30-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 29, 2002 Employee of the Year Andy MilIler Canadian Tire, Milton le Congratulating Andy Miller (Centre) are Drew Mudge, Dealer (L) and David Shuvera, General Manager (R). Dateline - f rom DATELINE on page 25 are awarded. Admiîssion costs $2. For information, cal) (905) 875- 1681. The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group holds its Christmas lunch meeting as St. Pauls United Church at 1 p.m. For information, eaUl JoAnne as (905) 878-4371. The Peel/Halton Vaginal Birth After Cesarean-Cesarean Awareness (xroup (VBAC-CA) provides information, support and topical discussions. For location or intormnation, call Penny at (90) 873-2779.1 Calling New Parents. a free pro- gram (or parents and hahies aged 6 months and younger. meets with a public hcalth nurse to discuss par- enting and infant care. The group meets at the Milton Community Resource Centre. 917 N tpissing Rd.. fromn 1:3(0 to 3:3(0 p.m. For intormationt, cal) (905) 693-4242. ext. 7899. 4y Fleip lfor Parents, a parent suip port group. meets as Pinelands Preshyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burligton at 7:30 p.m. This non-denominational self-support group helps parents of children who are in trouble as home, ai sehool or with the law or who are abusive or taking drugs. For infor- mation, caîl Sean as (905) 842- 1729. Wednesday Dec. 4 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, W0) Childs Dr., holds a hot lunch programn from 11: 30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Lunch costs $5 and includes an entrée. salad, dessert and heverage. To register or for more informnation, cal) (905) 875- 1681. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre's shuffle board gruup mneets as 1:30 p.m. No experience is necessary to join. For more informatiosn about the group. cal) (905) 875-1681. Mh STOP 1W FURI AIL YOINAMhIT BMTAWT ME y~gJ~!~~fHuge Selection oftMovt< mlZýnx&&MM A oys, Lingeri e& Mag www. exxxoicaadullvideu. com r --- - -MILTON r FRlEE XXX 42 Bronte Si. S. - 905-693-8509 MOVIE RENTAI- 00I WHEN YOU SIGN -UP BURLINGTON ITH PU frENEW 596 Plaine Rd. E. - 9054639-4007 i F $5 FEERSNEW HAMILTON IBEFOF L -------------J 314 Ousenston Rd?* 95-5496060L -- -- - The Milton Seniors' Activity Cenitre's Computer Club meets at 1:30 p.m. Admission costs $1.50. For information, eall (905) 875- 1681. Mom's Morning Out meets at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St., from 9:30 to il ar. Caregivers find friendship, support and guidance while children are cared for in Graham Hall. For more information about the program, cail Natasha at (905) 878-5841, Sherry at (905) 878-5976 or Linda at (905) 876-3659. Thursday Dec. 5 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds 'Seniors' Cinemas' as 1:30 p.m. The feature film is 'Life or Something Like I'. The cost is $1 and includes refreshments. For more informnation. ealu (905) 875- 1681. un Date/mne es, DVD's is azines for OFFI prfit RCHASE I 50.00 I groups it'n -J only. ~muE lUMk Nfj if visio OI' a v uiisset duoelamwur IissakfrYon Perie Queei Special àKi Grandmere Grand Sensation Grand DovenbyG èct Night (PiIIow top firm) Perfect Sleeper (PilIow Soft) Perfect Sleeper (Firm) Perfec )99Q Que $R<19 Queen $99999 ue lUSe al 8 9 ' Speial 1 7 1_ , Reg Special Reg. Special Srecal Reg. Special m Twn set $629.99 $54999 Twn set $69999 $59999 ng set .$239999 $199999 Fullet $89999 $7gý999 Ful set $99999 $79999 Tai >ng set $24999 $99999 Kngset $149999 $119999 Ful Don 't foarget the -Serta bedding to complète Youir perfect1 Perfect Simeper Perfect Sieeper Perfect Siceper Comfort Spiral PilIow 220 thread count, Sheet Sets Comfort Basics, Mattress Protector StandardiQuees King Queen King "i n $069 $ ~99 $Q99 $QQ99 $ >99 <ea. l2ea. 8 wtnle supplies 1as t, Lï s to -14 "mattress) IFINANCINO AVAILA13LE su Iii.St., for Dii grand Moonhight ect Sleeper (PIIow Soft) $59999 Reg. Special wn set $569.99 $429.99 ul et $599.99 $469.99 whillQsupplies last (9tIsSUp to 20" t s B p HOURS: 156 Main St. E. Milton s Mon-Wed U-7, Thurs & Fri 11-8, (between Martin St. & Broute St. S) at 10-5:36p m,12-4 7 1 0 PIE N 7 DAYS A WEIE K - 10 AM - MI D N IG HT à ----------- 1 serta [ N