22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 18, 2002 TRATTRA DMEIO lUI A *U. and EWciO» Solution te nrret the màb*-Cts 51mw * FatWgU*Law lamnueFunction. * iw Stwk Fain u a "Pain * Hadche uMigrainesa f* NkPain Open Saturdays! -Cail for a complimentary consultation- 903-876-00481 IThe new wmnter brochures are here!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOK AND SAVE K&S Travel is offéring an additional *150.00 off per couple Cati your neighbourhood travel specialdists for details *Minimum $1t500.00 per person before taxes or port charges. Valid on Wortd of Vacations or Air Transat Holidays. Vaid for new bookings only. Offer expires November 30, 2002. 905-876.- 1224 5WOwtaio t& SUtk, Uait 82, matou rb ve r- co- aRFQt2»70434 W,/olunteers &RWL hard to put BRGOKV01ILLE - GUELPH LIME (riM.UM.OF M) on Kpageant '499,000 AU 12 ACRE LMT Gary Thomas In aftendance RBIMUIBlue Splngs 905-878-7777 The Nativity is commng to Milton. 850/00SM Country Heritage Park wiIl be trans- Sam. OCiuV1, 24pn formed mnto Bethlehem in Bible times 13258 GUELPH LIME December 6 to 9 for the 'On the Way to 1 imnrho 5SIea nw sd Bethflehem'Chiistmas Nativity Pageant. i kmforh a 25 Ii.oadon uai ida The play will take place each night from Smn. et*'Z2, 24Pm, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 2 RGBARTS DRIVE Ten different scenes and more than 80 Barb Crowe inattufldanca actors will depict Mary and Josephs jour- Royal LPas 908U78-8101 ney 10 Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus SUa. <k*oW2#, 2-4,»n Christ. 27 DAWSO CRES. 9199,1100 Vîvtors will walk through the scenes and A"mForenr in. alamue snît-r.aot with the characters as they pro- Royal LPap iO11101,74-U811 (Xw-l. &m. o k w 4<")nw-rtirmang I woke up with tis rather 110 (GLENARRDRi MM". a <itA. -iLcpi lor a Nativity Pageant," said Antrlm Drive, Frsultu DiotAzulrsa IRsswbttom, brainchild of the ft.wa o *a 0M m*«'oM _"*_ Slf8 't. "llowever, everything camne Alan McDonaid luatt81118061000ttsc for me whcn 1 visitcd Country Royal LPsg 911-878-8101 I lcritage Park and saw the perfect locations Sml. Oth*w 2, 2-4,Pm for the ,ccnes I had in my mmnd." 235 CAMPBELL AVE.%*11,000 Numer<us volunteers have been busy Lucy Hughes laaian.a designing costumes and crops, she added. Royal LSPgp 90&-878-8101 "Our production will have lots of music. &m. Octuhv M, 24 Pm The angel choir will bc made up of young 721 LAURIER AVE. women from different churches. A five to NEW PRICE - M24,900 six member choir will accompany the little Wayne casse.n in hce drummer boy at the manger, a chapel choir R/Mai Ilue Springs 905-878-7777 will provide musical enjoyment while a Sm..Ota Pmi '411 mass choir will sing from the balcony of 15 PERU ROMD '199,900 the Gambrel Ban." Carole 0. BudIworth in c The event is free, however a goodwill Royal loasus 90-878-8101 offermng wilI be accepted. THIS 15 WHERE YOU WANT TO 1B! Nov. 1lst o Nov. 3rd, 2002 International (entre, Hall 3, Mississauga An aint SI1O51 *Fris Tdp Giveuways* Fre Parking* irds undler 12 FREEH t *Hudrds of Exhibtors * Inforciative Tmmve Soneuinrs * Uv. EntertainuHiet* CHECKK US ONUNE FOR A CHANCE TO UN A TRIP FOR 2 TO THE DOMINKAN REPUIUC - vfooffusr *RBCDstaa SInsurance etn a ,je mAe.. t.AaAAAs -tes Unitd Statua Vfrglnlalanda nuTRPGrWY iM P GNUI6 r *r In*ernationat Centre, Hall 3 Fday, Nov. 1...t... lao-6posm 2 f RlSturday, Nov. 2. tam-6pm I ____________day, Nov. 3 .......1a- S8 ~ .5vhowdne:815417 t. M AM ISSIO s ShWWWTHadeGi47eaw .d1... m.w The T- &l 1--S y- aso,,L. yN,. . e,,1,2.,3, ,.ao ttO , liY h 8 d.A,dmI2O. h.,20sps . quo .d----------------- ------------------------------- I '-8-- m. . . fu .. .. 550 Ontasto St. S. #205 Ààoà