Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 2003, p. 32

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24-The Canadien Champion, Fntday, February 7, 2003 -ICANNATARO: Virginla (Jane 20,1925- Februery 1, 2003) Etone ara bis wlte Haier, Mary iRicki Cardons and Johns and tus naife Sherry Cireesheri Norma of Aili and irer hustoend Petit Depeon, Alearndra, Daniela and Alanna. Loveng Sinter of tde Conte, Rosna DeRengo and Ceesere Atfano. Predeceaed hy her brother Giuoeppe Aiteno and sisters Emitia Principe and Francesca DiPietro. Virgimia will ire remnembereet for her friendly warm, and ioving dispostion, and for ber coin- passie and generoft towards Cthera. She wll be Ilu misaet by ail rebone lives ohe toucheri. Friande wiii be rece inete tihe J. Scott OEni Fanera Homne, 21 James Sf., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Fridly Febroary 7th (fodal irom 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Vigit Prayers Mil be reciteri ut 7:30 PM. A Funeral Ma Meit ire helet firm Holy Roary Roman Cathoic Cirarcr on Saturdep Fehruery tith et il AM. Entomrment f lo ione Glen Ceira Mernofial Gardens, Carvilie. A tuncheont wdI fo00w et tire famihl home (1057 Woodward Ave., Milton). Debron, Daniel At Attendais en Milton jr Tuesdy Febrarp 4fir 2003. Daniel Debren je iris 8Otir peer. Lovnrg flaiier of Martlyr and ber hustrenr Frankr Baseno, Roraso and hig wife Katiry and Danny andi hie aie Maggie. Sadtp missed by iris grandrijdren Craie, Lauren, Benjamin, Montana, Cheynnre, Matlisse, David ard iris grisat grardson Ritey. Fondty rememberari hy iris specia friands Nire and Alfred. Femitp and friands may vioit ut tire McKemsia- Kocher ForeraI Home 114 Maie Sf. Milton 905-878- 4452 frora 2:00 pmn f0 4:30 pra on Seturdey. ln lieu of forrers, memnofia donations fl the Cirerifp of your choira woutd ire appracial hy tire tamuil. mITCHELL: Ellmbettr (Bela Peaceul iC uth1e Guelphr Generat Hospital on Feirrusry 510, 2003. Elizabethr Mdtchrelljr her 87th peer. Beixred wifa xl tire fate isaac Mitchel. Lovng moIrer of Sirlrey (Talis Peruseflle George (Brendai Mitchell, Deisy (Boli McKey and Rironde (lira) Oster. Sire wil ire sedty misseri hy 14 grandrijdran, 18 greet grandrijdran andi 1 oet grisat grandcid. Lovirngty remnembereri by many niaces and nepfrews. Bans ls survived hp irer sister Lorrette Mitchell, the fast osf ber 20 siblinga. Friands wi ha recelirer i ethtie J. Scol Oartp Funerai Home, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Friday Februery lfir (tly Irne 2-4 PM & 7-9 PM. A fumeraf servrce waît taire place on Sataretay Feirruary 8tn et 1:00 PM trom rire Funerai Home Cirapel. leterment f0 10110w ef Evergreen Camailry As expression oit sympatir dona- dions f0 the cirarity of ontes croire reoud ie epprecoef- eri by the iamdy In Loarfug Memry of Bon, Fwbruary 7eh, 1920. As tùne rafoids amother year Memories kle you errer siear Silent thouglats of tiare together Il mearories that reili lase forever. Phylli & fomiy 17,e faîni of the ilute, Shaarensu av1* ofLd lite t. thuin relaive, fiieuds, co-orsers anmd ueighbos ,sho gave su8 tysupeeay anmd support in ouw recent lots, of a dear e, mother, grandiuoder and gi-ect graudmomer. Special dmouks to Reverend Roei Nortou for lais eadg seere anmd enreryouw for *1mw,, douatious, Pliiers, carda and food. ALso, but aoc lesait a epecial dmtaul ta J.S. Joues & Son Fumerai Home for counfort and support dwriag ou- tiare ofesorrore Leroy Hs and faildy F o sI enr n therm of Ieu donations ta The Canadian I ~~Cancer Society are deepty 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 Earn money, f( association, SuperPages Oakville, Mil WaalIo woffkÎnHELTH CMEbu,Îack MmnngF EARN WHILE YOU LEARNI r your non-profit group, club, or 1FREE 6 MONTH HOME CARE SKILLS PROGRAM PROVIDES WORK EXPERIENCE Nithout selling, by delivering AND GIJARANTEES EMPLOYMENT ON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION 'g e 30 yeurs old or leos? directories in Burlington, Havng diff icotty fiodirg work hecause of incomplee odocalion or riher