-I 6 - The Canadian Champion Frîday May 16 2003 SCOMMENT +THE CANADIAN CHAvIpioN Box 248, 191 Mai Milton, Oint. 1, (905) 878-À 905. 905. 905 905 nii St. E., The Canadian Champion, ubliiannre ry luscay and Friday al191 T 4N9 Main SI A Millinrrirl tL9T 4N9 Bon 248» s crienofi1he Mehro anii Prn g Pi A slig A Disiiiitinîrlg LA r f ni5innrai cnriiaiies il ht incldesAlxPii.keririg Sevis Adveriser Allisioi AnaldA tonner Brrir' 2 3 1 A vfcBarsBayThins Wetk, AleiniFiiiriirise, rrîrriltofGiiar(iii B g iiqý))PostBrrînirni hrnnîiîwiuNýs CilyPareintCii(ty fYn GA r gli nnri Aflang Corrini io Lir Aiork Mirrnn r E î878-4943 A A nrîrl'CLi)ry ois Ao , cirke(, iai Pai HrrhorrglirPost Forise -8626 YOing. ergetonln InAipenAnrîl Acii Fini' Press Halion Busisness Tfiner i-7-34Huinrna Businss finia rrifs intniThis Wr'ek 1.imsay fins Week Maîkinnin -85-300 toori rnsf A & l MolariPniiA nn irMi Mlnîn ShinNîSenis 5853 Mssissaga Business finries, Mssissarga Nevis. SapanierGuide -878-5947 Smsaganseya Sevins Seiniaikpl Aurnia Fr-aineNn rthumbeiîîrniland NSvis Nortir Yrk Mrror Oakvile Beaier Oakvnin eShoppinig Seans flai irionsb Publisher -HockeAnNSensOrilira fmdaA sniîlnriil;Ci gnn Pr , fiis WAAIn Peerboroughr Tnis Week. Piston CnLiniy GuideRiBchmndî Pi(ile PtiîlîrittHe'î lruThnrnhîll Vangirair Liberai Scarbnroiigh Mirîni Snniiaille Aninîmgge !duiinCujTribune Eilitr--ii-('il Aivenîsbing is atcepled on lire condiion fuli n theAvnofnia typn Edîitiiî graphitai erini mal iportioniof1the adnerisîng spate ottopied byAthe errn- neos lr, IngAlier witB a reasnîrairle allnwance lui signature, wiIInot SA ciihf.1wa" iargeniforfibitlire salante of the alnerlisemeril ns l Se parA for ai the apipli- lnatinti Mitiiie, table rate Tire publisfer resernes lire rîghtIo f alegonine aniersemneris ni 11- . edcin e Office a' Maer nnîdîîî'îîîî,îmaaer Thre Miton CanaAîae Chainpioens a Reeyciable Penadncl * i èiSC OOD NEe#.WS-- CAWIA14 DOLLAI? Hey Milton, let's ail be____________ safe this long weekend +(liu iRF n C IY/vTr The holiday weekend is upon us and as always, Halton Regional Police will be out in full force with its RIDE program. hoping 10 curb and/or discourage impaired driving on area streets and highways. Our hope for this weekend- a big fat zero counit for drinking and driving incidents throughout Halton. Our hope for the future - the day (hopefully flot so far off) when Halton's RIDE program simply isn't necessary. Neither wish is really much to ask. 0f ail the problems plaguing our society. îmipaired dniving is without question one of the most easily fixable. Wiping out this behaviour is simply a matter of exercising some consideration and common sense. Unfortunately, we just can 't seem 10 get everyone on board with these concepts. In conjuniction with this weekend's RIDE program, members of MADD's Halton/Peel chapter will hold an information and awareness blitz at various locations across both regions. 0f course their arguments are nothing new, but we encourage you flot to just blow them off. Remember, many of these people have lost loved ones to drunk drivers. And even if they haven't. they're volunteering their lime to publicize an important message. Either way, they deserve to be heard. Reader says town council's recent change to smoking bylaw was truly dîsappoîntîng Dear Editor: So nov, Milton bas the irorst smoking bvlav n the province of Ontario. The mayor and the fise members of counicil who supported ibis bylaw must be proud of themnselves. While every other jurisdiction an North Amenica is tryîng 10 elîmi- nate smoking in public places and reduce the exposure Io dangerous second-hand irmoke. those six members of councîl voted to increase smoking in the bars and restaurants of Milton. Milton irent trom having one of the best brnsr to reduce public expolsure 10 tobzicco smoke lu has - îng the sir orst. There ssvas no need Io change the exîstîng bylaw. The bar and restau- rant owners didn'î ask for these changes. 