8-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 16, 2003 HJaH SCJIflQ RFPflRT.. ..... CŽ>~O¶Aluo MORTGAGE ACTON CBM e ii) __ "HonestMortgageAdvice You Can Count On" Purchases Renewals/rransfers Refinances *Pre-approvals *Telephonel On-uine aplications Visit our NEW OFFICE in, Milton Mail Shopping Centre (905) 875-2333 ---- - - - - - w.w.HEAD OFFICE 131 WNARNCLIFFE RD. LONDON DATEL61NE DRURY Julianna Clarkce Sara Grimbly Jordan Lumb As far as sue cau tell. our îinitiers surent the only mes who had a goîxi seekend (beng thati i wsas Moier's Day anti alh. is the casi iii Mutiher fibnguie (Drurys sage production> stle frst place ai lielrvincial levci. Itlis cal is trul a nilesione in Duy*s draina hîstor. anti congrais are in order lu the casi and crere as seil as Mis. Roheris. Anoiher big cotttpetitiîoi took place this pasi Wednesday when Druy's Vaiediciorian noininees delivered their speeches ini an tempi 10 capture ibis prestiglous positioîn. The norntnees for Drury's Grade 12 Viedicionian inciuded: Amanda Barreit, Carolyn Humniel. Jenna ho, Kelsie Learnan and Evan Murray. And just as important. the noîttînees tor the lIAI VaIedicionian sere. Mike Ferrer, Surane Lety. Chrs Setit. Andy Strazdîns. Ltndsey Tuner. and Lori Wolliastomn.lunurder i niake sure that yiîu don[ iti îss (lui onlthe suie le he liîe-aiîening Vaedtctoian speech in Ocîther. niake sure iii gel yourConurnencementin înimaîîîîuanid nittcIoul iMr Firiliii lyou liane yt todo sut Htusuver. ilis nol theiîtîiy thîng itu shOuid be suitryit aboult because prîlut tickets are poing. peine-. anîd cone as iii Iodas Ycs hai's ruclît tm a u the iai ast ýIdat li0 but stUc t-e\ /ît tît1I Pttt roitt ticket,. Sot hupeIiillî di suhît sure paningonoit îîîg hase alîcadt purclaseil iltetimWe dont iîaîot dut dîsapplîintcd settîsrs su ýlt utndotîhtiiî ýregitctis tc ii prît. Event thoîîpiîthe sîcatIter tas bcnuàa tIle bit csinus i.îi.Ii o knouuith.li\0i su ont bc dtsappiîtedu iîh ruirs s ipi. nri cuts iilh'i \swit'd Fxlatter pe pare tittrseies lori lic uta oiîig iithsketll iilointiilient ila helicut on Ma\ 2liî l iurnaniett tîtîl coit o 16 tclit t , usoiii toue re îcin iît iii linsin rite cend. Tii. cosIius 'ut ratllaser uii iail pruteel ineite iîiited ii p utahie chitîtes. anîd les. therc are sait ola prilles liritie %iîuiîers. TRiînk ot the h-bail turtî.itetiîas a retreshiine liste or si la s d to it al of to dneils suittiler. suecl. ai leasi lfor itilseofi tua uhî treit plannîîî ing or] îk- inp.Tît the rest iti WUtIiitît lluukîîittisu[iiîlîeîi oiliiO i iiîiiîiis c ili table that \ýsu acse up titis pasiI îesdai\. ittake surre lii chleck titi(te itb îîîîîîîlîî nitlies, niii îr aiea ai www,4.luînpmer-wlîrA-.ell,,i uae ciI i ie titile em1ij il n thi. 'nnîttir. uhethii« , t Iti:i a Iiiliiatu ls 1 tIita Wtînderia,îla truipIo ilitda.tir luire titi llIiiîtiisliei. l( tld But iioryiîiistutlents suhoiiare sadît c'tintitoiireiaiti îtiilititititiettier a tractiti oîr the enireIýthilîcsul inter. nitaliesure Io Iiip hî ai te guidianceîoffice iii decteue thc surnîlîer schîoIuicuit rues bat suilila -ýitade as ailîble It sout Andî despîte the disiasýte that ilues aiog iîu tuîh prîloniiîtpiie ilchscoîoltt ar. dîîîî ie,îve sîpnîng up untîl tuic ast tîinute. hlaaisi. the classes are alreadtlillîîî p u lasi Just a noteicl ciîg. the atînuai Lierary CîtteceHîîusc igruited tiiile braieliterary and anîistic excellence. s Ascheduled tior Mat 22nd. Su. il tîlu tise sotine poetri lor prolse tr a puîliiltd miusical tr dantce tnîtîlar. see Mr. Keatie. oîr any iliher niber iii he Coiîntttuntcaitiîiîs dcpî. Fasi andfInn s suhat iis Victoria Dat seekeîd s sure Io ka.but %sutî l iiofi ie escîtettîcut and actîs ites tai ttu'li laenjîîop. reitiar ii lx afalndi responsic. su îter ai a Irietdu paotial a aîttîl\ barlaî>ue ior lii a iii. oit te îsiand. soinîwhere up Noirh. Jenna Masciantonio Meredith Murphy BISHOP REDINO 111eH SCHOL The May long weekend is here once again. Student Govemment hais been doing their bent to keep things interesting