The Canadian Champon, Friday, Apri 11, 2003 li nit o n ll e gi os A at esi Th tW r s M PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Bulk Water Stations In an effort to improve service to the Region's bulk water customers, Halton Region is considering a numberof proposais, including: • Station upgrades to improvefill rates; • Upgrades to allow for multiple users; • Pilot testing of automated technology to move away from coin operated stations; • Mobile bulk water dispensing station to better respond to customer needs. If you use Halton's bulk water services, and would like to leam more about these proposed service improvements, please attend the Public Information Centre: Monday, April 28, 2003 5:30 - 7:00 pm (brief presentation at 5:45) Oakwood Boardroom, Woodlands Operation Centre 1179 Bronte Road (just north of Halton Regional Centre) Oakville kCITIZEN LIAISON COMMITTEE HALTON Halton Region Transportation Master Plan Citizen Liaison Committee NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN STUDY The Region of Haiton is initiating a Transportation Master Plan Study to develop a dynamic integrated transportation strategy that considers all modes of travel. This study will provide the Region with the strategies, policies and tools needed to manage traffic safely, effectively, and cost efficiently and to offer a range of transportation choices to meet the needs of Halton residents. Ultimately, the Halton Transportation Master Plan Study will result in a more livable community that supports the mobility needs of residents businesses and visitors in both the rural and urban areas of the Region. This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EnvironmentalAssessment (June 2000), which is an approved process under the Ontario EnvironmentalAssessmentAct. This notice signais the commencement of the Transportation Master Plan - a study which will define transportation opportunities, identify and evaluate altemative solutions (including alternative modes of travel) and identify an overall transportation network to serve the Region for the next 20 years. A key outcome of the study will be a list of transportation projects that the Region can incorporate into its 5, 10 and 20-year capital budget. A key component of the study will be consultation with interested stakeholders including the public, interest groups and regulatory agencies. The proposed Consultation Plan provides for three (3) rounds of Public Consultation Sessions at four locations (one in each municipality), Workshops, Newsletters and the establishment of a Transportation Master Plan Citizen's Liaison Committee. The Public Consultation Sessions and Workshops will be advertised as the study progresses. If you have any questions related to the study or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact: Mr. Edward Soldo, P. Eng. Mr. Claudio Covelli Manager, Transportation Services Project Manager Regional Municipality of Halton Dillon Consulting Limited 1151 Bronte Road 235 Yorkland Boulevard, Suite 800 Oakville, Ontario L6M3L1 Toronto, Ontario M2J 4Y8 Phone: Ext. 7475 Phone: 416 229-4647, Ext. 407 Fax: 905825-8822 Fax: 416229-4692 Email: Email: Additional information related to the study and consultation process may be obtained through the study website. wpw/planningroads/transp/masterplan This Notice first issued on April 1, 2003 n R Clr PUXO upuadW We would like to take this opportunity to assure Halton residents that the risk to the general public is low. To date, there s no evidenoe mat SARS is spread through community transmission. The most current precautions are in place to contro the spread of SARS in our community and hospitals. Good hygiene and frequent handwashing are effective ways of reducing mhe risk of any infection, including SARS. The Health Department continues to work with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term-Care, local hospitals and physicians in Halton to monitor for SARS. The health and safety our residents is extremely important, this situation is closely monitored and actions are taken as quickly as needed. I For up to date and reliable infomation on SARS, Wednesday, April 16" Regional Council - 9:30 am please visit our Web site _ or call 905-825-6060. dical Officer of Health - This is an opportunity to participate in the public consultation process for the Halton Region Transportation Master Plan study. The Committee will provide input on the study consultation process and work plan, identify key issues, participate in workshops and focus group meetings, comment on working papers that will form the basis of the final Transportation Master Plan document and comment on any new or revised Official Plan policies that would implement the goals identified as part of the Transportation Master Plan. Committee members will leam about the master planning process and discuss ideas for various transportation solutions to determine the appropriate transportation system in accordance with the Region's Transportation Vision. Participation from across Halton (Oakville, Burlington, Halton Hills and Milton) is encouraged. One member will be chosen from each municipality. If you are interested in applying for a position on this Citizen Liaison Committee, please submit an application form. Application forms are available: • For pick up from the Clerk's Division, Halton Region, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville • By calling 905-825-6000 ext. 7254 (tollfree: 1-866-442-5866) • On Halton Region's Transportation Master Plan Study web page: (click on the Transportation Master Plan icon) Ali applications must be received by4:30 pm on ThursdayApril 17', 2003. For more information, please contact the Regional Clerk's Division at the numbers above, or by e-mail at TinaAgnello, Regional Clerk PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION OF 15 SIDEROAD (REGIONAL ROAD #15) FROM 600 METRES WEST OF FIRST LINE TO GUELPH SPUR LINE (MOFFAT) TOWN OF MILTON, OUR FILE: PR-1830 Notice is herebygiven pursuantto the Municipa/Act, 2001, S.. 2001, c. 25, asamended, that the Council for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 9:30 a.m. to pass a by-law for the reconstruction of 15 Sideroad (Regional Road #15) from 600 metres westof First Line to the Guelph Spur Line (Moffat), in the Town ofMilton. Plans showing the proposed work may be reviewed at the Planning & Public Works Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road,Oakville. On Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 9:30 a.m. in the Halton Room at the Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through its Planning and Public Works Committee will hear in person, or by his/her Counsel, any person who claims his/her lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to the Regional Clerk no later than Friday, May 9,2003 to be heard. For further information, please contact Mr. Joseph Choi, Manager, Design Services at extension 7610. TollFree1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Tina Agnello, Regional Clerk