barriers? ton. Flamborouoh. Carlisle_ e lnieresied rn heiping others? e Not receiving employmeni inrorarce? Campbellville, and surrounding areas. Start Date: May 16, 2003 (approx.) For more information please eall: CANWEsT DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTORS (905) 458-0623 on 1-877-265-1674 (TOLL FRIEE) MoNDAYTO FRIDAY 9:00 TO 4:00 Ncw Miotn business man, eariy 50s, slim & energetic seetis rom- pantion for Tuesday & Thursday evenings andi aiternate weekenris. Ptease repip jr writing to "Bachabor Oad" c/o Bar 3044 Canadian Champion 191 Main St E Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9. DAYCARE in my home. One chiid onlp. Monday to, Friday. Asir for Debra. Cai 905-878-3485. EC.E quaifieri regis tered homnecare, aveit- able 7 ams- 6 pm. Firat Aid/CPR, receipte, raf- erences. Cal) Pinar 905- 876-0774. $$$$ Wanted- Au ChIina, Sitver, Crysta, Tes Caps, Royal Doutton, Swarovski, Giass, Jeweliery aId tops coi- lecîjiries, estates. Cati John/Tracy, 905-33- 2477 LOOKING for 2 bed- roora apartment for Aprit lst or May 1sf. Phone after 7 pon. 905-693-i 9838. ANTI QUES WANTIED! Estale Iremas Cina, Fumiture Heathers Antiques wiii rail TOP prier for your quaiay antiques, cinas, sterlng, sreiery andi quaii lemirure. Wr cas bnlp vxu downsjre or bur yxse virole eriat. For fest confidentil M migim rrrrup fflt- - tracs Set with trame. GETPrrespp New tn plastic. CostGRA yeesp- $1,599.00 Sacrifice pis Vet checree, let $65000.905567945 shts.MaIe &- femele. $6500. 90-5679459 Reacty Feir 1410. $600. ANTIQUES, rustîr & 905-659-4915. paintefumt.Des ers, jara cupboarde etc. Mafrogany sletgh bel super single $350. Pick- ets & Prîmnose 300 Main St. Miton 905 1987 Qidamorile Ced- 878-477. tLe Supreme. V6, eut o, APPUIANCES Fnldge, jnew brakes/tires/frant 2 door; Stave; Maytag encl/exhaust.' Etested. autamnatic reasher, dry- $1200 00. 905-875- er. Also, apertment set. 338W. Linder Warn. ia-- ing av i~~d?~ CARS reanlee. Dead or 8328 aalbe9063- alive. 24/7. 905-467- BED Queen Piliowtap Mattress, Box, Frama, cee sdsll peck- Sait $450.00. 905-5%7-1 EDOMset. Bpce Jb cfrerrywood. Bed, chest, l b fridresser, mitro, night stands, dovetail con- struction. Navet opened. In boxes. Coul $9000. Sacrifice $2800. CARPET i have serveml 1,000 yrds. afIrnew Sinosaster &à 100% ny- lon carpet. Wiii do living- room & heul for $389. In- ciades carnet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM I 3pce cherrywaod. Double pedtestai. 8 chairs, Buf- fet, hufch, server, dov- Cekof tait construction. Silli n boxes. Coat 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- Cubs 746-0095 , . .- Fletche &. g soie Ic Il INCLUDES: Hurds-on vopvrience ir basic home cary siis e Persooa developesen; e Stress management and confidence building e Work il a varivty of clients: e Competitine wagvs 114 9i:atLs Z = INTER VIEWING NOW Cana(N 905-526-0807 E-xt. 0 Canada's Most Progressive Police Service Consider the Career Peel Regionail Police Consider th. Opportunities Now Hiring Polie Constables Become pare of an organizaroo nerat is but on excellence and e commitment ex eervrng thue public. vil invite energenti. cereer-mmnded. individuels tront ait watns of tllCe to, loin out reata. Leern more about oui fienetsaend ecederain seendurds and rehan exece frotta thue appication process. r .Bôrao Sesson of oT Erindale Campai - Miasarauga 3359 ltisatumlg Rd. M. Mutthm Auditorium a.l Building. Boom 137 V'blur out Wob mdite et in Penhhmg tn LMs 4, 5. a a Traeaday, February 11, 2003, ait 7 p.m. Reered àlfflng 905-453-2121, Fet. 6002 An Elqual Oppontuuity Emple Turnîls (Canada) Ltd., a distributor af pro- ducis for the window covering irdastry, ix ioleing ta 611l the taiiawing positonts: Bilingual Offioe Clerk We require an office clerk who cao speak Engiish aed French tluently. Prîmary dulies wjii inctude receptio, filung, data entry and customer service support for Frenchr speak- ing clients. If pou are able ta mufti task in a tast paced enveronment, please farreard your1 resumne ta thre address lisfed beiow. Inside