Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 2002, p. 23

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IThe Canadian Champion, Friday, Novemb'er 29, 2002-23 Photocopying not student volunteer work: ministry B1_TIM WHITNELL 4peciai to he Cliarpoo l-igb sebool studenîs pboîocopying papers foi teachers as part of Ibeir mandatory community service in order îu graduate violates the spirit of tbe provincial legislation, says a Minisnry of Education spokesperson. Dave Rosi, senior media relations co-ordina- tor for the ministry, said be duesn't believe pho- îocopying is the kind of activity the Ontario gov- emment bad in mind wben il passed a regulation tbree years agu requiring igb sebool students lu performn a minimum 40 houri of volunteer wurk ai a prerequisite lu graduating. Current grade I 2s in Ontario are tbe inst wave of students wbomust bave ai leait 40 houri com- munity service lu graduate. "Cemnits lvinvolvemeinti i a.îVery Specutic nities for leaming. Il (photecopyingt uoesnt tel- low tbe spirit of the intent," be said. The ministry employee was reacting lu news tbat some students aI ai least une Halton igb sebool- Nelson in Burlingion - are gaining credit for pbotocopying papers for îeacbers. A passage on tbe Ministry of Educations Web site states: "The purpose of tbe communîty involvement requiremeni is lu encourage s10- dents îu develop awarenesi and undersîanding of civic respunsibility and of tbe rmIe tbey cao play and tbe contributions they can make in support- ing and strengthening their communîties.- Mr. Ross did note îbougb Ibal huoards and principals bave tbe ultimate autborily- in termi et deciding wbat's an appropriale coinmunily David Waugh, a Grade i i student ai Nelson and une uf lwu student trustees wiîh the H-altun public sehuol huard, said be knuws some stu- dents ai is sehool are being alluwed lu phutu- copy for teachers and getting volunteer credit for il. "Tbey are pbotocopying for the teachers and the teachers are signing them (student volunteer passports)." The education minislry bas a list of 13 circum- stances on ils Web site tbal are considered inli- gible volunteer activities. but pbotocopying isn'i specifically menîioned. Tbe Halton huards superintendent of educa- lion (programs), Barry Finlay, said be wasn't in delci ed Ilhe lilial deccsien te Princoipals. Nelson principal Bey Miller said sbc's aware of the photocopying by sume of her students and believes it's a legitimate volunteer service. "One of our teachers, about a year ago. real- ized that witb the new (provincial) curriculum there was a large volume of paperwork su she proposed a group of students use the pbotocopy- ing room in order lu belp oui the students wiîh their (volunteer) houri and belp teachers athIe same ime,' said Ms Miller. "The students don't do il un class lime. The majority of our studenîs are doing things like teacbing Sunday Sebool and helping out ai retirement humes." What an immense pleasure il is lu work in downiowîî Milton! 1 began working ai Grace Anglican Church un September I of ibis year. Before ihat. to me, Milton was noîbing mure than an exil un the 401! But since Sepiember 1 have experienced the joy and beauty of Iis lovely îown. My finit experience was in the ehurch wbere I work. t-ave you ever been inside Grace Church. the grey sione eburcb un ihe hilI ai Main and Milîside? Il was renovated in the laie 90's and is truly lovely inside. Il bas beautiful carved wood, sîained glass windows. and ricb red carpet. It also bas beautiful peuple. Afler tînding my way around the ebureh, I began lu luok ai mure carefully ai my surroundingi in the îown of Miltun. I was delighied tu discuver the milI pond and the patb along the creek! In early September there were beau- tiful fluwers blouming in the park and the shade uf the trees alung the paîh was a welcome respite frumn the beat of the day. By Octuber, the leaves had tumed and 1 was L *Milton Bible W Church Meeting @ 10:00AM Bible Discovery Traîl I 10 AM Worshîp Service A New, Chu rch for a New Generation 1,C,0 (905) 876-3586 7Senior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogge Children Mss. Notelle Rogge Worship Mrs. Esher Kesslor Vouifi Mr. Tim Stevons 9:30 ami - Sundoy School for Ail Ages 10:45 amn - Second Worship Service MAKE THE MOST 0F WHAT YOU HAVE SERIES THERE'S A MIRACLE IN THE HOUSEI 0Great music end entertaining drama! 6:30 pam. - Sunday Night UVE What's ln Your House? Supervised Nursry & ynamîccChaidren s Programs avallable durlng ail services' SLAMES ' COFFEE BRlEAK omo km #7» M -~ 11 am lm $o W*aw »-AU Woawa Mo ELRE. URCCE O OE" & captivated by the refleciion of ibeir colour in the water of the pond. Walking along the paib. the lighi of the sun com- ing îhrougb the golden ceaves was su beautiful il iook my breaib away. 1 sîopped waîking and sîood still on the patb. pauiing te, take in the feel of the moment. 