TeCanadman Champion, F FAffordable housing, transportation among con cern s expresed hy H__alton youth: forum By MELANIE CUMMINGS Special to The Champion Adolescence is a luime of ultimate confu- sion. It's a turne of perpetuating anomalies for youths, parents and social service agen- cies. According to Dr. Reuven Jhirad, a Burlington-based family and community practitioner who specializes ini adolescent care, the teenage years are the most ignored arnong al generations - when more is expected with the Ieast amount of guid- ance. But, in Halton at least, that's about to change. At the flrst-ever 'Truthi About Youth' forum, held at the Halton Regional Centre on the wcekend, the 70 people who atsend- ed last Friday's opening session proposed 25 topics of discussion. Like Dr. Jhirad, who said he learna more from his young patients than they do froin him, community leaders are hoping to glean the saine froin this sector of the region's population. "We must show respect for youth. We can't be faIte or fake to them. Just tell the plain old truth and comniunicate in what- ever format on whatever issue," said Dr. Jhirad, who was the keynote speaker at the weekend conference. To maise confident, happy and healthy young people "ail you need is love," said Dr. Jhirad, "and adequate nutrition, hous- ing, social support, clothing, financial sup- port, access to health care and adequate legal support." After Dr. Jhirad's presentation, youths took centre stage, and one by one raised their voices. In creating their own agenda for the conference - a process cailed open space - they wrote down their concern on paper, along with their naine, and announced it to tlhe group. Youths, parents and service providers then posted a tune and place to gather and discuss their topic. Anyone interested would meet them there and then. *rookwlle Ou.lph Lino s min. noh Sfwy5 40f) $404.000 aul i.5 acre lots GARY THOMAS in attndasca Re/max Blue Springs 905-870-7777 »82 Harda. <oun Laudoe/iM~ DONNA STARK In attandanca Prdni Town centra Aaalty 905-8784100 PAT RIDEOUT In atandanca Royal LaPaga Meaatifona A.alty 905-4784101 JENNIFER ELMSUE in attandanca Wfldwoad RWt e ,2-4 DIANE è«AYNARD liandac Royal La~g MoadowtoaaRa- 905-878-101 Stuudy P*aviy , 2-4 0700 Ganipl Lin. DER UKl tandanca Royal LaPaga Meiadotona Raalty 9087a-101 1I0 O= =raadn»F»ton O Ion a, of Ray 8on Flmnbaraagh »i Cana, W. ALAN MCDONALD in attanana Royal La~g Maadawtown Raalty 0-47"-101 Sunday Pobeuawy B, 2-4 781 oeseheaut Dr. S229,00 CI4ERVL GRAY In attandanca Ru an S pringa 905-070-777 14« nd A= = -'ar S 2-4 0 SUSAN RECOOKI hI andac Royal MaaaMaduon Raafty 908470-aloi Asnong the topics chosen were: " Affordable housing for youth, " Why aren't there more places for youths to bang out?, " Runaways, " Subsidized public transportation for youth, " Sexual health services, " Anti-gang information, " Lesbian, gay, bisexual issues arnong youth, a Acets toi services and jobs for disabled youth. While Saturday was dedicated to discus- sion, Sunday closed with a live concert featuring local bands. The conference aisned to find ways to unprove life for youths scross the region aller a report released last inonth revealed that existing services don't meet their needs, aren't well known, or difficult to access. The idea a youth serv posed of 13 dents, street group fori of a need idi and cominw Suggestioî forum wiil l put forward Plan. niday, February 7, 2003-O HMav a story idûa PiGase or the conference came out of ~ices steening cominee coin- cati ouI' local youths representing stu- ws kida and at-risk youth. The A in October 2002 as aresult 'room ntifled by thie Region's social ity services deparirent. at (9Q5)ý rthat anose foin the weekend 878 e documented, prioritized and ,8 in a future Youth Services 2341. Are you connected to your community Get ail the news from Milton, OakviIIe, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on your schedule. vWwAIaha Itonsea rch .com 24(7