Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 29, 2002-7 vMajorîty of Ontarians fa vour O UR R FADER S WRITE iprohibition, but numbers _______________ chnuvmnrào MfitnErosdent are agaînst ban of alcohol Tinte Capsules' are gemis qoinforniahion extracted froin past issues of T/ew i lton 0%1 I Champion and other publication to Pro- vide a window- into Mltons past. Time Evplanator y comment is sonietimies pro- vided to place the situation in context C'apsules 'OIF October 1898 Majority for prohibition. There were goodly number ot hands. 4,939 votes poiied in Haiton iast March in.. the Barber-Kerns ciection for the Ontario Legisiature. Last Tbursday there were only At the Monday evening meetinl 3,166 recorded for and against prohibition. town council. the usuai formai U with the same voters'ists being used. With was put îhrough as weii as passing the vote being s0 smali, the majority of 622 275, compeiiing the erection and for prohibition carnies no weight. Resuits: maintenance oi eavestroughing 10 Haiton 637 for prohibition. 209 against. dripping upon tlise sidew aiks. Ti majority for 338. move in the righl direction and i' Ait provinces vote for prohibition excepî that the chiet constahle wiIi a Quebec. Total Dominion malonity for pro- strictly aller ils closest eniorceni hibition 11,636. In Mtons East Ward 12 Penalty for- non-compliance is $5, s oted toi prohibition. 40) against: ii in te 1 Ise Town I. North Ward 36 for.-4l againsi: South Ward By-iavs 276. on flic storiug ofi 50 for 26 againsi. Voting iu Miltoin 98 fo and comsitbles. w5as read a seco prohibition and 107 againsi. No report \>.,as given about the) Sboe Compansy. natter but tils as cd that another and larger coîscei Town Council is ikety ta be caiied on same business was interesting shorly Io consider a proposition froru the Milton as a possible sigbt. Wiliams Company, shoe manufacturers of.. Gait. This company is reported Iu do a large and growing business. empioying 65 Last Monday. the trame oi hands on pegged boots and shoes of au Irvings new barn was successful kinds. They are searching for a new loca- on is homestead, lot i13 in the toi tion. They ask a loan of $6000 10 be repaid cession of Nassagaweya. Piaci in instaiiments without interest aud it'sftg- stone walis of nine feet of heigt v ured that provided the payments are made 20 feet long, the building - w promptiy, the total interest wiii amount in feet by 84 feet- wili prescrnt a about $1.400. imposing appearance. About 15, The ratepayers of Miton, though anx- Irvings friends and neigbbours. in tous for as many new industries as possi- quite a distance. attended toa av hie. wiii not countenance anything ike a work. whicb was bappiiy unir bonus. accident or misbap îhougb the bî The proposed boan to the Williams anc of the plates, a purlin. tonne( Company, however. eau hardly beciassed wbaia ariansng incident. as a bonus and the proposition appears ta Sides were chosen as usuai and bc worthy of the serioas consideration of ing race ended iin ihose chosen1 our town counicil. Currie sightiy beating Atex. Mc ... party. A bounteous supper recetN justice and crowned the pleas The Toronto Terra Cotta Companys most fittingly. Mr. Irving is to be works on the C.P.R. just west of Milton, Iated upon the progress thus fai wbich bas been ciosed for some years. are the erection of so0fine a structure being put ino working order and wili on which is being donne by Mes resume operations shortiy under the effi- and Leacbman. cient management of Mr. Lewis. who is T/is niaterial is asaeîihled api weil known here. t/te Mil/tont Historical Societv bv It's understood that the new management chair of researc/h, w/io con -6e' wiIl operate on a large scale and employ a e-niai1 atjdil/s@didir-ect. coni. A Rural resîdent says injustice was served -wîth the decision to close Percy W Merry ig of the bsusiness gBy-taw td proper ýprevelit bhis is ac 's boped ch Insis culn. Thec ;payable 1coal iîl mnd lise. williams sintimîai- m in tise ilseit in of David illy raised ourth con- ced upon vith posts cicb is 50 large and 50 of Mr. sauy from ,iss ai the carked by )reaking of ed a ,orne- id an excit- by Robert [Phedran's ived ample ing everit ,congratt- armade ir -,the work -srs. Logie )n behalf'o 'uJni Di/Is, reached bh v rmPEN Small Classes (14 max.) W ~ Qualified Teachers M EnrichedAcademic Porn MilonHeihtAcaemUSE 4 French Throughout School Pu ff1d&WI« Saturday, Before & Afier School Care LLOCATED ON THE BEAUTIFIJL GROU.NDS 0F . J.K. Full and Half Days COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK, MILTON November 3Oth, . Reasonable Fees I 10:00 - 2:000 pm 1whIvs I For Further Information Phone 905-693-1557 S 8560 Tremaine Road, MiltonI\ I I A RVI coi RO ..