v'Doctorendorsed Steam Feather renovator has been opeïe'aîýï toïiv~i d wnUle The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Mardi 14, 2003-7 SOUR READERS WRITE and is showîng great resuits Bar and restaurant owners should have MTime Capsules' are gems of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. Noveinher 1899 The Steam Feather renovator thas itas been opcrating ini town for some time is givmg splendid satisfaction. Judging from the manner in which its patrons speak of it, it certainly must make feather beds more healthy to have the animal matter removed from them. The doctors endorse it. If tic enthusiastic meeting held on Monday evening counts for anything, the Minto (Mihon) Curling Club will have a very successful season. Elected were Patron Judge Hamilton; Patroness Mrs. Hamilton; Hon. President Geo. Hume, President Geo. Storey; Vice President W.. Dick Secretary C. Johnson, Treasurer G.E. McCraney; Chaplain Rev. Mahaffy; Committee of management W.A. Clark, J.B. Lawrence and D.S. Robertson; Skips Duncan Dewar, J.T. Hannant, Wm. Panton, A. Duf, G. Storey and C.F. Johnson. It was decidcd that thc club will become affiliatcd with te Ontario Curling Association. Milton Council, No. 61, R.T. of T, held Uieir annual rally on the evcning of Nov. 2nd. Tlhere was a large attendance of memn- bers, 91 answering to Uiir names as Uicy werc caled out. Tihe membcrship as pres- ent isi157 and it's cxpccted to mecs Uie Grand Council in February wiUi 200 mem- bers. A committce has been appointcd to make ch neccssary preparation for the GadCunci meeting witen many will visit our town for Uic hirst trne. The town hall was nos large enough to accommodate thec cmwd Uiat tumcd out to wisness Uic commencement exercises of Uic public achool on Tucsday night The pupils occupied Uic centre scats and Uic remainder of Uic hall was crowded to Uic doors. An admission fee of ten cents was charged to al Uic pupils and Uic handsome sum of about forty dollars was received. The programme was a vciy interesting one, Uic beat numbers being Uie drill performed Milton ~ Time Capsules by Uic girls belonging to Uic achools of Misses Bowes and Lawrence. The firemen asked for tenders for 25 pairs of rubber boots. The town is fumisis- ing Uic members of tise brigade with coats, so Uiat Uiey wiil be better prepared for Uiir work. A Coundil Cossiauce recommend Uiat members be alowed to take Uic coas home for convenience on becomsing responsible to Uie corporation for Uieir value. Also Uiat Uic words "Milton Fire Brigade" be painted on cacis coas. Appleby. Talking machines are becom- ing quise common in Uis ncighborhood. AnoUier has bccn added to Uie list, John Edward Moody having recensly purchased one in Toronto. The machine, when operat- cd by Uhit acientifsc gentleman, excels ail oUiers Uiat wc have teen. As a meeting of Uic Minto curling club it was decided to pay Uic lessees of Uic rink Uie sum of $100 for Uic use of Uic rink for ive nights in ic week. Skaters wiil have Uic ice on Saaurday nights. The member- ship féeeso Uic curling club is one dollar wiUi one dollar extra for ice privileges. It's lefs to Uic management commnittee to decide whether or nos an admission féee should be charged to non-members to wit- ness any curling matches. Francis L. White has secured Uic contract of supplying Uic Hamilton Gun Club wiUi 100 live pigeons from Uis viciaity for their annual shooting toumament to be held on January 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1900. This tour- namens requiret 1000 live pigeons and L.î White has guaranteed to supply 100. He is ready at any time now to buy al Uiat are2 saleable in Uis neighborhood.r This material is assembledl on behse ofc the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who can be reached be e-mail at jdills@idirect.com.b say in smoking bylaw issue, says reader Dear Editor: Wcll threc cheers for Fred Radcliffe of Campiteilville. Lct's give hian a gold medal for informn- ing us ail Uiat smoking is bad for your healtis. Does he nos thinl Uiat cveryone is well awarc of Uic fact that smok- ing wiil damage your health? 