Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jan 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, January 28, 2003 SCOMMENT Bottom uine is Milton remains a safe place It looks like fraud was the trend in crime in our town during 2002. As reported on the front page of this newspaper, Milton's crime hike is largely the resuit of an mncrease in fraud charges - almost ail of which stemmed fromn a massive gas station bank card scam. In 2002, incidents of fraud rose to 452 from 90 in 2001 - an increase of a whopping 362. If Milton's fraud total had been the same as in 2001, the annual change in crimînal activity would have only been 0.4 per cent higher. And the actual resuit would have heen a crime rate decrease of 13.6 per cent considering the significant population growth in town. Similarly, if Milton's fraud count had been unchanged from 2001, the overali Halton crime total would have only heen up 0.3 per cent, result- ing in a crime rate decrease of 3 per cent. Our point is, despite the increase in population, Miltonians can con- tinue to enjoy living in a relatively safe community. We just have to make sure we watch our bank cards and protect ourselves against any other con artists out there scheming up ways to cheat us out of our hard-earned dollars. O UR REA4DERS WRITE- Drivers need to slow down in winter:. reader Toys for Tots a big success, says organîzer Dear LEito: Who's 10 blamfe? The weatber, the roads, or us. "Sip)pery roads bave been blamied for nurnerous traffic mishaps tbis morn- mg ..."'4A multi-vehicle pile-up bas caused many injuries and extreme dam- age today ..Heavy snow fail is report- cd te be the cause..." Sound familiar? You seldom, hmar Iat dbee are many accidents because drivers fail to adjusî their diiving habits to suit weatber situa- tions. 'fic saine wintery conditions bave been witb us for more years Ian wc can recail. Wbat bas cbangcd is lise volume Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulaion: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associae Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Adverising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Cassa Office Manager Tha Coles Production Manager of transportation couplcd urgency to get from point At I realiz winter diiving c lenging, and at imes danger also confident Iba if we at selves more lime and werei cautious by mialbing our driý ditions, we could save a lotc fering, and deatia. As a bonus, wc would ai t er insurance rates, as buge am corne out of insurance comp 10 seule cdaims. The Canîdian Champion, publîshed every Tuesca Main St.E, Miker, Ont LIT dN9 (Box 248), s oe Prîntîng, Pubiîsbîc5 & Sîstributing Ltd. greup et subeîb J wit Our Dear Editor: to point B. alton Region and thc Halton = e ha- Regional Police Service, in partner- rous, but I'mt ship with Canadian Tire and the WowedOur- Salvation Armny. rccently complet- Ilow oe e1f d their third annual Toys for Tots msscb mo ore programn throughout the region. VU5~tO ~ The 2002 program ran from of pain, tuf- Novemnber 16 t0 December 21 and collected Canadian Tire money and ttjoy cbeap- cash donations to buy toys for flounts must donation 10 the Salvation Armny for ,any coffers distribution to families in need. This year, Toys for Tots involved CY StIfl eight Canadian Tire stores in Mill S&i't Oakvillc, Milton, Georgetown and Burlington. The campaign was a big success, raising more than $33,000 in toys and cash - result- Sing in a brighter Christmas for WON many families sithmn our commu- mllies. The success is attributed to con- dayan Fidy t 91tributions from the community, aynd fTh day a and chools and businesses throughout ban companies uS ch Halton that respondcd with cash or inludes AlaxIrickerlc5rNews Aneeniser, Asilston lerald/Gsurier, larrin Advance, tarrys tay Tis Week. Initen Enterprise, Bnamptnn Guardans, tarlingtnn Pnst, lurlingtnn ShoppingNewAs, City Parent, City ni Yrk Guardian, Collingwssd/Wasaga Concectonn. tant Ynnkli Mîccr, Einn Adecate/Country Rotes, Etnbicnke Guardian, Flambscnuîtr Pnst, Freser Yngn, Gergetown tndependentiActonFrie Press, Halten tusinesTimes, tiarenia BusinesTimes, Knston This Week, Lndsay This Week. Mabsare Ecensmînt & Sun, Mdand/Peneanguishenle Mri, Mites Shopping News, Mississauga tusiness Times, Mississauga News, Napanet Guide, Nassagaweya News. NewmarketJîurora Ere-tanner, Northumberland NIews, North Vrs Mineor, akyite teacen, tattuitte Shopping Newes, Odtimers Hockey News, Oiia Tnday, OsbawaIWbd1by/Caringten/Pore Perry Tbis Week, Peterborough Ths Week, Picten County Guide. Richmond HiIThlbrnhiltNaughac Liberal, Scarboreugb Mrrer. Steattvlle/Unbridge Tribune. Idvedtising is accepted on e ecndtion tbat, in the ement et a typn- graphicat etrer. tbat prtionnofethe adnertising space nccupiid by te erre- ciscs idem, tegetber wd5 a reasonabte attenance ter signature, wilt nt se cbarged for but the balance efth1e adveedîsement wîtt Se paid for aItbh appli- cable rate. The pubishet tsernes the rigt te categorize adveedîsiments et dectîni. % MonAtaiCaradien Chaen m se aRocyclebe Produce toy donations. Special thanks goes to Halton Honda for the donation of a Honda Pilot complete witb Toys for Tots decals for promotional and opera- tional duties. The Toys for Tots pro- gramn also wishes 10 thank Uic fol- lowing organizations for their cash donations: Intemnational Trucking. Canadian Tire Association (Oakville). Canadian Tire Found Families (Milton), Halton Regional Police Association Children's Christmas Party, Halton Regional Police #3 District CIB Christmas Party, Algonquin Power, St. Gabriel's School and S/Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter. We'd also like to thank a number of orgafizalions for Uieir toy dona- tions. including Glcnview Public School, Joc Dogs restaurant, thc nurîington Post newspaper. Burlington Bingo. NHL Enterprises, Longo's Food stores as well as ail community members who droppcd off îoys ansd gifts ai our local police stations. In revicwing the resulîs of the Toys for Tots prograin, Chief Ean Algar said. "We are grateful for the generous gifts provided by Uic pub- lic for Ibis worthwhilc prograin. Il was also rewarding 10 sec the participation of schools collecîing money and îoys for other children in necd. That's whaî Christmas and the holidays arc aIl about." Chief Algar addcd, -Contributing 10 the success of the program is the more thais 50 police volunteers who gave their own lime 10 staff Canadian Tire locations, the good work of the Salvation Armny in idenîifying families in necd and the participating Canadian Tire stores that posiîively promole Uic pro- gram. They'rc truly communiîy partners." Const. Chantai Verrier Haiton Regional Police E-mail your letersta the editor ta mitonedA@haftonsearch.cmm, or fax thiem ta (905) 878-4943. Pud by Steve Nease *THE CANADL4N CHAMI 1 lk

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