»--The Canadiars Champion, Friday, November 29, 2002 Eam $1200 f $220(Vo»ur working in high- enid FAshîcn Feofwear airA a Comtor! Twist Tare pride in woxkng wîfh an Award Wnnng lndusfry leader and buld a logers» caoeer. 1ME FOOT SOOFFE s epanding again and is oow acoepting applications for locations in Toronto and one in des--te 0"l119l. Assistant Manager and lullîme or par-ime positions are available. Best applicants would Ie eager, high-energy 'people persoos' and are readyt l learn as we do loads ut traning. Tissein lthe restaurant, reait or holel indus- tries is an assel. but a positive. oulging persunalily 5s Ms important. tl the shoe fils, fax your rsasse indicatiug location oft nIerot, to: 416-739-669 KIDS, Kids, Kids, Ages 2+ want- ed for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees!! Men/ Womnen 16-65 y ears needed for samne. No ex-j tras. Parents cali (416) 221-1I 3829L ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Reqii'ed fopi i-iiiii.apau l iei ihuiiding-Seu riirre< inîiiuiîî(uîîpti' i îîh , 4'iiîsiiu cteaniii ukîillu. îî,îî ttîî', i orge feqiil Mlir ilit i-dn.Re idt Bo 309 c/o Caau Cnh mpîîu 191 Main Si.E.Miltron O LUT-tV)9 OWNER OPERATORS & Company Dniver Wanted for Long Haut Trucleîng Co. Lanes Covered (FL,GA,CAAZTX) Please Contact Heathe at: (905) 336-9171 Watts: -888-694-9959 Experinced Palette Repair for Miton Area Piece work with volume bonus Cali Craig and leave message 519-239-9973 EARN EXTASSS Needed December th-24th in vannots Miton Locaions- Monday to Saturday 12-0 p.m» Flewarding Position Excetnt if or Studerstf & Sq, nors For application infocili 905-875-1022 COOK WANTED $11.00 per hou r 3 days Friday, Saturday & Sunday must be able to cook for 14 people Ask for Mary 905-875-3214 or Fax 905-875-3635 BAHR SADDLERY IN HONBY (MILTON) REQUIRES 1 FT »uANDOR 1 P/T TEoAM MEMBER TO FLL POSITION IN MERCH-ANDISING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE ON A RETAIL LEVEL. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT WILL BE SELF MOTIVATED WITH EXCELLENT PEOPLE SKILLS, COMPUTER SKILLS ANDOR EOUES- TRIAN* KNOWLEGDE WOAJLD 13E AN ASSET. BIENEFI PACKAGE, STAFF DISCOUNT 905-878-8885 ACTORS /Modes M gkg kabeau. Toronto production is expftxlîng. Scouftng new peope (no exp. noeded) wtfh dilfeenooks, shapes & sules, (n»hom te senior) for Coatneculs, TV Sh , Mottes, Cala- logs Mli oili taholding Audtio0ns nyour area on &L w1.7 y apponty Audition tee of $3450 + GSis1 retundabteil you do not quabf. Cait 9-5 tx sciedule an audition: 519-249-0700 hid Md Tliii k mf, Mer of Mâfe Rnf)Ila F tjuri Ilynt onc INc r- ROuirE SERVICE h re d - DRIVE RS DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION. DONE RIGHT. ON SITE. Shred-l i mthe aceldo leai eio-site,namWe ppWr tlïedding and re(ydifg e informlion fer over 80,000 clients and grawing. le part of ci inning teaml ttc have infirrediatle apening for Gosn»DZ liened S driver looking for a carrer apportuniy th aal aller challenge end growth. Our Orivers/Custanser Service Repeesentotive (CS8) reprenant Shrerl-l ai aur dient's place nf business. (SR's are literally ihe face nf Shrerl-h. We reqaire an experienced reliaible aperatar <«SR) ta service aur dlienis ut their lacations, by picking Up and shredding their calleeted papier an aur spledii designed shredulung trueho. D eAs oa(SR, yau must have the appropriatefans "OZ" ivers, licmneund pre the ahility teohaded. Yeumust presentun up Iodate MIollirad rlle a elisposition reqaires lifting afaninnmnoa 50 tht. el eTheaodvantes indmdea furdy weeknd eefits MI terested appiats cire ukled tfewiord i"srr.esby ad oir fax te:a:f1 Oakvle , Ont" l.61 T4 Va Fox (905) 829-9206 WEEKEND Ship er ece'VEBreakfast Cook là Elton Manufacturiflg requireýs an Pat-Tse experience Shipper/Recelver. 10 Applîcants MusI have a positive 1 r-x attitude & able 10 work in a fast Rsa paced enviroment. oir eesr Heavy lifting is required. Appyijii perwi, or faxu esume Io Day ime hours Monday-Friday Human r esources Excellent Benefits and RAMA IMM & Competitive Wages COv~M ou1111 Please Fax Resume to 3h1DvlEMPae D 905-878-9211 Pau 905-845-9450 Health Centre P/T Hielp Wanted requiras 3-4 hours each moming. General Farm Maintenance Front Desk Clea.ning Stails Staff Must have expenence operating ýT raclor Ptease Caîl Robin 905-875-7741 A Irsy p. unt inga persouatity Some com- A A - ~ puter okills uecessary. Hours ioct utternuons, Required for Homebuildiflg O5enings & Sut mors- Cttrpals eric- go (Iretween 