ý( RD Dear Editor: On Wednesday. Nov. 20, the s Halton District Sehoot Board tï trustees voted ta close Percy W. s Merry Scboot, effective June 30, s 2003. t The wbole process leading up ta Ibis vote, and especialty that nightn itsetf, bas tefi me feeling disiltu- u sioned. augry and upset. Parents e devoied many hours working toa save <ur sehocil because il wasf important toiLis andt we fcli that suer actuaily had a chance to save it. s However, 1thtbnk it became abun- dantly clear cn Novc.nber 2(0 IbatN use actuaily bad nso chance, asd sue ticser dîd. 3y lise îiugs dit awuere saidaîsd tise LC,.îinsllcmus îs:cî sre sked durîîsg the debale îis:cî iigicl. il výsu cscbvUS îîc Iime IhalthIe trcstees bail usade iheir mînds îcp aboutc Percy Merry loug agis. 1thîbnk the Public prccess suas. in tact. îîst a farce -a procedure that tbey went througb only because tbey had ta. nut because tbey cared about wbat we bad ta say. AIl of the parent presentatians - fuîtl of great ideas, information, altemnatives ta closure. and reasons for wby cdo- sure would be so premature - feti (with the exception of two trustees) cn deaf ears. In rmy opinion, Perey Menry simply wasnt in the boards long-termn plans aud badnt been for scîme time. The boitoru line is tîsat tinancial- iy. Perey Merry is wortb sligbtty more tii the board closed than open. This is because ot the Capital Str.tegic Plan and new pupil ptace- ment grants. However. Ibis dallar amount pales in camparison ta the t disruption, devastatton and sense cf loss fett by our cbitdren upon hearing that their school witt he closed. t After att. Percy Merry is their scboat. Mucb mare than reading, writing and arithmetic goes on nside its walts. Our cbildren feel a s Fax your letters ta the edîtor ta (905) 878-4943 or e-mail them ta miltoned@&haltonsearch.COm. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION effuvv ff9L0PEý #vif# sense of ownership and pride for v their scboot, and tbis is even more .o for Percy Merry because il serves the rural community, and is s the glue that keeps us together. c At a tîme when botb Milton and C nortb Oakvitie are experiencing 1 unprecedented growtb, and mosi t elementary seboots in the area are ai or way above capacity wîtb new famities moving in daily, it just makes no sense at ailtotaclose any sehocît bere. Tbe trustees saw Ibis ss isdom whets decidtug ici delay the deci- sîcîn Iocloiîse Martin Street Public Scbcucu. Wl» niso keep Percy Merry openi as is cil The ieasioncng, used lu deiay the Martin Street decisccîs .pplied eqîcally Io Percy Merry. yel was cguared comnpieteiy 55hen decidîng our l'aie. The whole process was extrensely unfair. aud discriminato- ry against Percy Merry. As an aside, the Toronto District Seboal Board eut $90 million ouI of ils budget witbout ciosing a sin- gle scbool. despite baving some witb lessihan 60 per cent capacîty. Wby is it se, necessary for the Hallon board ta close sebools, especiaily ones in sucb a higb- growtb ares'? i cauti betieve that in seven short montbs, aur bcloved little seboot will be gane. Forty-tour years of serving our rural community witl be gone forever. Percy Merry. the beaut of our communiiy, wiil cease 10 exisi. except in aur memories. My daugbter loves Percy Merry. aud so did my brother and 1 when we wenl there. Simply put, fi's a greai place ta be. aud t feel that my children are privileged 10 be able to go ta Peréy Merry. iu September. our cbildren wilt board buses for Sam Sherratt, and Null neyer be the same. Gone forever is the opportunity for our cbitdren to attend a smali school in our community, with ils close, carissg, nurturing and safe environment, wbere everyone kuows everyone and 1 neyer bave t0 wony about my smait cbitdren wandering away and gettîng tost, or missing the bus to come home. 1 dread June 30, 2003. Once tbis day comes and goes and Percy Merry's doors are clased torever. t wîtt change my route ta ensîcre that t don't drive by the school auy omore. To see ils win- dlo\sss ail bccarded op. and weeds grcîssing iintise piayground where geiserations of cbitdreu have piayed. atsd in the gardens where llossers once grew. ssiti break my heant. And the worst îbing ofali is knowing that it just didn't have to be, if oniy the trustees had iistened 10 us with open minds, bad proper- ty examined att of the information and bad more tban doltars as their number one pnionty. t wouid like te, thank Trustees Erica Andrew and Peggy Russett for listening carefulty 10 what we had to, say. and supporting us on Wednesday night. To Trustees Kelly Amos and Annete Kirk, two of the three trustees for Percy Merry famîlies, t woutd tike to, say that we were very disappointed and angry at your tack of support for us. You bath completeiy tumed your backs on us, the people you were etected t10 represent. We witl definitety remember Ibis next fait when we retum to the poits te, vote. Annette Page Burnhamthorpe Road West

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