0f course Uicy are, but Uiey choose to smoke a 100 per cent legal sub- stance. Whether Uey're addicted or do it because Uicy enjoy it, it's Uieir choice and Uicy're nos breaking Uic law. Go on Mr. Radcliffe, close al Uic bars and restaurants down and sec how fast Uic community grows. Business owners shnuld have a choice, smoking or non-smoking - that way customers also have a choice. Business owners are losing money hand over fis due to Uhit crazy bylaw. A pub wiUiout smok- ing is ridiculous. It's like French frics without salt and vinegar. Owners are forccd to spcnd large amnounts of money for ousdoor hcating in minus-20 dcgree tem- peratures in Uic hope Uiat cus- tomers wilI come. And if cus- tomers don't come, who wiil pay Uic bartenders, waiters and walt- restes who depend so much on tipa? 've personaily witncsscd large groupa of smokcrs and non-smok- crs who would have gladly gone out and spens money as a local establishsment, but have decided to have a house parsy or barbecue for Uie simple reason of nos being able to smoke if Uiey go out. How mucit revenue have business people lost over Uis? Who wiil pay for Uic shortfall? Smokers psy, Mr. Radcliffe. There's no question they pay with Uieir healUi as wcll as wiUi Uieir pocket book. As $8 a pack, Uicy certainly con- tribute a good chunk to taxes. If smoking should ever be banned, be preparcd to dig deep, very deep into your pockcts to cover the taxes lost. Councillors'stand on pesticides encouraging: reader litre of gas or $50 for a case of beer or cheap bottle of wine or perhaps 20 per cent G.S.T Give smokers a chance and maybe, just maybe Uiey'll stars bo come back to Uic bars and spend money. Ban Uiem frum al estabt- lishments and Uiey'll stay away, along wiUi Uieir fricnds, Uic non- smokers. Oh, did 1 mention Uiat I'm a non- smoker and like many oUier non- smokers who have fricîsds Uiat smoke (Urough Uieir own choice and against my advice), I can't understand this crazy bylaw. Onie Uing is for sure, you won't splis up friendships, so Uirefore people won't return to Uic bars and restaurants Uic way Uiey did before. On Uic oUicr hand, if you want to smoke in public, go out to Uic local bingo hall or race track, mucis bes- ter to support Uiat habit blian give your moncy to a private business- man who's now ttruggling more Uian ever to make a living. S. CI.m.nt Dear Editor: Congratulations to Oakviile's town councillors. Alter many hours of public meetings and coundcil debate, Uiey've passed a motion Uiat will lead to Uic elimination of non-essential use of pesticides on pri- vase lands. This tends a ttrong message Uiat we can't be com- placent about pesticide use. 0f particular note is their decision to stars wiUi properties bordering sehools, daycare facilities, playgrounds, hospitals, senior resi- dences and Uic like. The young and Uic elderly arc par- ticularly as risk firom pesticide exposure. lIn Uic absence of a strong stance from Uiosc in a leadership position, many people will choote to take thc paUi of semi-ngly lest resistance and spray, or hire lawn care companies to spray for Uicm. What docs tUit cost ail of us in Uic long mun? The answer is, we don't know. We certainly have mounting evideoce Uiat pesticides are costing us in terms of our healUi and Uic environ- mens. Common tente tell us Uiat dessroying a natual eeo-syssem of msùcro-orgaismt and bencfscial intects will only serve to weakcn Uic syssem, inviting invasion of weeds and problem insects. We can kecp trying to beat MoUier Nature inso tubmission, but wc wiil neyer win. Pesticides lead to more wecds and intects, which lead to more pesticides - and on it goes. The solution - work wîi MoUicr Nature. Use nat- ural fertilizers and tsy deep watering once a weck in dry weaUicr to promose a strong root syssem. These are tome basic lawn care steps Uiat wifl work wiUi your lawn's natural eeo-syssem, building a hcalthy lawn Uiat naturaily resists weedt and problemn insects. Think of your lawn as you would any aystemn in nature - for example, your own body. Fced it well, limit junk food, drin]k adequase water and as a resuls you'll ttrcngthcn yourself from disease. Titis year, please consider your lawn-care stratcgy safcly. If you would like a free copy of Pesticides Alternatives for Milton's Green Guide to a HealUiy Lawn, c-mail p-atematives@itotmnai.com Titis pam- phlet is alto available around town as locations such as Paradite Natural Foods and Uic Milton Community Resource Centre. Tise pamphlet outlincs lawn care strategies Uiat will crease a strong, hcalUiy and pesti- cide-fs-ee lawn. Remnember, Uic steps to healUi are within our own power. Erika Fllstok zoom oom oom oom oom zom zom zom zom zom zom zomazomazoo zooezoo enoo Ach*llos & s.,s fféCEel s, si$U42É,e j