Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2003, p. 7

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Strie a neaby contan eryThe Canadian Champion, Fnday, May 16, 2003-7 far from a settiement; top paîd Ou R EDEsWRT employees tiead back to work Ilie t ofsli ie gems ofiiloi moti eCti oued fiori past issues of Thte Chantpion and other publication.s (o Pro- vide a siudoîs' into Milton 's paît. Evplanatoi'scommentt is sometimies pro- videci to place t/tesituation i tonte/t. April 1900 A resîdent of Acton says tbat tbe strike ai the Beardmore îannery is far trom a setule- ment. A few ofthie hands svbo bad been paid $1 .25 per day. excepîionally higb wages for tbe lannery. bave retîtmed to wrtrk. Tbose ibat got $1.10 are still oui. Actonians say tbat tbougb the tannery bas employed 200 bands il baso't been wortb as mucb 1tbe village as migbt bave been imagined. Il bas given no bonuses; but il secured exemption from taxation for 20 years. One resident says in bis opinion, tbe exemption did not pay tbe municipality, as, on account otf low wages, tbe empîrtyces bad no money 10 spare: in faci many otf tbem couldn'î pay ibeir way and tbe result was bad debîs for local business men. Tbe sympathy ofthIe citizens otf Acton, be says, is witb tbe stikers. R.J. McInnes and W.J. Armstrotng are attending tbe meeting oftfhie C.W.A. (Canadian Wbeelmans Association) in Toronto on Good Friday. Eacb member attacbed 10 tbe C.WA. will, in case otf acci- dent, receive $5 per week for tbeee weeks, or in case otf fatal injuey bis beneficiaey will receive $125. Jesse Atkinson and Jacob Jobnson caugbt a wagon load of suckers ai Oakville on Monday, beougbt tbem bome and sold them witbin a sbort ime. The sucker is not considered a game fisb, but many people think il not 10 be sneezed ai in tbe spring before tbe waem water causes il lu soften. May 1900 Tbe annual spring boese sbow was beld bere on Thursday and was almosi a failure, owing 10 seeding opeeations. Only fOve borses were exhibited. Faemers otf Halton, we would like 10 see more interesl taken in tbe beeeding and reaeing otf borses. Now tbeyre in demand and 10 ail appearance will be for a number of years. Every fariner sbould keep a good brood-mare otf some one ofthie classes required. Heavy draugbî borses would ai tbe present lime be a safe invesîment, as a grod beavy borse will always bring a gortd price. Capsules The bill authoring the boan of $10,0001 by the tosvn of' Milton Io the Port Hope Carnet Co. À as passed by the Legisiature last Friday. On Tuesday, Mr. Syer otf the company bosîglb f romn John Stewart the lot and resîdence ai the corner of Main and Commercial streets. occttpied by Dr. Wickson. (Present Kentucky Fried Chicken location and car wash.> Me. Syer will live in the bouse and will ereci a brick building for the factory between it and the old foundry. Mr. Stewart agrees 10 remove the long wooden shed twelve feet fartber from the cast side rtf the Wickson property. The village rtf Brortkville, Nassagaweya, suffered very beavily by fiee on Friday aftemoon. The fire originated in tbe bouse of Neil McMillan, foin a defective cbim- ney. Tbere was a high wind and the flaines soon extended to Me. MeMillans stable, to bis baeness sbop and 10 another dwelling bouse owned by im and occupied by James Daerah. Next Dr. Belî's and De. McTaggert's bouses and stables took fiee. Tbe latter buildings were ail owned by J. MEIne, otf Toronto, formerly otf Nassagaweya. Al tbe above mentioned buildings were bumned to tbe geound in spite ofthIe exertions otf about 80 men, wbo did al Ibhat was possible under tbe circumsîances and saved mosî rof tbe contents of tbe buildings, thougb in a more or less damaged condition. C.A. Elsleys store took fire no less tban five imes, but tbe volunteer bucket brigade saved il, and removed ils contents. Ex- Waeden D. Hutebeon and Jos. Eastman, wbo were among the workers, were cul off by tbe flames wbile in an upper room in De. Belî's bouse, but escaped, somewbat scorcbed, by jumping from a window. Al otf the buildings were insured and tbe loss bas already been appraised by representa- tives otf the companies concemned. Most, if not aIl, ofthie buildings destroyed will be re-built. This matertal is assenîbled on behaif of the Milton Historie ai Soctietv byv i Dilis, who can be reached bv e-mail ai jdills@idirei-t.