- -e-IW IdiWiipUfl iay. AIMUil , 20WU - 23 Ferrier wins national cadet championship Milton Dynamo wrestler dominant out west Gary Ferrier strikes again! Adding to bis atrady champi- onship-rich carcer last weekend at the University of Calgary, Milton Dynamo Club's highly-gifted grap- pler tumned back ail challengers to capture national cadet gold. The 57-kilogram freestyler moved up two spots fromn laat year's finish with what he described simply as "smarter wrestting". Whethcr it was this or the confidence enjoyed from an overali strong season - previously hightighted by a fit-place effort at OFSAA - Ferrier waa nothing short of spectacular throughout the weekend. Joining standouts Thomaa Jensen, Chris Denich, Kevin Heffron and John McCart in the national champions fratcrnity, the E.C. Dniry 1 Oth grader won five consecutive matches - three in grand supcniority fashion. Among those waa a 10-O white- waah of Alhcrta's Wes Bamet in the fmals. Recalled Ferrer, -I took control right away and pretty much walked through him. It waan't much of a match." A four timne Canada-East champ before cntering high school, he also pinned a New Bnunswick opponent and engineered 11-t1 and 10-O vic- tories in Calgary. Ferrier's only stiff challenge came in the quarterfinals when he escaped a potential pinning situa- tion to outdistance Saskatchewan's Thomas Romanowski 10-7. Besides claimiing gold, he was one of 10 Canadian champs who eamed a scholarship to attend this sumnmer's lsighly-regarded Rocky Mountain Wressling Camp in Jasper, Alberta. As well, .the national title win puts him in contention 10 compete at the July 's Pan-American Championships in Venezuela. If that wasn't enough, Fenier fin- ished the season with 10 gold medals - which puts hlm in a sec- ond-place tic on E.C. Drury's ail- âime list. Mitton enjoyed three other top- seven finishes in Calgary, two by Jesse Ronan. Despite moving up a weight clasa fromn OFSAA - where he struck silver -the E.C. Drury sen- ior delivered an inspired opening- day performance in the freestyle division with a 11- 1 win, pin-fait victory and 10-2 decision. I thc semifinals, however, he was pmnned by a Saskatchewan oppo- nient and couldn't gel bis momen- tum back - eventualty settling for sixth. Ini Sunday's Greco champi- onahips, Ronan won three matches to again place sixth. He began and ended things with basses 10 British Columhia's Glen MacDonald. His top-six showings make him thc first Milton wrestler to place at Uic Ontarios, OFSAA and hoth Canadian freestyle and Greco championahips in a single season. Meanwhile, Carl Chan finished. seventh in Ferrier's freestyle weight claas wiUi a 3-2 record. He dropped a narrow 3-2 decision 10 Uic eventual silver medaliat aftcr Ieading early on. HartJr.drops split decision, to two-time national champ 8wrçodoeki ua ua i!issndv camt o cept. But 490 80 3gMm awOfflne odamd oxing a ilde eiïo swalbcw. Ast bat wau 11 case for Malt Rut kr Sucday aftmSion at dew Iey NtGM Gl oev., lhounMit an St Mils' -25-yeer- otsit n"d be d oeiWgned sullne at th pntling off a sottlen rpex this tim uon dr &pig a spWâ decisoe to higlydcote an Hutto of Humi t be finals lbaqb net exactly fod of<defibt, Ha:t kÉ smssed dibc i wasn' a ail dcjetM Wy 1w nirrw tos&- s-o bc tut bhs own aguiet a3uebly bis stdre oipetitioo to date. Hston lwId a hbaffdveneege inm t«uns of xpesae, bavmgg bagua boxing wb sslwu ajust 12 yearsoki md beeniawolvcdasinie thS1W J0pnwkiofibts coeparedtleHart ks 19. .Wbes ià cern to dm sorill, bowewr, diSs wus lit&ie i dw twoÉuglis - at lemtme du-> *"Our flghwas a2buyjudg ebestomewof the weekend& said the up-and-onasng light wàd- -e whWs - spnsv "d wiib s"d wel- kSun Ofgbftms Cuaatu mid&1egch.amp- ona bin Mackie '¶was non-stop action. If he bit metisutae m Fildcoeerit bock andhlut «TR. Mn .MSw~obad (abou battu) to a gS« fiW adseom ew bm7 . ' Wb*ç bc nd Hutgtr mdd Wms w mdi pu iffuem.Iywu àm strow my entmI Cm"ro Mutions in sensiflisal boUle S»tualy eog - er revMog abye-dian ko*d bi am ntcny in dietirdoa&d Itlokd dmw fifds ktwcksv«Smy *injuutcea Yeu fS HmnIr Recalled Milton's ligIs mai11 «le tried tn buliy me mo dmw cosrre and wet for an overlbmd aigla, but I çaitbiin lmwii a left btxr and spea owof dm cornez lt uppezut, rig jab flunry sent bis bi.t-Y qipent cnsnblig the1 'Cov. Added HMm J.1 rocked bina pety goadit was tighteaSc Ha: k said bis usufnat victun *legugihd bis piaicheita e tide tono mudx, and OWs sewey bModered bis at. 1"Lokm at ttO, Iday wonlynd foir or tive pioches am nadibin Sveay poisb- Wgithe11 weekemd split, Miltn' only kniown active boxer is mow 10-2 undter 1te lage of Brernalea Boxing Club's BÎIli Mutin. HRt Iis oping t eeareamaecwâdHuuÉon fogr sonsed n ext nxon<b, but befoor dm be's expected to cmpoeet a nwotatMisinga's Poil Crdt Seconder>, Scbool Meay 3. Stew LeBlawc can L'e teached ar sleblan@hal- tonsearch.com. * S~UU~*%~a gj~ ~ ~ Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Gary Ferrier proudly displmys the gold modal ho capturod aI t naioa caeoiuvonilo chaimplonshipe les wookond in Caà*"r. Cops to clash this Sunday Thcre'l be an awful lot of police pres- cnce at Milton Memorial Arena Sunday. But don'i worry folks, it's not ini antici- pation of havmng to defuse any on-ice akir- mishes. Instcad, officers will he Uic ones lacmng up Uic skates as Eddie Shack's Battte of thc Badges is set to invade Uic local bamn for a 4 p.m. showdown. Halton's fmnest wifl sqaure off againat Uhir peers from Toronto, with Shack - among Uic NHL's most personable alumni - dping Uic. zebra stipes to ove~e ail, Uic action. Assisting lsim as linsmen witl he forme NilLers Jack Valiquette and Mark Napier boUi of whons enjoycd lengthy tenures iù hockey's innermost sanctum. Proceeds fromn Uic Sunday aftemooi contest will benefit Halton Criait Stoppera. Tickets cost $12.50 each, or $44 for family of four. Tickets arc avaulable a Sports Traders on Thompson Road, or a Uic door on Uic day of the gaine.