here at BR. The Film Festival is fast approaching and will no doubt provide enough entertainment for the remainder of the year, and then home. AIl participants are required to filI out a submis- sion form. Films are to be handed in by May 20th. Grade Rep organization and elections are also getting underway. If you are looking to reprehent your grade next year in Student Govemment, be sure to pick up a form in the Student Govemment Office. Congratulations to ail students who participated in this year's production of "The Sound of Music". It \vas a great success. Alisa King's voîce amazed the audience again and again in her role as Maria. The student hody 1lready anxiously assauts next year's perfonnance. BR's musical talent s.as again evîdent on Wednecday. This anitual Music Niglht vas cotuposed of the junior and senior bands as well as the choir. All hrought harnîontî (ui ears. The future of Canadian literature look, promising. The Write Nos., literary contest wiîîners s.1ere announced during Thursday's reception. Conigratulationis to \Nin- tiers: Sarah Cartvî%righit, Kttelynn Johnston, Rehekah Leavitt, Kadi Patience, Dave Spachich, and Jetn Thomas. Thaîk you 10 al1 those ss ho entered the comipe- titton. You gav e ihe jucîges a hard timc. Also, thank yîîu Io the ()AC Writers (.raft class foi organiing the recep- 11011 ancd Judging cil ol the suhinîssions. Last weekends car \vasli vas an enormous achieve- ment. The collahorating History classes raised over $500. Total donations have nearly reached the halfway mark of $1000. Thih money will go towards our goal of purchasing a Stone for the Juno Beach Center. In recent sports news our Royals are climhing the ladder. The Senior Girl's softhall team hais a 2-0 record. The Junior Girl's Soccer team took out Christ the King on Monday, in a 4-0 victory. While the Senior team ltied 2-2, with goals hy Erin Greenfield and Amy Dipalma to keep them in the game. AIl teanîs are cotîtinuing to progress despite the challenging weather conditions. Good luck in ail your upcoming games Royals! Megan Cavon Steph Creighton MILON DISTRICT sien1 SCIGOL "1MUSTANG MESSENGER" It hais heen a rainy week and hopefully the long week- end will flot follow suit. There will be no sehool on Monday, flot that anyone would have forgotton that. With only 25 days until school is done for the summer our grads arc anxiously awaiting prom. This will be held on June 27th and tickets are $7000 each. Our prom com- mittee is selling Grad T's, with a 'class of' picture, for only $2000 until May 27th. "Simply Delicious" choco- laie hart are alto being sold down in the front hall. Just don't eat too many. or you may flot fit into your drets! In Guidance there is the opportunîîy 10 apply for many scholarships. Alto released are the Prefect nominations feimîs. These are due hack Friday, May 23rd and the list stil1 he posted Wednesday, May 27th. The annual eo-op fair will he held the morning of May 2l1sit tom 9:30 until Il: 15. This marks the culmination of this teniester*s co-op students. Thei placements vary front elenîentary schools, vet clintes and auto shops. This should be an interesting look at the activities they have heen iiîsolved in. and where next year's co-ops should look to he placed. Soot Io 0corne.., lte MDHS clamna departient îsIll he presentiiîg a sertes ot it1e aci plays. They %ill run (rom May 21lsi to May 24th at 7:3(1. Tickets for -Caught iii the Acts-are available for $7.00 for a single night atnd $ 1000 for tt.o nights. These future stars still he in action for four nights of comedy, so conte and watch them shtne. Only May and June are left hefore the sehool year of 2002/2003 cornes to a close. This means that culminating tasks, exams. parties and prom are still left hçfore we all disperse for the summer. Work hard. play harder, and have an awcsome week, Milton. Bob McLeod Manager jim McDoweII 1 1 NOTICE -7 *O.A.C. RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT h WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGES.CDM