12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 3, 2003 PONTIAC ~BUILT FOR DRIVERS RCHASE FINANCING 60 MONINS CTMOE ~, Cnada* W ~ Y 2003 PONTIAC SUNFIRE t; Basdoc n awallcompttie brocur nînormaton MORE DEPENI)ABILITY. 5-year/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty with $0 deductible. MORE CONVENIENCE. i Flexible Seating 1 Dual Sliding Doors Power Locks/Windows/Mirrors iHeated Exterior Mirrors MORE STYLE. MORE LiRugged Sporty Appearance L 3.4L 185-H El Fog Lamps Van in its cl UAWO Lease Paysost 'l Pamet. $0 $328 $1.095LI $ 305 $2.500 1 $275 *1 2003 PONTIAC VI BE V2003 PONTIAC GRAND AM T 2003 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Y2003 PONTIAC AZTEK MORE COMFORT. Air Conditioning, CD Stereo iTilt Steering MORE SAFETY and SECURITY. i 5-Star Safety Rating% ABS i Dual Front Air Bags SIntegral Child Safety Seat-, Side Air Bags PERFORMANCE. HP V6 Engine u Most Fuel Efficient -1ass PONT1iI I 'LlcI F rthe Iatest Information visit us at gmcanada.cotr, drap by your local Pontiac e Buick e GMC Dealer or callus at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. o0 ou chase inancing on approved GMAC credît only. Oown papment and/or trade may be required. Monfthlp payment and cost of borrowing wil i vary depending on amount borrowed and down papment/trade, Example: $10.000 at 0 APR, he monthly poomant is $16667 for 60 months. Offer available on 48 month lesse. A down payment or trade of $4.260 is raquired. (Montana RWB R7A). Annual cost 0f borrowîng of O.5% par annum. Option ta purchase aet ase en s$11.353 plus applicable taxas. Annula kifometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.12 per eocess kîfomtre. Other lase options anailable. Freight ($995), licence, insurance, registration' PPSA, administration tees and t axes not ncuded!IO *-Offers applp ta 2003 new or demonstrator models ot nakîcles attipped as described. Offers appt p to qualifîed retaîl customers la the Ontario Pontac- Buîck. GMC Dealer Marketing Association area onlp (includinq Outaouai and excludîng Northwestern Ontario). Dealers are frea f0 set individual prîcas. Dealer trode may ha required. Lîmited tîma offar whîch may sot be combirned wth other offers. Oaa, pour dealer for conditions and dataîls. ABast n clasu based on' Natural Rasoarces Canada 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000 Fuel Consamption Guide Rafîngo O0 Tasfîng condactad by the US. National Highwap TraBric Safety Administration (NHTSA). *Graduate Program offar suS au o aIles and excludes Safurs, Saab and suzu and is sot f0 ba used in uonîunction 00f b $1,000 GM Stadent Bonus Offer. AVisa International Service Association[TD Bank and GM. lîcensed anars of marks. Trademark of TO nko ,* n m 0on et ftbe rfnaosfm sau luO Ira ou soer. Pooffas Mntent soss a _1Frégimfe fop h r Bstoofuf onnUa the B MlUOfupacf fest., 5 YEAR IIOQCXOOKMi Dam ta compare? Pontiac Montana Dndgn Caraxan 28D Hosapom/Er nn 1034.6 0/ L Air Coudtioingstnadta ad 014e afetf atirg BrordSM trAsa Side Air Bags sadr l _ Dual Bort Air agsstnadtnar Anti tank Bnakeo tnado Fog UgfAnsanad / f tngraf Child afty Seat sadr pia Lamer BOf Ciadlng sadr / AM/FM CD Steroasadrd otAa lTI tedngstnadtnar Poont ndxasstnad tnar Power temtLanko tnad sadr Pomant afd Mîrmessadrd sa r Autonrati ffomdfim fcof nIi/ Posortrain Warrantn 5/10000 Onductible 7/11.5 0100 sdscttbA oifflIbo -r- 180/3.3L V6 sUndard ---- --- standard ommai N;A N/A stmmr-d sUrbdard ýrd N/A lý5/3 4L V6 ýtatsýrd 6 star- standard standard standard standard standard standard standard Mwan"dard standard standard standard standard SeýPIOC $0 Dedtbctlbie