Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2003, p. 7

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Fire at Wm. Carradice's pro perty on the moun tain has destroyed 1,000 acres of bush, andi 'Time Capsules'are gems of information extractedl front past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- s'ided to place the situation in context. August 1899 On thc night of Sunday the 6th, a tire broke out un Wm. Carradice's bush on the mountain in Nassagaweya and il bas been burning ever since. It bas mun over about 1,000 acres of bush, bas done a tremendous amount of damage and is stilI buming. Wm. Carradice is tbe heaviest loser. Besides bis timber, bis crop of peas bas been bumît. John G. is suspected of starting Uic tire in order to force another mans 10 leave a bouse of wbich be wisbed to get possession, and Peter T. is sald 10 know somnetbsng about Uic manter. Yestcrday morning Mayor Deacon issucd a warrant for Uic arrest of G. and T. and gave il to Chicf Constable Bradley, who, tsking Chas. Joncs with hlm as a spe- cial constable, drove to thc scene of Uic tire. On thc way Uiey met G. comning 10 Milton with a load of wood and Uic chief constable lct hlmt go on, making up bis mnimd that il would be more convenient 10 atTest hlm in Milton. When thc constables reached Uic bush Uiey wcre told that T. was fighting Uic tire, and after a long and bard seramble oves rocks and logs Uiey captured him. He tricd bard 10 escape, but Uicy bandcuffed hlm and then hc weakcned and admitted tha about 9 o'clock on Uic nigbt thc fire started be saw G. gomng int the slasbing wben ià furst broke out. On Uic constables' return to Milton Uicy found G., arrcsted hlm without amy trouble and took hlm andT. to jail. G. is about 35 ycass of age, is married and bas a family of 14 cblldren. Thc tiraI carload of timothy seed cvcr brought 10 town arrivcd yestcrday for Hume Bros. It was 700 bushels. J.W. Ellioît addrcsscd Uic County Council on behalf of Uic Milton Musical Association, asking permission for said association 10 esct a band stand on Uic court bouse square. Dr. Wcbster movcd, secondcd by Mr. Andrcw that Uic request The Canadian Chamninn Friciqv FAhnIrua 14 2003l-7 +' OUR READERS WRITE rs siliburnng t's clear to see that it's an election year rs tii urinq ,based on councillors' comments: reader Multon ~ Time Capsules of Mr. Elhiot be granted. Basebali is very dead in Milton this sea- son, but a game was played at the Agnicultural Grounds ycsîcrday bctween local juniors and another juvenile nine from Brampton. The game ended witb a 16-5 decision in favour of Brampton. The brick bouse on Victoria street (75), belonging to Jos. H. McCollom, of Oakville, was placed under the hafrtmer last Friday. It was sold for $1 ,700 and was purchaaed by Dr. McCol1. The Volunteer Firemen of Ontario formed a permanent association in Toronto yesterday. E.F. Earl, chief of Milton brigade, wss elected first vice-president and R.J. McInnes was appointed t0 a coin- mittee on bylaws. The bush fire which began on the moln tain on the 7tls of this month is still bumning and is doing considerable damage. The Crown authonities, belicving the fire 10 be incendisry, caused the arrest of Peter T., John G. and Oliver C., charging themn witb the offence. The defendants werc tried on Thursday momning last before Mayor Deacon and Dr. Robertson. Aftcr the evi- dence or the Crown bad been put in, Mr. Elliott, acting for G., asked for the acquit- tsI of bis client. Their Worsbips agreed that the evidence was not sufficient and so dis- eharged him. Crown Attomey Matheson appeared for the Crown and with bim*vas Mr. Dick. The two others werc then dis- charged. It is most unfortunate that the guilty parties cannot be located, as the property owners in that section are put to a great expense in trying to put out the fire. This material is a.ssembled on behaif of thse Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, who can be reached by e-mail at Dear Editor: After reading some of Uic comn- mentaries by a couple of our estccmed councillors il's easy t0 Iel it's an election ycar. Let me start wiîb Rick Maîbocuf 's commenîs of laIe. After reading Uiemn 1 only bave one tbing 10 suggest: Gel off Uic soap box and couse down fromn Uic ivoty towcr. lII confess il bas been awhile since 1 studied law in university, but if