ý,CH has agreed to manage water at Dufferin quarries The Canadian Ohamnion. Tuîedao . ue . 2003-3i.. il, close vote, CH board of dire ctors gives thumbs up to water management agreement B LSTEEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Conservation Halton voted lMursday to become ries on the Milton/Haltoni His border. This carne despite thechesi citorus of' a handful ef Halion i esidents and erganizatiensaituhe ard oft directers meeting.,ssheooppose Dufferins propesed quarry exten- sion in M'ilton anîd den't want Conservation Halton (CH) te becomne Dufferins partner in the project. CH's assistance was sought by the towns of Milton and Halton Hils, Halton Region and the Niagara Escarpment Commission. One of their conditions regarding "The environment is going to lose."9 BARA HAIJALL the expansion of Dufferins quart-y was that the water management system be assumed by CH for its Iong-term operation. The expansion proiposal wiil be brought before the Region. the iead decision-maker in the issue, ai a public meeting June il. It wilI stant ai 7 p.m. and wiii bc heid at the Regions headquanters on Bronte Road in Oakviile. Barbara Haisali, president ot Pretect Out- 'ater aind Enviroomentai Reseurces POWER), expresseci ber cisap- Pouiiieeiîiabordii the es cings iout cerne .as sie cli tie meeîîîîg. ietd ai ic CH adtmrinistration oitce un Burlinigîn. Sbe didn't ttîink Cil should nltcer ie ,înn igreen-erii ssih Dutterin. "The ens'ironîmenî is geîîîg ii lese:' Ms HaIsail saîi., addîng ibai theres ne assuranices everyîhîng wiil go as planned wîth the quanry extension, extraction and evenînal rehabilitation of the site. Dufferin hropes Io add 82 hectares to ils curreni 486-hectare quany, whîch would extend the quarrys life spart to about 20 years. It would otherwise be finished in about five years. The main and forth quan-ico are located off Dublin Line between Sixth Line and Tremaine Road, just nornh of No. 5 Sideroad. The pro- posed extension is to the immedi- ate northeast of the nonth quart-y. If the expansion is approved, CH wiII he responsible for the long- term water management of Dufferins main Milton quarry and proposed extension quart-y. CH wiIl aso pantner with the Region and Dufferin for the on-going man- agement, monitoring and impie- mentation of Dufferins proposcd Adaptive Management Plan (AMP>. Prt>recîing flic public friim inan- ciail liabi lity i s semething that 'vas spîiken abeut exîcnîsîsely. Accerding tii Ray (;sther. manlager et \ssaierslîed engineering sersices for Cli. There are aî îîLmher et' sateguiards hurltite tufie agreemnent te Preîect ftie public trim tnancial lîaibilîry.' Miltoîn resident Stephen Clairman was aisether ef' the evenings delegates. He said the boundcaries of' CI-fs agreement were too imitcd. "(The agreement) deais soleiy with the water management sys- 9see DUFFERIN on page 5 ~PIZZA 2àml pcials DOUGH 7 Make a pizza tonighti 9 O 4 m It*a8tPZa Sauce398.1m 88ea Hot ouse Poeroin $3.99or.88/100 Tomat0es8 L. Moa ufa Ces 3.99 LBor .88/100 g M1M0 USA No.1 Grade 8L OeilC Specials& uFcUlu BLACK~'~"Peaches &Nectarines FOREST ' $ 9 HfAMDTorii88e/188g NO.81 8ra etLB Stalks Pmwt of Cm*a BRANOTS tNO. i1Gs'ade Koibassa 99 Fresh RE.I. 149 MeatiGat LB 1Potatoos $38000lDg 10 Lb Ga G ardon Contre CASH ICE FOM $1 2 q495 & m9 49 8& RT +TAES LEASE f589*+ TAXES war'l[ *OPf Mouio *Flyd £IP apples to Most modes snecS demonstators. Oses nos appy t034tos & 1 on Seosa UG ADUATrE O.AP1lAU aS otassaePROGRAM~ _ MAIN ST. E. logLi")'M FINANCING Up to 60 mes. O.A.C. Power Package 0 CD Equalizer Power Mooproof 3,8L V6 Chrome WheelS 0 Widestance Tradition CASH PRICE rFRom S27. Rgglit F:RT ýTj,,,, - -1 Ir -NOW Regular Store Hours Mon -Thurs. 8:30 am - 7 pm Friday 8:30 am - 8 p r, Saturday 8:30 am - 6 Pmm Sunday 9 00 am - 5 prn