8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 1, 2002 let flovers brighten your ,. I 487 Laurier Ave. 878-Ml8 I kCo-op students learn ropes of firefighting t Local teens enjoy rewarding experiences this semnester with Milton Fire Departmnent By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion 1 T hen Katherine McDougall began her high sehool co-op program at the Milton Fire Department earlier this _ month, she didn't know what was in store for her. r 'Il had the cliché idea of what it would be like. like going out to calis," the Bisbop Reding Secondary Sehool student said. "But I've been washing the trucks, visiting the stations and 1 took a physical itness test." But the 17-year-old isn't complaining. t 1t's really fun. Working as the tire station sounded interesting and 1 wanted to [mnd out what they do." Katherine began toying with the idea of becomning a fireftghter several years ago and said she'll decide later this year if it's somne- }' thing she wants to, pursue post high school. 'Il want to Iearn everything in the departmnent. 1 want to, do it ail in one day." Tim Robets, co-op facilitator for the tire department, said four students are taken per semester su Ieamn the ropes of working at the station. From Monday o0 Friday, two students work ire suppression positions, one works the communication support position and one ss assigned to the administrative/instructional position. The programn has been running for 13 years. The first month will consist of orientation and safety training, then the more hands-on training," Mr. Roberts said. 'We'l get thern into the protective clothing and breathing apparatus. We want to sry to get themn out to tire calis." Althougb Mr. Roberts said the students won't actually battie tires, they'1I be able to do smaller jobs, like operating hydrants. "We try to, give as much exposure to the actual working of the ____________ tire department without exposing themn to too much danger. We treat the students almost like employees.".. Even though several co-op students in the past had wanted to Yy\ i ~ ' jump right into the job straight out of high school, he stressed post- secondary education is key. 'Il encourage the students to go so college because the job wil be bere when tbey comne back." Bishop Reding Secondary School student Katherine McDougall says she's thoroughly enjoylng her experlences as a co-op student with the Milton Fire Department. She's one of tour local students currently learning the ropes of firetlghtlng. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ( COGECO 14 ProigraMmmng SChielle - September 3th - October 7th, 2002. TusaOtbrltWdedy co e n hrdy coe Sudy coe t Moda,...,.e 7 Keeping Naft halte www.cogecOl '.oir s issiON sruori Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Aenue Mlton, ON L9T 4R3 905878-9306 9, 10. libm Plugged In'-9ar. lOso, Plugged In! -ain, tain, Plugged In! - Sain. ilain. Plugged In! - Sm Om lge o & 12:30 pmn Early Week Ediion llam&12:30 prr tony Week Edtior liam&12:30 pin Early Week Edition lbam&D mLt ek dto 1a&12:30 pin Laie Week Edition bo udyRpa 10u apnm Monday Replay 10:Om Te vRpa 0:00am Wednesday Replay 5pm, pin Psgd(1 p.O Plugged nn'1 Plge n p,6mPlugged In! - 5pm, ApinugdIn pm p Plugged nI! 5p,6m& 7:30pm Early Week Edition &75pm pi Lugg e dtn & 7:30pm Laie Week Edition & 7:30pm Sonly Week Edition & 7:30pm Early Week Editio 5:30pm Kid Connecior & :30pm OLer Week onEdîion 53p ae ae :0m TeIseI t 5~ :3Opm Seniors Showcase 630m SwpTalk (Lise) /3p OirHelhCnndo S3p aeksk Pae):3Opm FThess- ael s... kus t te.~s s6:30 pm Optimisi TV Bingo to0pin Auto Epets (Usie) 6:30pm Main Sreet Lé. ' ( " 8:00 Pm Halion His Coanci) 9:00pm Mlo Coancil 8:Opm Travelling Through :3lpnr Seirs Sah ocase 78:Opm MportZney We Sep 30 sept. 23 Disersity -1Om OirHahCneiin 8Op prsOELs a 7 1 %, -cNi ý re il,