22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 21, 2003 Merchants ready for Western semis Milton will face Buffalo for first i'ime in playoffs By STEVE LBLANC The Champion The Buffalo Lightnmng's post- season participation wasn't ensured until late January. But titat doesn't make temn a polenlial pusitover for lte citampionsitip-minded Merchanîs. according 10 itead coacht Mario Ciccitillo. "Buffalo's better titan titey sitowed in lte standings," Milton's skipper slressed at practice Wedinesday nigit. "Titere's no way ltey sitould have slruggled t0 make lte playoffs.** Titat assessment stems fromn more titan just Buffalo's somewit improbable first- round victory over second-place Hamiùlton - wito despile being rallier depleted offent- sively were stili expected t0 advance t0 lte Westemn Conference semnifmnals. In fact Ciccitillo was among te few wito picked te lone American club 10 reacit round îwo. **l kept saying ltere'd be an upset," lie remarked. Titougit winless (n five regular-season games ssîit te Mercitants titis year, lte Ligitning kept ail but one of tose conlesîs tiglil sitit titeir speed and fundamentally- solid play - nol t0 mention somne effective mougt-itousing in titeir own bamn. Witile many migitt feel facing Buffalo instead of Oakville (n the second round represents te path of least resistance t0 lte conference finals, Ciccitillo says ie didn't reafly have a preference for round two competition. "We itad a couple of practices based on eilter teamn. We were ready for bot," ite explained. "It didn't really malter wito we faced because frein now on you've golte1 beat a good team (aI eveey stage)." (best of seven series) Gaine 1 Feb. 21 ai Miton (7:30) Gaine 2 Feb. 22 a Buffalo (9:00> Gaine 3 Feb. 24 ai Buffalo (8:15) Gaine 4 Feb. 28 at Milton (7:30> -Garne 5 Mar. 2 at Milton (3:00> *Game 6 Mar. 3 ai Buffalo (8:15) *Garne 7 Mar. 5 at Milton (7:30> if necessary Ciccitillo said avoiding potentially costly stick infractions as well as odd-man rushes based on mental mîiscues will be keys t0 success from this point on. While eligible t0 pick up a player to replace second-lie rookie Vic Oreskovicit -who'll miss the entire second round while competing with Teant Ontario at the Canada Winter Gaines in New Brunswick -Milton's skipper has opted against a temporary addition. His feeling is that any addiîional ltre- power from a 1 0-day hired gun doesn't jus- tify jeopardizing the team's chemiàstiy. Instead, be'll eall on 40-point freshman James Duhamel - witom he expects great things from nexî season - 10 jump in and complete the front-lie atlack. Oreskovich should be back in lime for most, if not ail, of the conference fimals, should Milton gel past Buffalo. Meanwhile, the neighbouring Georgetown Raiders will do battle with Oakville in the other division semrifinal senies. Both Milton and Georgetown won ai] five regular season gaines against their round two opposition - witich makes a nortit Halton Westemn Conference finals a distinct possibility. 'Me Merchants would have homne-ice advantage for that showdown as wefl, hav- ing finisited frst in lte regular season for lte sixth lune in lte past nine years. wwCcarkesgo k SPACE? Then this superb ail bnick two storey, four bedroom executive style home is ready t0 move mto, especially with the two extra bed- rooms on the lower level. This home hoasts a beautiful tiled enîrance that leads to lotchen and hall, hardwood in livig ont and dining room, gas fireplace in fami- lv mont with fold doors te a deck. This home has many pluses and must he seen te be appreciated. W/ÀM Please eaUl jack McCrudden RE4M BLUE SP'RINGS REALTY (IfALTON) CORE JACK MCCRUDDEN, Assoc. Broker 905-878-7777 à,