20-30 Company AtrSls evc. hrs/wk) Munt Ire able Experience Necessary lu starn immdiutety. Fax Resume 905-479-2934 95416 WA:NTED KENNEL HELP is seekingmaStule Must have own transportation P/T atternoon shifts. CALL 905-257-5927 eucellentlcuouer service okilîs, and _____________________________________ basic computer knowtedge. GE E ALLAOU - k$eoffer courpetitive cages, setlnetiedutes. ____________________ Fus:905-333-674 Some Heavylifting or CatI 905-333-6210 Wiîîing to train attn: KatyVaillancoutt Full time/Part ime Cali for appointmeut 905-878-3923 SERVUoe QUEENS AVENUJE RFIRFMENT RESIDENVCE Required. Busy 6 Iray NOW HIRING shop. Witlingn oes1 ou'» Automolive " F/T EVENNOMUTATIEIIDIIS xperience. Computer " F/l 116111 OUEST ATTEIEJAITS background aassel. Vaîrd drivers licence. tnàted apluyicants milsus t stre flexible, nerk Fax resusse: uti amlliothmr. have lie ubîiirta t1 olow wiam 95-37-26 prooedures and oral instructions, and have a proven record eo elability trsuej J / 1968 in M son wrs O*ilh %1 FREE TRAINING* Drive 4US. i A'UA( î School Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 &rc Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company i CIl Programmer Analyst' rior to intermedrate p'rogrammer ana- st. Self-starter wîth training or expeni- nce with unidala or Advanced Pick s pon calîs please. Only those select- I for interviews wnil be contacted. Send a cover loUter with your renume to: resum»es@RlconConsuIIflg.comf Fui Tie ffie osition January 10 July lle Basic oficervuiesobe ed.ing twarm oeain busy rdeisma fll oia PltealCIsse fax y orsume 0 Iall Tohoa e 905-854-9991 fior mre int o. Cstoc imer Shervicce essu presntai er Al ibrfat pae n gowîmn food itea lribuo ciiu urerision.g m a responsibe& reliabte iiveqirdu A gn rvn eor.snadtr * Str ong r c usre rtiof r etion s edvhc o Jea ela Go dmpte iilîso or aihuseasA Jai droses hess pea osatandengona manetry Fax easue atur0es84ne1to: Attention: an arieeurces FrestiStan Mo*s mc WMV Ax105478-0* t's coming upJ Ito that time of year again. Open your heurts & gwve generously to the Salvation Army Christmas Bureau Fund. The Canadian Champion office is now accepting donations at 191 MAIN ST., MILTON 'Make this Christmas special for someone' Czbianiiu Hearlhtone Communiftes Se vces Ltd, a progîesSi l e company in the retement indunlrY f v ies ain ACCOUNTANT Accounts Payable, Genefav Ledger Payroil month- endi closiuts, aunual budgeting & variuncu eatysis. The succesofut appt caut must have sI oug Excel skitîs, extensive experience wth computerîzed accountiug ysteas. 2 vears ut accoutu experience ynd comptetion of accouuutiug dîplomu Fax.: 90-33-9646, Partha Sarothy, Controller ltavin'g a CraftSae S Wh d mmm W cai905-0-MI34for dtais or Fax5-6" ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EASY WAY L10, an international subsidiary ofta large multinational company is tokîng for a rosulîs orient- ut persun ,wîth knowledge ut aIl aspects ut AccouaIs Payiable. Thre Company is currently lacaled in West Mississauga and wilI Ire relacatrng 10 WinsoO Churchill and Dundas area in Aprît 2003. Job reuuiremenL: " Minimum 3 years ouperience " Garai computer SIS " AS 400 ami FOI ouperience helpful " Seaue receivable skilîs hoîpfol " Ability ru gel atong wîlh peuple " Garai phono manner. PIeuse send or fax 91115-515-1729, resusse wîth oupecleti ressaneratian la Easy Way Ltd. Attention Vice Presîdeof General Manager COIUTROLLER EASy WAY LUD, an international subsidiary of a large multinatiunal company is laoking for a resaîts orienleet leader with ouperience in att areas of finance who bas excellent peuple skills. Company is currenlly lucated in West Mississauga and will Ire relocaling lu Winson Charchill & Dundas area in April 2003. Repurtiog directly ta lhItlernational Accountint Manager in PIano Touas, on aIl finuncial activilies on- volving Budgets and Cash Management. Monftly business close requirensents ami prucedure respensi- Irililies us seIl. TIse successtul candidate witllIre re- spensible for thre day tu day activilies of a smatl namber et accoanting staff, ami reporling oI sarse l lIse Canadian Vice President, Genera Manager. a Min. 5yrs. exp. in a senior accounlin position a A chartered accoantancti dogme. a Must le resuîts orienled, highly motivaleri, haveslreng personal ami techoical skilîs ami a positive attiud. Please send or lus 9856&11729, resusswhe sIrpeclesi remusneeation le Easy WaY Ltd Attention et Vice President Generat Manager. 1 1