Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 2002, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 27, 2002 326 do ff - so Cre mz FLYNN, Leonard W ir ovîrrq iernor ofo a dearHs iTenderly we mrasure ihe ast With memones trt wilaiwayo last ISodty misnnd bn Wife Jean ISon John, aughter-in-taw Laurie, kGrandchildren, Rachel, Ryan and Rr Yolanda Rita Graci &rtig September 28, 1977 TiutisFis, eu1s Id vimird c rrdai We'5itlhotutsoiuC irtttus i tere \oi Im i. i',mlardI ivtoi: hlieuo'il c Tacr\its\r V/c utve Iras s l: it \soutît c a ui rise Yrîu'd ODance, and LaUP nir ut Efilit1.11tî Biskitm Rohîrms luicreamtiicake, Righi? A lmotn ouitthase change tuor vou ntisN'cair hmsead ne Po orm nitiot o ier ec Yoiid he dormc schont ittayhc everi cm.gcgd We car: t imîagin u viai th,îat ayc. Yviir car insrance womîîd ,ts i:sIn cown. Conmiderinp lion you drirse around Iht'd 0e te hîppesi gîftiof at Yoiid spend your savings ai the.riait. Wcmscre bhtcsscd onth Tsîcniy t wanit coupti 1,Intmrtuiratclî n\e dormi cîmîrrol t t MNia'o u Ocam the pran ers ýens s îts mîr Vvdassý prayer scnd a H.îppN tiimrtiv 29r 2U fWe wouid f ike ta bhanS eversione tomr om- fing out 10, our 6010 Anniversoryi ma ai the Mitron Curing Cub. A speeraf thank cou te orfml rol o0 i so much work an0 sur gandchitdren tomr serving. t s nce to know we have mode son mraiy J riends, aid and young uver tOn ynars. Tank you for tOn heautint cams. V i ii he reading tOema tom olong ime. Ai At ur love f Ingls TOnetaisi ot the lte Russell tngtî ashes to thank retitves, riendsaond neighboumst tor tOn kindness and support shown alter the sudden death ot a dear huoband, tather -grondather and gratgandtther. For cour toveey fIrai tributes, beautitut cards and 1:generous charitable donations, wn thank - ou. Thonles atso te the ladies ot uti's ChurcO tom tOe detîcînus lunch. Specrat Cthanko te Mical Wamd and safolletWattl tCustonce FaneraI Home and Ree Martyi fMoengroot for cour coatortiag anrâs. Vaur jkndness wil neyer ha torgeCten. Edith tngtîn and faaîty 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 AUCTION SALE onS0 1 -daLltit, tOct. 3,. 20012 It:3tanii lPreviess 9:00> am) at their residence - 325 Main St. E., Milton fflersidre \îilîsi (iandac h li Sale Io include: Antique tumriture, China and Glass. Primitives. Shop 'oots and Household Furnishinps .4uctioneer ROBT. M. WHITE (905) 876-2884 DO NOT FORGET OUR NEXT AUJCTION 15 ON OCT. 19 IN BRAMPTON ESAEAUCIO ON BEHALF 0F: Verna Jarvis nf North burlîng- ton, Hamilton Mtn. Estate + comptete shon contents ut the Lto Merv J. Livingston uf Hornby Wed. Oct. 2 e Sale: 3:00 p.m. Preview trom 1:00 p.m. MILLGROVE COMMUNITY CENTRE Approx. 2 mi. N. of Clappisons Corners f Hwys 5&6), to th Concession, watch for signs Consisting et Antiques, Household Furnishings & umalis, oarge set. ni wood working & shonytoofs, town/estate mochînery, John Deero t17HP mower wsnow- btower- ike new. Termo. Cash or cheque day nf sle. AUCTION at St. Stephens Church Sat. Sept. 28 s/ewg &Fegstratron dam -1dam: Arrctrcrr Starts t td r or A]Cti or)eer Don thorrpson 14996 Steeles Ave. Bctween W rstorr GO rchi1 Bvd. & Trafalgar Rd. 370 JACK RUSELLt1ceai oid maie. neutemed, air sOors, ohedrence traning, Fan og. $2500 905-693 4W 1982 cuTLAss, pants car St1,000. Pieune phOnce 905- 878-6220. 1990 TOYOTA cornîfu, S speed, 4 door ceotred & eansnnnned, gond condi- ion, 150,000 kfas. Askng $3500 tir. 905-876-5S0. 1994 llUt0t<Regai L1., whire, 3.8 itre tuel nected. Ankng $5000 O080 519- 853-9656. 1994 PLYMOUTH Aomaum, white, 4 dont, 4 cytînder, 156,000 ka., certnied, S3,800. 905878-5007 aller 6 pr.. 1995 PONTIAC Grand Aa S.EE ery cdean, green nuis- nur, 4 doa, V6, air, ceri- ted, E/test. $6,100. 