Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2003, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 23, 2003-7 'Tannery destroyed and horse OURRFJ kîIIed in Iate-evenîng blaze; ___U XAESwRT owner PstimRtpç frc ç t Tinte Capsu/es' aie tgen.s aitnfin tutaticat e traeted front past issues of T/he Citampion and other publications ta pro- vide a sîindost' into Miltons past. E.splanator-v contment is sotnetinte.s pro- tided ta place t/te situationt it contes't. May 1900 At about 10 p.m. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCready. wbo bad just retumed ta tbeir bume on Peru Road, saw flames issu- ing from tbe dye bouse and stable of Wm. C. King, wbo bas been in tbe business of tannig and dyeing sbecpskins and dlean- ing and dyeing clotbing on Peru Road for several years. Tbey could bear Mr. Kings borse screaming in the stable. Tbey sound- ed tbe alarm and tbe nigbbours tumcd out, but it was too late to save the building or any of its contents, or ta rescue the horse. A cutter was saved from a Ican-to. Mr. King was on is way bome from down- town Milton whcn tbe building took tire. He cannot accounit for the origin of tbe lire. Thougb there was a stove in tbe building. tbere bad been no ftire in it after 4 p.m. Mr. King estimates bis loss on building, dyes and otber matcrials, horse and buggy, at no less than $250. Unfortunately be bad no insurance. Tbougb be bas nu capital, be bopes to make a fresb stant and is already prepared ta take orders for bis clcaning and dyeing clotbing. Jobn Featberstone muade a $4.000 sbip- ment of live stock from tbe station at Milton ta Toronto on Monday. It consisted of two car loads of fat cattle, 160 bogs and some calves and lanxbs. By a recent arrangement of the post office departruent witb tbe G.T.R., ordi- nary mal matter, that is unru'gistered mat- ter, will be carried in a mail by tbe 10: 15 a.m. train from Milton ta Hamilton, Toronto, Oakville, Burlingtun and al points reacbed by tbe evening mail. Tbis mail will close at 9:55 a.m. Tbe advantages of tbe new service ta tbe public of Milton. particularly businessmen. will be wben moming trains are on time ail lenters are distributed bere by 9:30 a.m. and tbere will be 25 minutes in wbieb ta answer carre- spondence before tbe close of tbe new mail. Tbe band will gise their outdoor concerts in future on Wednesday evenings instead MiltonTeacher telis Chudleîgh lîbrary shelves Milto o are empty and plants dead at her school Capsules of Saturday evenings. Last week the Milton Fish and Came Club imported 4,000 fresb water sbrimps from Caledonia. New York and put îhcm in their trout pond near Campbellville. The sbrimps are said to be the besit food for trout. Drover John Featherstone pays out thou- sands of dollars to farmers of this county at least twice a month, but bis purcbases of last Monday were ratber beavier iban usual. FHe paid $7.000 for 47 cattle, 365 bogs. 30 calves and 20 sbeep. Tbe stock was sbipped to Toronto. Tbe news of tbe success of the Bnitish troops in Soutb Afnica and the practical end of tbe war didn't arrive in Milton in time to arrange, like Toronto. for a full publie hol- iday, but as we go to press a petition is being circulated asking Mayor Deacon to give tbe balance of the day to rjoicing and to proclaim a baîf holiday. Tbe iown is gay witb bunting, tbe town bell bas been ring- ing and tbe tooting of sîcam wbistles bas been almosi continuous since tbe rcceipt of the news. (The celebration was premature, bowevcr, as tbe war continued until May 31, 1902.) 'Me Royal Templars of Temperance at Kilbride treatcd tbemselves to a banana supper on Friday nigbt and bad a most enjoyable time. Tbey were v iitd by brothers and sisters from Haiflton, Milton and otber places. Georgetown councîl bas given the Guelpb Paving Co. an order for permanent sidewalks. Milton would be improved by adding to its pavements. Tberc's no econo- my in repairing and malntaining wooden walks. T/hi.s taterial i. su.sî'tled on be/ta/f (>1' t/he Milton Historteal Sot tet v vu fni Dil/s. utho (an bc teached bs e otai ut jdillsY(ý) idict'eut('(i. (T/te fo//owing letter kva.ssent ta Ha/ton MPP Ted C/tud/eigh and a copv wasfiled wtith The Chantpion.) Dear