Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2003, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 16, 2003-13 DSRs are perfect solution in smoking controversy 1 lt's funny how the letter tic the-editor prncess ss'orks. But, i dont know why anybodys yakking about the revision 10 the smoking bylaw that allows DSRs. I' the perfect solution. If you smoke, you can smoke; if you dont. you dont. And nobody bothers each other. 1 dont understand the letters. There bas been smoking in bars since there have been bars. Ail of a sudden you're up in arms over il? For lack of anything better, your main concemn is now the peuple who work in these places who don't smoke? If they don't smoke. they cao work in the non-smoking section. You're not going 10 be buthered by smoking anymore if yuu go to bars and don't smoke. Gcîî that? Your fight is finished. We aIl know smoking is bad. so quit with the silly lectures. Eventually it will be wiped out altugether in any public place. I think town council did a great lob in revising thîs bylaw. Their job isn't 10 legisiate our morality. What they've donc is keep in mind the health risks, wbile alsu keeptng in mind that Milton bhîsinesses need not be put at a disad- vantage 10 surrouniding communities. They're nul tryîng 10 sase Eightv percent of people who go 10 bars smoke. 'Vas there a public OUltcry from those 80) per cent?! Or the other 20) per cent'! Hardly. It w as a flawed cîccision-nmak- ing prcess romite start. If 'nabatriissneî and I base t eiehienalv nsik ing or going Out of business. ss at cbniic e d(I b avec.?tOnc peuple aren 't alloss cd iii smoke any w ere. then inm mn the saie playling' field. I cao deal ss lbh lat. Nobodx s, say ing health isut a good tbing in) be conceined abouti but the counICilîirs wrent soting itn fas mIor )'smokinlg. f'or crn itg out 1lomîd. Dont be ridikUlous. As far as l'nt cinccmced. thcy sscrc s iting Murray Townsend's lifestyes column appears in The Champion every other Friday. i CHOOL RINGS Order your ring now! Milton District Bishop P.F. Reding flum-M .8:80-M0 F.Laaway , Free Giff Wrapping ~. .. :" eFr.. SmiIes Sm.u. You wanî 10 naine the counicillors? I svil, too. John Chailinor. Rick Day, Ron Furik. Ant Melanson, Brian Penman and Mayor Gord Krantz are le bcing responsibie lu those who voted them mbnt office, wbilc aI the saine lime prntecting the rights o) those who wnculd be affected by our freedom of choice. That's whaîi 1ssant f rom our local gosem- ment. Okay. 5ss e're A concemed about smoking and healîh con- cemrs. Let*s realiy don sornething and cul il nfiaI the source. Ynu l(Imîi '! ' ils 'nîn' , . i n i fp"o ýý YOU idoi' t th lemgel n1 n11tîhe lii Silplace, Or yoLIut) iltlsern a viable altemnative. Our high sehouls have crncwds oif kids oulside smoking away- off sehool propenty of course, su the sehool iso't responsible. Let's gel people in those sehools wtth programs 10 steer them away from smoking. The kids already know iî's bad for them. su give themn an alter- native or incentive. Maybe make them go 10 cancer clinies where people are batîlîng lung cancer. And if you wanî 10 make a byiaw, make il iliegal lu smoke in Milton uniess you're 19, and then enforce il. lnstead oîf paying money for smoke police lu mnvestigaîe bars, boss about puîîing that money luward smoikinig cessation pro- grams iii Miltoîn. If you wanî lu doi some grandstanding, that's one îhing. but if yncu really want In dno something, stant in the righl places. O0 ** **After $100 bill credit on 2 year term. Not Included ln bike promotion Intec Cellular inc. 439 Main St. E. Milton 905-875-1446 Intec Cellular Inc. 2-3245 Harvester Rd. Burlington 905-637-6568 Intec Cellular Inc. 871 Niagara St. N. #15A Welland 905-735-2600 *Phone and Rike prnces ealid on $40 prîce plan with 2 year term n Is $49up front charge for phnone, $1 Charge fer bîke, $50 Mail in tebate tsytemn Acces Fee, 911 Emergency AccetS Feec, Tet Mescagng, iong distance, roaming charget and any additlenal service optionst Ifat are oelected and applcable tacet for these items wîll aise 0e tilled monthis. toening ime dlock on $40 plan ise6Pm te t am valid before May 16, 2003. Offer ends May 31, 2003. @tRogers Wire,-s mc.Ail rîghts recersed, -Rogers ts a trademark of Rogers Communications Inc. Used coder License,®cnT&n Corp, Oîed under Licence. Promotion only oalîd at above locations. Let's Cet Mobýiie! FREE BIKE! FREE PHONE' $4 month- c // $ Nokia 3320 350 unllmlted fe -weekday + evenings + group aln minutes & weekends & incoming text ________________messages-' Blackberry 950 O ROGERS" AT AUTHORIZED DEALER Offer OnIy VaIid At Thie Following Locations 3 MONTHS UNLIMITED LOIAL IALLING L!40/350 PLAN -1

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