6 - The Canadien Champion, Fnday, February 7, 2003 SCOMMENT +THE 6À/vADIAN CIAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editoial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 [an Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Colea Associate Publisher Editor-in-Chief Editor Adverising Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Production Manager Tieno Cnadion Champion, publistned every Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), ix one f The Metnland Pfntixg, Pxblishing & Distribting Ltd. group of suburban companies aixicin inciades: Ajax/Pickering News Advertixer, Allitax HeraldlCourier, Banie Advance, Barrys Bay This Weeln, Ixtixo Enterprixe, Bamptxn Suandiax, Baningtxn Pxt, Burligtxx Shxpping News, City Panent, City of Yxork Guandian, Cllingwxxd/Waxaga Cxxxectixx, East Yxrkn Mnrxn, Ern Adxxcate/Cxantny Rxutes, Etxbicxke Suardian, Flambxnxugn Pxst, Frexer Yxung, Gexrgetown lndependent/Actxx Free Press, altxn Business Timex, Hurxnia Business Tmes, Kingsoon Ths Week, Lidsay This Weeln, Markham Ecxnxmist & Sun, Midland/Pxxetanguislxexe Mirrxr, Mitxn Shopping News, Mississauga Busness Times, Misisaxga News, Napaxee Golde, Nassaaaeya News, Newmanlnt/Aurxra Ea-Banner, Nxdthumberland Nean, Nrth Yxrk Mnror, Salxile Oaxer, Oakville Shxppixg News, Oldtimers Hockey News, Orllia Txday, OshaaWhntny/Clarnxgtxn/Pxdt Penny This Wnxl, Peterbxrxugh This Weeln, Pctxn Cxuny Guide, Richmxnd HilI/ThxnhillNfaughax Libenal, Scartnxrxugh Minnxn, Stxxffville/Uxbridge Tibune. Advedtisixg ix accepted xn the cxndixn ttat, in the exent xf a typx- grapiical errxr, tiat pxrtixn oxthte adxetisinig space xccxpiext by thnerrxi- nexus itm, txgettnen wth a reaxxnable allxwaxce fxn sigxature, wil nt be charged fxr, but thn balaxce of the antxeisement wiii be paid fxr at the appli- cable ate. The publixhen exenves the right tx categxnizn adxetsemnntx xn decixe. 7he Miton Caxodox Chaxnpmoxis a RocyCIobldO Pdant Smoking issue flot over by a long shot What's this? Now the Region is considering implementing a Halton-wide smok- ing bylaw? When and where is it ail going to end? On one hand, it seems like a ridiculous direction to go in since the municipalities have been putting so much time and energy into estab- lishing their bylaws. On the other hand, havmng different bylaws in each municipality so close togéther doesn't seemn to make a lot of sense - i the interest of fairness, as bar and restaurant owners will attest to. But even if the Region implements a Halton-wide smoking bylaw, wil that really solve the problem? What if differing bylaws in neighbouring regions prove to promote unfairness to bar and restaurant operators in Halton, or vice-versus? How far will it go? Wil there be a cail for a provmnce-wide smoking law. The issue is complicated. It involves s0 many perspectives including those of health, personal freedom and the rights of entrepreneurs to do business. It's going to be a while yet before it's ail worked out. OUR READERS WRITE Literacy North Halton outreach coordînator says thanks to ail who helped wîth event Dear Editor: On behaif of Literacy North Halton, 1 would like t0 tbank the Milton Public Library, Martin Street Public School, Milton Comsfnunity Nursery School and Mayor Gord Krantz fdr their sup- port at tbe recent Famiùly Literacy Day activities in Milton. 18 was wonderful 80 aee aduits and cbildren at the Milton Public Library and Martins Street Public Scbool taking tinne out to enjoy the wonder of reading aloud. Reading juat 15 minutes a day wiIl con- tribute so much toward a cbild's learning skilla and wiIl in tumn inprove tbeir chances for success. During Family Literacy Day, tbe Milton Public Library also began providing helpful information for adults wbo struggle to read 80 their cbildren. A number of easy-to-read books bave been identified as a slarting point for tbese adults. Also on tbis day, cbildren in a combined Junior and Senior Kindergarten clasa at Martin Street Public Scbool spent an enjoyable bour listening and respondmng 10 Mayor Gord Krantz wbile be read. T'hey were tbrilled t0 xpend sucb a special time with such a well- known person, captured an beauti- fully in last Friday's Cbamnpion by pbotograpber Grabam Paine. As an aduit literacy program, we at Literacy Nortb Halton often bear from students wbo were seldom read 80 as cbildren. By drawing attention to the obvious benefits of families reading togetber, we can ail belp t0 eradicate low adult literacy in our community. Thaask you Milton, for ail your help. Wendy Somerville, Outreach coordinato, Llteracy North Halton E-ma it Iyoupw tmto Me e0dtor to mlt o@h - sar om. Sofar, my time here has been quite an experience Wbat il is about amailer towns Ibat appeals 80 me an strongly, Nve yet to determine. Witbout sounding too cliché, perbaps its tbe slnwer pace of life. Wbetber ils actualy true tbat Milton residents take the ime 80 appreciate lifea asmail pleasures, or il's an illusion created simply from tbe quaint downtown core and bistoric homes, Fin not sure. But il's a suspension of dishelief in wbich rm more than wiling 80 indulge. 1 love tbe thougbt of a town of residents who know wbaî's important in life, and who realize Ibal altbougb developrnenî for tomorrow is important, an is being content witb whaî we bave loday. For someonie wbo bas often wisbed abe could be lransported back to Ibat proverbial gentler lime, Milton bas provided me wilb tbe perfect setng 10 saisfy my overly-active imagination. Milton la a communily for which Im proud 80 serve as tbe new Cbampion reporter, covering tbe police and bospital beats, among otbers. For a big city girl- if Brampton can be con- sidered a big city - comidng from a big city newspaper, my next statement migbl sound sur- prising. But il's tue. These past two weeks, my first as tbe new Cbamnpion reporter, bave been extremely exciting. Part of il, of course, is tbe lbill of tbe unknown revealing itself eacb day. Theres nolbing ike tbe first week in new tenri- tory. Ive cbosen rny favourite luncb lime cafe, my favourite second-band bookatore - a ballmark of any srnallisb lown - as well as my favourite century borne and country store. Milton residents bave a town to be proud of. Tbere are tbe cafe-silters wbo speak witb pride about the borses tbey keep on tbeir property, an opporlunity Ibat only a smallisb town wilb a rural setting could provide. A Pride of ownersbip seeps from every century A round ome I pass on my way 10 work. The hsoi plaques on tbe fronts of many of tbese bornes towfl speak volumes about tbe attitudes of tbe people who live inside. Ils a subtle way of celebrating tbe past while And from wbat Ive seen an, far chatting wilb peo- anticipaling tbe future. ple, lhey are Towns tbat are quickly developing and yet still There are tbe store owners wbo realize Milton'smaget tinhtsal-o toperae srnall town atrnospbere bas provided the ideal fmwan a10r ean tw rnal-onamsbr.r spot for tbeir family-n îoy store. fwadfrbten There are tbe members of Conservation Halton Milton is one of tbem. wbo seern to work so bard aI protecling tbe lands From tbe perspective of a lowly outsider, lheyve corne 10 love. Milton is a gemn that dots Ontarsos crown. I