(oni. Dear Editor: Yotir front page article of May 2 staîed designated smoking rooms (DSRs> WOUld be allowed in al wsîrk places except municipal buildings. That is nultbe case. Coiincil did show a bit tif'csîr mon sense by h mîtîng DSRs t bars, restaurants, Mohawsk Raceîrack and the Bingo Hall. However, 1 would lîke one of Itose counicillors wbo supported allowing these DSRs 10 explain to me wby they gave consideration to prrtlecîing tbe bealîb, safeîy, and well being of Town emplrtyees and tbe assembly line workers aI Karmax, but gave no consideration ai al 10 Ibose Ibat work in tbe bar and restaurant industey. Sbrtuld îbey nol bave been given the same protection and considera- lion? Mayor Gord Krantzs response is Ibat if tbey dont like il, tbey can work srtmewbere else. In today's job market, ibat's easier said tban done. I guess if tbe mayor bad bis way, Ibere would be no legislation govemning bealtb and safely in any workplace. Tbe mayor and members otf counicil wbo voted in favour oft iis bylaw sbowed a blatant diseegard for the evidence provided illustrai- Dear Editor: As always wben we gel close 10 an election, politi- cians talk about wbaî lbey've done. I believe wbat's more important is wbaî lbey bavent done ibat tbey sbould bave. We live in an age otf dynamie situations, wbere cbange is tbe norm and not tbe exception. Like many communities, Milton is going tbeougb dramatie growtb wbere a proactive ability witbin our political leadership is certainly preferable 10 knee-jerk reactive decision making. A wait-and-see attitude iso't acceptable - il neyer was and neyer will be. The residenîs rof Milton need, and mosi certainly deserve, progressive leadersbip. Milton sbould be addressing toinrrrow's needs today. We need prrtac- tive ibinkers on îown counicil. As our municipal elections gel dloser, every voter otf Milton sbould really ask wbaî we bave and wbat we need 10 move forward witb confidence? We need 10 about wbaî wasn't done tbat sbould bave been done in tbe paît. Il appears 10 me tbat we need to move froin a some- wbaî conformable îown counicil 10 a proactive and tbink-out-of-tbe-box municipal îeam. Milton inuit be progressive, yet remain attacbed 10 the founidation otf small-town, core values. We need 10 ensure our elecîed officials bave focus and îenaciîy 10 move forward, 001 tbe complacency of waiî-and-see otf years gone by. It's up 10 us 10 vote in ibose wbo will inake il bappen. Robert <Bob) A. Bayette Campbellville i SIZE 16 TO SIZE 4 Bsn hposiB *B .Positiv Chne,1ls 5 b n6m h. eo ca chng s- e haus p.e r** an-enty e e eh ypos Using hypnosis, there are: @No Diets @No Drugs *No Shots @No Weigh-ins No Supplements It is an ail-natural method. You use your own mind for safe, sen- sible permanent weight loss! *Weight Loss -Stress Management 'Stop Smoking 'Learning Acceleration 'Sales Mastery 'Pain Management Cali Now for your FREE Consultation Positi-ve Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress tM.anagement Stop Sm-oking Alcohol Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown Positiv,,e(' iîanges Two doors south of Ihe'Il) Bank) _A____________E_à____ (905) 877-2077 "W/,ere Resu/t lpe -I. S ------j -- n Malboeuf says town councîl took a step Time ,-(ý backward wîth its Iatest rulîng on DSRs Reader says that in the wake of this faill's municipal election, Milton needs a more proactive town coundil ing tbe harmful effeets otf second- band smoke and the inability oif DSRs 10 prîîîecî anyrtne. Why did councillors John Challinîîr andi Rick Day reverse their position lroîm having original- y supported 1(00 per cent tno smok- îîng tI nsi approving DSRs?ý Wby dîd Csîuncillor Ron Funik. wbo says he supports 100 per cent no smoking, vole in favour of once again allowîng smoking in tbe bars and restaurants of Milton'? Could tbe lrtbbying from a îobac- co crtmpany or a fcw bar owners bave influenced Ibein? Your article quoîed tbe mayor as saying tbat il was a malter otf eboice. Wbat ever bappened t0 tbe concept ofthIe greater public good? Wbat ever bappened 10 represent- ing tbe wisbes oftfhIe majorily? Wbat ever bappened 10 prrttecting tbe bealtb and safely rof our ciii- zens? - wbicb is tbe primaey responsibiliîy rof govemment. Tbat's wby govemmenîs main- tain jurisdictirtn over tbe rmilitai-y, police, fiee, ambulance and bealtb departments. Leaving bealtb-relaîed issues 10 tbe for-profit private sector is a concept tbat felI by tbe wayside yeaes ago. Tbe mayor bas stated several limes that he doesn't believe il's necessary nor is il tbe role otf municipal goveroment 10 pass bylaws prrttecting ils cilizens from the healîb bazards otf tobacco smrtke, but be had no problem sop- porting Ibis municipal bylaw that protecîs the financial inîcresîs rof bar owners whrt construtet DSRs. Tbe mayors position is that il's okay for the munîcipaliîy 10 proteet the financial interesîs rof bar rtwn- ers but il sbouldn'î involve ilself in prrtîecîing tbe bealîb and safety otf ils cilizens. Mr. Krantzs position on Ibis issue demonsteates once again ibat be doesn't understand tbe modem day issues facing municipal gov- emnent. The role otf municipal council bas cbanged dramatieally in the lasi few years, due 10 tbe down- loading otf responsibilities feoin brthtbhIe federal and provincial govemenents. In order foe Milton 10 deal witb ibese cbanges and tbe cballenges associated witb tbem, the inembees otf council bave 10 eiîber cbange tbeir ways or the citizens otf Milton bave 10 cbange ibeir council. Rick Malboeut, Town and regional councillor

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