ILTON PUBLIC U' LBRARX treatmnent plant expansion dji pagfed3 at ways to aid families na1 aanChampion, Mlto A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 144 No. 5- Tuesday, April 1, 2003 40 Pages $1 00 GSTincluded) /Twenty area residents under quarantine in SARS scare By JASON MISNER The Champion More than 20 Halton resi- dents are under voluntary quarantine as local health departments and Ontario's top doctors try to stem the out- break of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that has killed four people in the Toronto area, the most recent death Sunday. SARS is suspected to have first started Halton Medical Officer of Health Dr weeks ago. It's a highly contagious ili- Bob Nosal said he wasn't sure of the ness with symptoms that mnclude high age range or how many people are fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius, under quarantine locally, but that it shortness of breath, sore throat and exceeded 20. coughing. Those under quarantmne, a kind of The residents were encouraged by house arrest, are people who were at the Toronto hospitals they were either Toronto hospitals - like Scarborough discharged from or visitmng to contact Grace where SARS was first docu- their local health deparsment. mented - in the Iast two weeks. There are currently no SARS cases Dr. Nosal said none of the Halton in Halton, and Dr. Nosal said he and residents have corne from Asia where e see QUARANTINED on page 2 A sscurýýity ua wsarlng a protec- tive muai stands et #». main entrerce Of Milton District Hospital. Ho was restrlctlng seccee end handlng out masits te fumlly members ef criti- cally-llI and pe&u atrlc patients In th. wake of Severe Acute Resplratory Syndroe, ($ARS). Hehlth '.offcIas wam cases. of the mysterlous lm..é May spred. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Comment .......6 Business .......9 Dateine Classified ...23-25 * 8mtws~* !èruefflYeumrl *White Rose* * Portfolo Of New HOmes 0 MoIIy Malde * Sportmart* *Barbeques Galore* *Selected ameas only Superb value, triple garage, hardwood floor, 9 fi ceiling, main level master bedrom, Iandsoaped, paved drive, mrrga- lon system, alerm systers, platei in-law suie. Taiçe advan- tage of Mhi gobed9o golny. Yus for $549.000.