1 fei ihe sun and the genile breeze on my ikin. I smelled ibat distinctive Canadian smell of fallen leaves drying in the suni. 'Surely" I ibougbt 'God is in ibis place. rigbt bere. rigbt now." Now i's December and the trees bave seiîled for their winier resi, branches bare. I find beauty on the paib. even in win- ter. The hunes of the trees are exposed, sbowing us a dif- ferent shape iban wben îbey are cloîbed in leaves. And we cao sec the inîeresiing nesis made by birds, iquirrels and wasps îbaî are idden from us in sommer. I cao bardly waiî lu walk the paîb in spring. Wben 1 do, l'Il look for hinîs of new life - buds on the trees. Oirsi blades of grass. tiny woodland spring flowers and, uf course. dandelions. Then, juil recently. there was the Milton Santa Claus MILTON CHURCH Hugh FsteîîHall, 43 Boewn S. Mitos 'o '9:30a.ii .î- 'bbail, Sth.... FREE BIBLE SCHOOL anRt d t he rt to a happyi, lili, 2> 55 Ontario .S., M1,1,.. O.t, ,9-l't 513f On the IN t ERNE i t rp:f/%vw.%n...m.1.inad 'AS 1OR: AI e .5 1,5-8301 parade! I was impressed! Sucb a big parade for a imal town! And su many peuple lining the streets - the wbole population of Milton must have corne ouI to waîcb! Il was fun to ride on our float and see the excitement in the faces of young and old as we passed by. 'Me energy of the peu- ple marcbing, walking and dancing in the parade was inspiring. TMe fluaIs were wonderful- a great variety of ibeme ideas and delights for the eye. I was pleased tu, see four fluais wbicb reminded us al uf the reasun for the sea- son - the birtb of Jesus Christ and the beginning uf bis ministry lu the peuple of God. As I stoud un the fluai wiîh my new friends from Grace Churcb I tbougbt, "Surely God is in ibis place. rigbt here, rigbt nuw." I îbank God for calling me lu serve Godis peuple nigbî bere in Miltun. I louk forward lu discuvering many mure wonderful iings about the îown and tu meeting many mure uf iii wunderful peuple. *I Submitted by Reverend Amy Cousineau KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday Seboul Age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 am. Youth Class Grades 7-12 9:30 a.m. "CaIIed to Serve the Lord" Wheelchair access and washrooms provided so that ail may corne and worsh ip. i c M ff%.i ,St SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIT CHURCHI MILTON GOSPEL HALL B H ' AT of The Chrisian & Missonary Alliance 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 _________________ Phon ERBY8-5D6 10:00 ar. -The Lords Supper Multifaitti Devotions & Breakfast: 0O 12 am, MCms11:45 arn. - Sunlday School Dec 8, P ophesy: Peturn of God's Messenger n Pastor: Greg MCms630 p.m. - Gospel Service Worid 1elgion'Prophesiet" Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber Leam of The Baha'i Faîffi and Its Teachings 10:0 A%.SUNAY OWINGWORW ERVCEWednesdlay 7:30 p.m. 8 pm, Wed. Dec 4,1,8. nfa ma Dscusson 10:00A.M. SURNDMO'%f~Gor RHiPSE3 rVICEPrayer and Bible Study BctaiVanlVRuaEducaî n A System of tefutuea (Nurserv care provided up to age 2) And the Word was made flesh Monday, Dec. 2, 230 and 1030 prn. Ch. 37 Formoe ifoon urand dwielt among us, and we For local informnation: 905-875-2923 Fo mr ifoo orregular weeklv beheld his glory, as of the only ministies, please eall the cburch office. of the Father. John 1 .14 1 Recording 1-800-433-3284 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Chu rch on the Hlli Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Bey. Amy Cousineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8:0)0 ami - I-Iîlv Comnmnunion 10:00 arn - Suing Eucharist Cburch School & Csîffee I-our THURSDAY 10:0<)amn IiohCommunion NVlîeelcliair Access Tlînoisgh Parking [et liSons We welcome you to... ST. PAULS ( UNITED CHURCH) 123 Main St. E., Milton Fni Nov. 29, 445, 6.7:15 p.m.- Turkey Supper Sun. Dec 1 9 a.m. ALTERNATIVE WDRSHIP 10:30 ar.ADMENT 1 WORSHIP Havens Gate Church School at 10:30 a.m. Theme: Jesse's Tree, Baby & Toddler Nursery 7 p.rn. arais By Candlelight by St. Pauls Choir Tues. Dec. 3, 6:30 p. Vesper Service-Alil Welcome! q Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofsietier Church office: (905) 878-8895 b l, GRACEWAY CBAPTIST GHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1 629 Pasior Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer -You'iI always find a friend at Graceway" 7- 1

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