1 believe the cilizens of Milton have been influenced by the lobby- ing of the tobacco company. We're ail proud when Milton is awarded recognition for certain activities. but if's disappoinîing to bc rated as the town wsiîb one of the \vorst bylawhs- as stated by Michael Perley. director of Ontanio Action on Tobacco. What an accomplishmenî. thanks tu the senseless six. 1 think aIl other responsible councils will allow us 10 keep ibis notorieîy. It may be time 10 consîder changes to council by electing peo- pIe who'll truly represent the wisb- es of the people rather than gise in to the demands of irmaîl and vocal special interest groups. Del Oxford Milton E-mail your letters to the editor to miltoned(4)hatonsearch.com. Understand thatfairness can be a two-way street Tsk, tsk. tirk. By now mosI of us, il not aIl of us, know that Milton counicîl bas approved new smoking legis- lation. pant of which permits designated smoking rooms (DSRs) in bars. restaurants, gaming facili- lies and horse trackir. It will take effect January I. but docni turce entrepreneurs to instaîl DSRs. Tha*s probably the only truly tair thing about tbis newý bylawý, I say that because the issue ol allowing smnok- ing bas become about faîmcss. But for whom? Faimess for business ossners wbo say they 've lost custoîners because the current bylaw pro- hibits smoking in bars and restaurants. and DSRs will bring them back? Faimeiir for people who feel it's their right to be able to smoke in esablishments because tobacco is a legally sold and consumed product? Faimess for those who say they want the option lu decide if they want to instaîl DSRs? If this was the firsi limne a smoking bylaw was bcing inn'oduced. then al these faîmesir issues miake sense. But thal's not the case. The current bylasir\vas in effect for nearly a year when counicîl voted 6-4 last monîh lu create a new smoking bylaw The aforemenîioned issues ut faimess hasve losIthleir shelf lite. Nosi. si iî the niew smoking bylass ready to rol next year. il poses a nesi question about faimess that mighl bave been lost on some. What about those businesses wbo choose to instaîl DSRs but are subjected to watching their competitorir. who don't bave DSRs. allow smok- ing'? If you dont tbink thats going 10 happen. wake up. _ The hio, The current bylaw clearly stati allowed in a bar or restaurant. Bi officers have found, and charge occasions. business owners for il smoking indoors. Bylaw officers - another if because of the few number of t] will now have to work diligentl come January 1, entrepreneurs who spent tenir of thousands of dollars for DSRs are geîîing their moncy's worth knowing that non-DSR establish- mentir are abiding by the law. If thats not a faimess issue, I dont know what ~ô Milton council. in passing the newr bylaws made a clear statement that smoking will be p cture banned across îown come 2009. And I applaud C a -T that part of the bylass. Il certainly builds on the current one. es no smoking ir But that's -bang on. let me count - five ýut Milton bylaw years away from taking effeet. ed on numerous In the meantime, il's my contention that busi- legally allowing nesses which built expensive DSRs will approach councillors next year, complaining other husi- issue f nt(1 itself nesses arc permitting smoking wbile nul having them in town - sunk tons of money mbt erecting DSRs. y 10 ensure that Faimeirs can be a two-way street. Edtonial Fax: Adverlising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver A MIi Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Aà Steve Crozier ciý Teri Casas Tim Cles Pl