Sales We require an Inside Sales persan with lthe ability ta impiement marketing and samping programs as wet as technicai support for aur custamers. Eventuai autcide salas is a possbiiy Candidates must have compieted a business/marketing pragram at an accredited school. Tumnils (Canada) Ltd. 2220 Speers Fiad Oakville, Ontali L6L 2X8 Fax 905-469-9895 email Bot Construction Llmlted, a Canerai Coneractor in Road and Bridge Construction hs immediate opening for Quality Control Plan Administrator Appiicants must be Civil Engtneering Techniciens with e minimum of 2 years espenience. MTO explenence wilt ire con- sidereot an assai. Muet possesu excellent organizationai skilis, comunication akitis and ire computer titerate. Resumes to: Mille Beatty Bot Construction Limlted 1224 Speers Road, Qarvilie, ON L6L 2X4 Fax: (705> 522-0845 E-mail: 10e tI ait candidates for thoir irforoot, hoeer, sniy those seiecfed for an interview wîii ire coniocled The Bunlîngtor Post, a division o) Metrolard Prîntîng, Puhuîshîrg and Dîrtrîbutîrg Lid. s occoping remumes tor the po-î.... o. SPECIAL FUATURES WRITER Reporting to thre Dîrecior of Adverisirg, the Speoia FraisIer Wriier is resporsibe tor tire ediloria conl- ent andt iayout of in-paper teaturer, as weit as aey speciai publication creaiei hp the Burtington Post. Tire irai candidate wiii have rtrong wniling and ut j- tonial sius wiih a proticieocp in botir Microsoft Word and Quanrk. Famiiiarify wîih a Macieforir-tased plat- fore s jrpreterred. Tis position requires a perronabn irdividua ilh eocellant orgarizaloonti okilis and the abuiity to man- age mutile larts white on deadliie. A flair for corporae communications & iamiiiariiy with priot advertirirg wosid ire an assai. Creaive input jr ercouraged. The abitii to wonk wifl minimal super- vision, as wtil as ir a tearn eovironmrert jr essenlia. Pieuse tfax armait resurna butors February 17t10 2003: Attention: Kim Siessor, New Homes & Real Estato Manager el/o BURLINOTON POST 5040 Mainway Dr., Burlinglon ON L7L 7G5 Fax: (905)-632-1121 No telephoro cails piesse. We riranti ail opplicarîs ton appiyiog, however, only those selected for an interview wii11 be cootacted. ACTORS IModels 2M 1m lb US a erIa111. Toronto production is vopiedîng, Scoufîng nvw pvople, (no vop. nvvded) wtt dtffvrvnt lools, sfrapvs & sîzes, (neetoro 10 sent- ior) ion Commerciais, TV Shows, Maries,, Caiaiogs. MTS il ire holing Audlitions la lieur arm en Taes. FoI.llth bp appt. oniy. Audition fev of $34.50 (+gsf) is refuodable if pou do no1 quaifp. Cal) 9-5 to scftvdo)e an audition 519-249-0700 MODEL AND TALENT BUREAU AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11$1 2/tir. Ail shifts available. Fax restiue f0: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Hlrlng P/T Counter Help Apply rn perron: DuIiqer's 2410 Lakeshare Rd. West, Oakville Oakitlo based rotait chair rquires a F/T HANDYMAN Dotios include lo cloarirg (aI night), maintenance & ropaîr t or approx. 20 store locations, Must haro min. 7-10 yrs rap, in gororal maintenance, Vohicie/ trois suptied, Cali Kyni 10 arrange an interview: M-84-M X221 EXP. EOUESTIIM wmm. unM For 17 to25 statis. Ableo to detogate, diagnose aitments, handiage, work wee- kords ard teach rn the schoo. Non-smoking eroirormeet. Fax resmme w/rots. 65-27-133 or cati 965-M-2234 Bsrtoak &Harvester FIPT CONTER HiELP Mornirgs, Aterroors, Weekends Appiy in person or cai 905-319-5911 Reqoires a protessisea Chef hasy Oalroîtle tocation. 1 $200eSigng bonus Apply In potion: 270 N. Service Rd. N&05338-80. SUPEnVIS.' PIT 5nighsWeek. Borlirgon medica buitding. Mor-Tirors. 7-11tpm, Sor.2-6pm. Most spear ttuent Erglish & ire hordarte, Eop. reqoirod. $10/sr Fax resomne Io: No phono colts please. On/y Chose selected iibe contactedi SUR VEY PERSON Persanaible enthesiastie individuels required le cenduut a strvey je aur premetinal bolt iecxied en the Milt Mail. Mati have excel- lent communications skilis. Flexible hauts& great pay. Tek 9054670.780 fox 905-6967298 1 Mil

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