2-The Canadian Champion, Frtday May 16, 2003 Most ,reo.sidents don't want parking bylaw change: report By JASON MISNER The Champion c is ,g. tto l lttso Itclle sViltt O elotrC toa on-street parking bylaw, many said doing 50 risks making things worse, according to a report releaoed by Town staff this week. The report, given to councillors at Monday nights community services com- mintee meeting, concluded residents were concemed that lifting three-hour parking woulclitm stree, t 011virtotal parkri Lonî(s tooke it gardi. ot t ain tigtnanceC crs80e do their jobs. The report was based on a process approved by local councillors Itot faîl. The process allows for residents to requeot that town officiais determine if there's a basis to pursue having the tbree- hour parking bylawt on town streets lifted The questionnaire asks residents if they favour getning rid of fier Petrno tfl irt p w rr thn h. r rp ic rco Lrî ;f:, miito l' 813cm aic salciy contccms 8ha8 would prohibit permanent parking on their street. If the staff person doesn't sec any legitimate safety reason for disallowing the request for permanent parking, a question- naire is sent 60 bouses along the given street. of the total numbet ot hcncses cxt he 'srccC nscst agrcc 80 having the bylaw replaced with 24-bour parking. A staff informnation report released to counicillors at Monday's community services committee meeting showed that 19 treets have requested a review of three-hour parking since last fail. There are a total of 300 streets in Milton. The report concluded there wasn't a majority conoent to lift the three-bour parking bylaw. The report stated the highest level of support 60 lifting three-hour parking came from Gowling Terrace. It showed 40 per cent of res- idents wanted permanent parking. Comments on the questionnaire încluded: - People obould dlean out their garages instead of uoing it for storage. - People from nearby streets might park on the street where the three-hour ban has been lifted. - People may leave cars for days on the streets. Based on the results, Councillor John Chalinor says Miltonians are preuty happy with the town's parking situation. "The vast majority of Miltonians are happy with the way thingo are," 'he said in a later interview. "But we have a few problems." The Town is considering allowing a special temporary exemp- tion that would lift the three-hour ban only for one night. The idea would be to allow guests to park ovemight. Town staff said residents moving from municipalities like Brampton and Mississauga are used to having this exemption. Staff also noted allowing the exemption might cut down on the number of reque6ts to lift three-hour parking. This potential exemption is being looked into as part of the Town's review of parking dilemmas in new subdivision areas in Milton. To address the problems, the Town sent out 200 randomn surveys in March asking residents things like if they're having trouble parking, how many vehicles they own and what kind they are. Staff tigured there were three key problem areas when it comes to parking, including residents not using their garages because they use it for storage or they arent large enough; residents storing trailers in their driveways; and on average, residents having more than two vehicles. A report detailing the survey results could come to the Town's administration and planning commirtee meeting Tuesday night. Jason Misner tan be reached ai jrnisner@rniltoncanadian- o hampiait <arn. 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