memory serves, Uierc's a sec- tion in Uic constitution that guaran- tees equal protection before and under Uic law. And that Ibis right as with ail oihers may only be deprived wbcn doing s0 can be reasonably and demonstrably justificd in a free and democratie socîety. Yet Ibis is exactly what our council bas donc. Il bas depnived one business group with a significant base of smoking customcrs while allowing anoiher 10 maintain Uic samne rigbt. Bar owners don't wanî 10 be Uic samce business as Uic Bingo Hall, but Uicy do wanî Uic samce protec- tion afforded by Uic law - somte- thing I believe Uiey're entitled 10 receivc. As 10 Uic issue of designatcd smoking roms (DSRs), bis cous- menîs, while containing tome merit, are almost as blatantly polit- ical. I often watch Uic Lcaf gamces with ficnds aI a sports bar in Burlington wbicb bas a DSR. As ncar as I can tell il works just fuse. A significant portion of Uic staff is Uic samne n0w as before Uie DSR. None of Uic ones I've spoken too object 10 working in Ibis environ- ment, in fact a number are smokers tbemsclves. The reality is you wil always bave people wiuing 10 work in sucb an envirooment regardlets of thc risks or reasons. Lastly, Mr. Malboeuf's comment that a few owners are Iooking 10 gain an advantage over their lest affluent competition. Isn't Ibat wbaî free enterprise is about? Firtt of all wbaî business docs council bave interfering in a free enserprise systeus? Does council bave supporters wbo will be bunt if DSRs are alîowed and that these are Uic inter- esîs truly bcing proîecîcd by not allowing DSRs? Our economic sysîem is turvival of Uic ftnest, cruclly Darwinian perhaps, but it's our sysîcus and t think our counicil sbould respect il and stay ouI of il. 1 may be naïve, but il teems 10 me Uiaî business sbould be allowed 10 decide for Uicmselvcs wbeUier or n011 shalow smoking. Since it's profit that drives a busi- ness, if an owner tees that allowing smoking costs more business that il gains he or she wilI likely ban smoking out of simple self inter- est. By doing so, establishments will cvcntually sort Uiemselvcs out into smoking and non-smoking and boUi groups' rights will be protect- cd because whaî counicil seems 10 wanî t0 ignore is that lot in aIl of Ibis rhetorie is one basic point. Smoking and tobacco is legal and Uiose wbo choose 10 consume it do bave Uic fundamental rigbî 10 do so withouî barassusent frous politically-moîivaîed officiais. Further, l'in amazed ai Uic double standard Mr. Malboeuf bas dis- played. He feels Uiat adult enter- taimmnent establishmsents sbould be above Hwy. 401 so Uiey're 001 near scbools or residences. Wbether Ibis ides is in and of itself right is a topic by itself for anoîber day, so l'11 leave il for now. However, be and council don't seem 10 bave any probleuss with tobacco being sold in convenience stores and susoke sbops in the msid- dle of sebool and residential areas. Teen smoking is on thc risc and yet Uic moral guardians wbo sit on council secus 10 feel Uist il's okay 10 sell tobacco in sehool areas. Il seeuss that a usucb prester Uireat is being allowed near our tebools than Uic one being banned. And anyonc who atlended W. Dick Middle Sehool wiUi me will certainly atst t th Ue issue of underage dri"ig and driving and Uic costs associated wiUi il. So bere's my suggestion 10 Mr. Malboeuf and Uic rest of council: Stop playing polities and gel down 10 Uic business of doing wbat is tight for Uic people of Milton instead of raising s fmnger in Uic air and using Uic wind direction 10 determine policy. As 1 lcarned s long rime ago, whst's right isn't always popular and almost always bas a price sttacbed. And if Ibis council won't psy that price then ussybe thc comn- usunity necdsto1 consider new rep- resentation. JIm Tîmbers Milton WIII - ph ,hm ln*M ipotra ilk Deur dwr.Wh the éasî #ad dmuu ftmm 1 O(*ru&* trips l'ine giW Seuoçbql Thicuee la coyil s" par dey to omr, and 4Wgland nms pohllonaombn eoWa tms tW, Ienrehul. mbsay dm bel tn Io*e# mif she'a IWoner if s*. wili *nd itasappeaingif CN sa bsknbig ctyBr;npt SM ts WaY Md CAsbni thge pqod ammoUs 0qno9 tonnsnalsonwbmlleos liftOe zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom Sol uoeu. Sm. (Uwy 7) The 2003 Prolog. 5 includes @.0OL 4 cylinder Engine '5 Speed The 2003 Proteg. 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