Editor: 1 was eagcrly anticipating tbe election platform tbat was released last Friday ta the peuple of Ontario. Wben 1 read yuur ad in Tbe Champion, 1 was thrilled witb wbat you are offering ta tbe peuple of Ontario if you get re-elected tbis sommer. The tirst pieture in tbe ad sbowed a group of cIe- mentary scbool-aged students in Oakville sitting and listening ta your every word. It was obviaus tbat tbe pieture was taken in a sebool library. Tbe library sbelves were full and neatly organ- ized. There were several resources sitting on the wooden desk beside you. Wll-watered plants adomed tbe shelves. Tbere was a modem computer sitsing in the back- ground as well as a televîsion that loakcd like it was less tban 10 years aId. Sebools in Ontario must be flourisbîng witb al the extra money you've put toward education aver the last few years. But wait. Im a teacber. My library shelves are messy; aur plants are aIl dead. Wby? Tbere's only anc librarian in a scbool witb 1.7(10 students. Fie docsn't bave tîme for sucb trivial details. Wby is the seboul in tbis pieture su dîfferent froru my sebool? Ob. I sec, aIl the students in tbe roomn arc wearing uniforms. I believe tbe pîcture was taken in a private scbool, and tbey dont rely un a funding formula dictatcd by the provincial guvemment. In thc second pieture youure touring a bealtb facility with Tony Clements in Burlinglon. Wow - a ncw health facility, somcthing good for Ontario? Tbe facility you're touring is a private chonie. Was any provincial muney put toward the infra- structure of the clinie? Or will tax payers be paying off thc monigage and Pud by Steve Nease COMPETITIVE BY NATURE. SUPERIOR BY DESIGN. INTRODUCINO THE AIL NEW 2004 MAZDA6 AM2M kud86scorne wîth81 îrpressive listi fstendâdequiprneit So Many S Curves. 23L ISOHP 4Oylnde of FontDOUÉ1eWishbone Suspenson So Littieuie. *AvaiIabIe 3OL 220HP V6 Engins 'Rear E.ype MÉ u~îbSspension *Power Windows* Engine Immobili'er Power Hoted MiirrsU6/4 RearSeats w/onetfouch action 4 1 D W-U - OWise Oontrol - T/iei Tscopl Sieedng 'Power Làs / 6euesEntry-'OiteAmbînTi *4 /heeI DÉc hes/1ABS 8Bkes w/EBFD ..pus flËçbmore *EIecton ImâlCto ontrol :.FM ÉD r/ sekm Sàding at oný remýmtuie Indàaon $2 a25 2004 Mazda6s are y $2,295 now in stock. Achilles 351 SurnmSt. (awl 7) Ici.., eu *is*813.HOO0 !aie Plus FroghoMPE andJ Taxes. Cal for delais Featuring The Alil New 2004 Mazda6 Youyo4towaud fflInfWde &Muoot rveayof Mme jn fl... ýý 1 ý - , _- . . - 11ri.. q r%.ý -.- 'Bir -. boans ta build the facility witb tbcir tax dollars over a long period of time? b Ic tbtird picture, you'rc prcsenting a cbeque toaa unifurmcd police affleer. It's unelear bow mueb the ebeque is for, but it must bc a good amount. Otberwisc, bow would wc bave 43 more police officers in Fialton? Howcvcr, Uic Halton Regianal Police force is fund- cd primarily by the Region of Halton. In your ncw document ('The Road ta Nowbere?'), yau and the rest of tbe Taries are planning on capping municipal taxes, unless of course a costly referendum indicates that the vuters agree ta a bike in taxes. Wha's going ta, pay for the ncw police officers whcn the funding from tbe provincial prugraru runs out? You may bc planning ta double the money rIow, but teachers knuw better. Tbe money tbat was invested in new tcxtbooks and resaurces when the ncw curriculum was întroduced in grade 9 was eut back su mach tbat whcn the ncw cur- riculum in grade 12 was intruduccd, most subjeet areas reccived nu moncy for ncw texts. Whaî troubles me more is tbat none of the pictures in thc ad werc taken in Milton. hs thai because you ean't flnd any pictures of buw you've bclpcd Miltonians in the sehauls and hospital tbat we use'? Wbcre 's Uic piesure of you touring the hospital dur- ing the SARS scare? Wherc 's tbe picture of you pitcbing in and helping shelve books at Robert Baldwin Sebool, wbcre tbere's only a baîf-time librarian? Wherc 's thc picture of you touring Maplchurst and sbowing us aIl how storing prisoners in a warehouse is making Uiem better citiz.ens? When you show me these pictures, maybc lIlI think about voting for you. Lynn Shire Cedarbrae Avenue

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