,,Counci1's '02 exp $5,000 under hud By JASON MISNER The Champion Ward 3 Counicillolr Cindy Lunau eame the most money among ber counterpar last yeair, totalling more than $5,500 con pared to the next highest earning counci tor. Out of the 10 town counicillors, whos Positions are part-time, Ms Lunau eame, the mose at $22,934. That includes $16,29 as ber base salary. $3.738 in mileage a $2.905 for attending workshops/confe ences. The Town released a report Iast wee Outlining councillors' and the mayor' expenses for 2002 by cornbining bas salaries with reinthursements for mileag and participation in workshops and/or con ferences. Ms Lunsu, who shares ward responsibil ities with Councillor Ken Keates in nort] Milton, said she works hard and that th money bas been appropriately spent. She said she attended thiree conference and sact on lu committees and three hospi rw iHave You Always S Wanted té Enhance Your Appearance? Now is the perfect tinte. We have the solution 1ih state-of-the-art laser techoogy in a quiet, somfontable and private office setting. We offer treata.eot for *Spider Vejos - Botox for Wriusi *Facial Veins - Age & Brown Spots *Birthmafcs - Tatton Removal *Facial Pigmeotation - sarts *Sorge.y for Varicose Veins - injection Scierotherapy *Otragi 5kinCareProducts for Vanicose Vejos For a fir consultation rail- [DrA. Mm.4seoo.cis 8atd~~Suda &Wmed 1- 4aOpm * CHIURCHILL ISTAT3 lm*bt ào* LMi 15 eiý4i $116îl,,OO ait 1.5 acre lot GARY THOMAS in affendanoe Re/ax Blue Sp ings Realty 90688477 %Mmch16, 2*4pM 75 n Cros. SANDY DEL PAPA in attendance RoydPagçed~on efyo.740 Sunda March 16, 2-4pm 3 Manley Cres. JENNIFER MAKAGON iD atendance -Royal Leàp Mieadowtowne Realty 905-11N810.1 Sund ah164pm BARS LAFLECHE in abiendanoe Royal LePèMeaowowne ReaItygOW.78101 Satrdao March 16, 2.4pm 153 Aiverwlk Place MONIKA MINAICAKIS in attendance Royal LePage Mea1dowiltowne Reaky 9M.878-8101 Sundi% March 16e 2-4pm Demi Paut $258,90 CAROL M. BROOKS in attendance RdMaX Blue S0111g8 Reahty 905470-777 se k MIL T C N ~ L~ C L I B RA ~i L -1 B R The Canadian Champion, Frfday, March 14, 2003-90 CflSCS oHow councl's pay ail adds up 1gvi tai subcomm.attees in 2002 to help get a bet- ter understanding about issues facing Milton. "I find il a real pleasure to ait on thse num- ber of commottees tisas 1 do," she said. "Sometinies it's difficuit to balance every- thing, but I don't mmnd being at committee meetings four times a week. "To me, it represents a huge advantage in understanding the larger Town issues and even though l'on a rural councillor, the - ee COUINCIL'S on page 10 pcmi,286tS a base sala(y of $4b,328, $5,638 for mileage andi $1,319 for attending okq onorM 0Wrci 3 Ctxflr CÀ Ljnau oa0mod $22,934: a baw IUloy of $16,291, $3,738 in mllr g and $2,906 for affending emmetd of $17,315: a boue suay of $14,788, $1.648 for mideug ant $877 foraffurenhg waork * W*rd 1 CoudçUoe Rck D)ay earned $1621;, ho difn't ofam mfIoge or wOtlcahOP remburse- * Ward 4 Counctilor Ros Funk 6ameti $16.291; ho didn'0 dlaim mikfèe Or wodteho>P reiniburse- * Ward tis5 n oOuralor pry Lee, aiso a rogionai ooulor momoti $15,414, a bou uaoary cf $14.663 "n $781 in msge;, e dIdn' daim woeIkohop, rolnnburso- e* odfil3 Couric*ilcr Ken Koofoe amt 1,409: a olary of $14,653 aMt $756 i mioago; ho dint cWom wohop ifiumwents * Word 2 Councifior Art Mulonson mileage or wo"khop reimburse- monts 0Word 2 Co*IcIIkW oI&y Hunte1 eomoti $14,653; ho dkhl daim "%""g or woftiomp rein*aruo. mnns # Wrds 2 andi 4 Couricllpr ROkk MuMboeut, aLso a logonaofoo*do, eamoti $14,653; ho cffdn'e dailm mrfloage or wortmhop r&jflUuoe- monts ,Word 4 Councior John CNonor earnoti $8,067; ho dlifi't elaim mllffg Or WWIoauap roWnburse- mentla TM/Mc At Sears, we a 're big enough to have what you want... but small enough to care who you are. h HOME ELECTRONICS AND HOME ENVIRONMENT. SALE PRICES START SUNDAY, MARCH 2 AND END SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2003. e MAJOR APPLIANCES: SALE PRICES START SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 AND END SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2003, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST s now 44999 JVC® 27" TV. 3-Itne digital comb filiter. zPASOIDVplyr Stereo Sound and composent'video isPUt #15425. Sears reg. 479,99.#3192.Sasrg1999 nono 175999 KENMORE 12-amp aprtght vacuum. KEMoR 12-m cnstrvaum Micronic bag foam chamber f ilter. Blow EMR12apcnsevcum moulded hose. #31250. Sears reg. 209.99. * ,Telescoptc wand. Dsai filtration. #28095. when~Sr you. useyor.eas9.r charge seg 279.9 s099 ont oue alcti anpe I ew huentc tstholoSo ar ptos #6088 Sear s re.3999_2399 o0n% in an uni Ma0-87-4 0305 on al mao -pi John Sumoo us-u easC r Vîsît ou MILTON STOR E10 HiOUss d Joan Wtton Jsur Wîlfurs 11nsmsnTEBRNSYI ATi Mountainviow Rd., M-. r.On*n Jon ilog oh amso TEBRND OUWATGEORGETOWN e. *0,d e Dealer Dsase AT THE STORE YOU TRUST@ 905-8177- 5179 D0392003 à 2003. Seans Canada lsc.