planning andI Developmneni Department 43 Blrown Street Milton, Ontarlo L9T SH2 Tel: 905-878-7252 ext. 2304 Fax: 905-876-5024 E-mail: 3. Statutory Public Meeting & Open House - Sherwood SreSecondary Pa elated- Studies The publkisu invitet to attendan %pe house andI siaiutory public iSetng as foliows. Plae PME..Twn fla 4a BroWA8set, MElo Date Me. se »me 23 11Me. Open Hom 5 -7 p. (fah Lbby aruofMusdI»p1-S m, t pubsc o review andi disonsathse draft Secossdy Plan & ReWatd Studes fôralls1witsTwn tff de cswt- - -W ,Plan and Related Stuim ~Avlabe For' Refow: Copi" of d drft Secondary Plan available for Sew aof jue .2, 2003, in 'tise Planning & Development Depariment (Annex Building) next to Town Hall - 43 Brown Street, aitishe Milton Public Library or on-uine at www.town.mil- to.ona under "Siserwood Survey- (draft Secondsry Plan is tise only doc- ument available on-uine). Written Submissions: Written suis- missions should be made prior to JuIy 15, 2003 to tise attention of Mr. Bill Mann as noted above. SHERWOOD SURVEYSECONDARY PLAN AREA KEL SO R~ a. SPEC5AL STUIYY AREA BKI«O RIAf N NIA GARA SPecial StudyA Area Map iEP ~sr3 SPLANood Surve10Secondary Plan Are S IndiSAnCEek ubwterhe BOuARD. Indan14ee SuwatrshdR ceI Spoea 0Study Area MNe 1 Shlea0woo Surve Secod. i hPlan-,A-* )1 L Crek ubatrshd ouar f j i.J,