Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 2003, p. 2

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2-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 10, 2003 ATtt-volls possible -for, proposed mid-peninsula highway By DENNIS SMITH Special to The Champion The bell has flot yet 'tolled' for the proposed mid-peninsula highway. Critics of Use road from Niagara to Use Hamitton-Hatton ares say documents show a toit highway is pianned. But Use rninistry of transportation says Use information is from Use cartier needs assessment stage, when both toit and non-toti sce- narios were bcing examined. Citizens Opposed to Pavmng Use Escarpment (COPE) say they're againat Use highway regardiess of whether it's a toit road. Ontario residents are atready upset about Hwy. 407 toit rate increases and Usey don't thinl Use mid-pcninsuta highway is nec- "The fact that we Iooed at-and generated these sceuarios does n«t hnply the proposed highway will be told. That remains something for the governmiein to look at at a future date." essaoy, said COPE's vice-chair. "They think it wilt have toUls on it and they won't give the gov- emment carte blanche to buiki it," said Dave Eckersley. connected to the other toi route, Hwy. 40)7. The mid-peninsula route would mun frurn Niagara to Hamilton's airport at Mount Hope. It wouid then cxtend to one of three possi- ble connections. Alternatives being considercd inctude a link-up with Hwy. 407 in Burtington. This route would continue to Peter's Corners (Hwys. 5 and 8), Ioop north of Waterdown and head down the Niagara Escarpment to connect with Hwy. 407 near Watker's Line. Mr. Eckersiey noted the ministry initiafly rejected the two other proposed connections - Hwy. 401 west of Milton and Hwy. 403 in Hamilton. "They added them again to quiet some of the protesta," hie said. Mr. Eckersiey said both toit and non-toit scenarios were exam- ined oniy for the Hwy. 407 connection. He said hie believes this further indicates the ministiy favours a Hwy. 407 iink-up for thse mid-peninsuia highway. 'They were only going to do ait the math on tse one they were going to buiid." Mr. Eckersley said building another toit route wiiI create a two- tiered road systern, with toit highways serving "the rich guys." He said ministry documents alst indicate privatc partners are being sought to produce revenue for Use proposed highway. This can oniy be donc through toits, said Mr. Eckersley. Evidence of planning for a mid-pcninsuia toit highway is found in rninistry needs assessment and technicai surnrary docurnents, say COPE officiais. A ministry cost estimate noted Usat "fuiiy etectronic toiiing tech- noiogy bas been assumed (as per Hwy. 407)." Toi rate policies and Useir revenue impacts were pars of critical issues in Use ministry's needs assessment demand forecast. There were ministry references to "identifyîig Use impacts of toits on Uhc demand for Use mid-peninsuia corridor and on the QEW" and "identify an optimal tolling strategy." Ministry documents also rnention confinning Use route's finan- cial feasibitity as a toit facility, plus assisting ownership and part- nership opportunities for thse rniid-pcninsuia corridor. A rninisuy spokesperson said when descrminiiîg traffic teveis for Use proposed highway, boUs toit and non-toil environments were examined. "The fact Usat we looked at and gencratcd Uhsec scenarios does not impiy thc proposed highway will be tollcd," said Bob Nichois. "That rernains sorncUsing for Use governimcnt to look as at a future date. " Considering toil and non-toit information provides Use nistry wiUs a bettcr understanding of what traffle tevels could be on Use highway, he said. T'he spokesperson said both toit and non-toit options are stitl being considered. As for oniy domng boUs scenarios for Use Hwy. 407 connection, Mr. Nichois noted existing highways were not to be toiied when Use needs assesament was being donc. The next phase of planning for Use proposed highway invoives determmiùng tenns of reference for Use envimnrment asseasment. Thc Ministny of Environment is expcctcd to rote on Usis by March. Besides Uhc Hwy. 407 iink-up, other alternatives invoive con- necting with an expanded Hwy. 403 on Hamilton Mountain or a route through Peters Corners and Flamborough to iink up with Hwy. 401. The ltter connection woutd be made west of Milton and wouid avoid a eut through Use escarpmnen. Registration for JK and SK 110W accepted 400 Steeles Avenue <maxt to Corrud'a Auto Croup) 905 875-1700 si f5pasot suw a weot4B% EUo m S (i TI23STif12OI m ~48 ,o miIiM k ala r o2i 9%61%.45%, 45% onSiw Ci, V4 5HOW* e s F1CSi BEWiA Mi25Aw AiOF Ge OA s610s,,aaioa i14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ý0 KM1525.SP?318 Eck Addem6Aaof oIS07sO 10 10 1 5~o SF0i45i52 4 52O M31 0 ii 5 F 647çA 4 95w 5 ~ ~ 5a i A~,5i COB GSlMOS1,250tiO ,113467 l05~' 054154$147 ~do i 54l ~ 1OS%59%5%~ IpFiuit04,,Oi l,,Fi#i 02?8BWln529% 1 $2 5,6t*loe2 OR5 tloilFF 9V19 9Mi miil bA0F5 N'mtucmltu eFil f*o fliEhcnt 1 %mw :refýrgý,u 00 re 03R The Haison District Schoot Board is now accepting registrations '.for junior and senior kindergarten for September 2003. Parents or guardians are asked to check. the Haiton District JSehoot Board Web site,, for important registration 2 information and tu check schooi attendance boundaries. The infor- mation can be found on Uic home page under the 'Schoois' iink. When registering your chiid, you need to bring proof of your chiid's age (birth certificate or passport), immunization records, your child's Ontario Heaith Card and proof of address. If you aren't the child's parent, please bring proof of custody (court farder). To register for Use faIt of 2003, junior kindergarten children must be four ycars old by December 31, 2003 and senior kindergarten chitdren must be 5 years otd by December 31, 2003. Parents wiUs chitdren currentiy attending junior kindergarten won'î necd to re-register for senior kindergarten. Registration shouid be compieted as designased schoots by -~t-~ ~. i 3' t r

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