905- 693-9293. GREAT Winterbeater. t1988 Nisan Stanzs. Ontc needu new aufiter. $500 O.l.O. Oattllndan t 905693-517. WANTED - Gnnod Cars tom $, Reannal tor dead cars. 7 ducs, 24 rs. 905467-9484 Onk, 905-876-4594 Minn ANTIQUES ALCOHOLICS A«i WANTED! ANONYMOUS en, msini hmmu24 hr. ComunitLrFRESH tuos neinhers .trIti(iies answering needed Kdo, tmens, Wuii pv TOrrpuce, mmm service aduls 20-65 cears 'mmrqit aiqimues. I emm ,in. a n d imoineeded tom catalogue .4mu'lit iinivms 5\'uuunm Phone work, tashornirm m11pvu damunuue m- hum\ -0-9 .aesT mmmii etate. -800-8 1-4862 shrows, T ana1-un per fat onfidefidl tour. 905-336-5455 ali: 1-519-836-1522 005-704-85 19 OpPROF LI>MWTH THE 4 CLASSIFIEDS WANTED IMMEDIATELY LICENSED HAIRSTYLIST Full time position Management opportunity for Campbellville area salon. 0011 Kathy at Pro-Care 905-854-5333 .0., r97a PRDJECT COORDINATOR The Reds Hertoge roup ut Componies is one nfithe frgent homebnifding opertions in South Western Ontoro, altOprotects octruety onderway t o number ut sites rn Guefph, Cambridge. Ktchener, Waterfoo, London, Coffingwood, and Huntsvifle, Wnrking cfosefy wrtsounr teom nof Proînct Co-ordino- tors yon wrti ssîsti n toking oui new home Puirconsero rfom the point where thny uinie their purchose through no their cfnsing dte. Yos aifi assisl to reuîew and updte hfueprirts and moke changes no nero home orders. onu wîtf communîicate these changes n sour Drtting Department and our Ste Personnet ano huifd the homos. The nuccesofut candidate witt possess the fottowing qualifications: " Preions experience in a sîmifor cupacity " New home construction background, and con rterpret hfueprints. " Exceflent interpersonaf and communicatrorn skiffs rfom o Customer Service background, " Superh orgonîztionol skiffs and work weff onder pressure, " Computer fterte -wîtfîng te fere new softtwore. Please tas yaur resume by Oct. 3/02, to: 519-654-9746 Attn: Human Resources epartment Pfeoue on phone caffs Onfy thone oppfîcooto sefected for on interview wîf f be contocted www.reidsheritagegroup.coml o-ww .o*e .o.e. ASLIENOLISH INTERPRETER Jute the Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf's multidtsciplinary team of professionals serning deaf aed hard-o) hearieg children. You wiii providu American sigo language (ASL)/Engtish interpreting services [n educational, rusidential, support and rusource- services programs for students/staif by facilitatieg communication between two or more people who do not share the same language, culture or communication method. This is a contraci, Up 10 Jane 2003. Location: Milton. Qualifications: graduation trom an interpreter training program or equinalent; ability to interpret in wtde range ut formal/intormal settingo, knoledge/ understanding of the Protussional Code ot Ethîcs (.g. Association ot Visual Languagu Interpreters ut Canada), ASL, deaf culture; ttuency in ASL, spoken English, tamiliarity with other communication preterences/issues, e.g. oral/total communication, including narlous sign systems; excellent communication, organization, PC skilts. Salary range: $948- $1,107 pur meek (under reniem) Resumne and covering latter must be received by Oct. 8, 2002. Quoting file EDU-152, send ta: Heathar Gibson, Principal, Senior School, Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf, 255 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON 191 2M5. Fax: 905-878-9390. CLEANERS The Ernest C. Drury Camnpus requires three indîviduals to perform a full range ut cleaning, housekeeptng, minor maintenance services. You will: maintain premises by cleaning, dusting and washtng mals, loors, turniture, indouns, operate heavy-duty cleantng equipment; ittmove office equpmentlturniture to allovv cleanîng, pertorm minor maintenance/repairs, e.g. replacing light bulbs; pertorm general services, such as collecting/disposing garbage; pertorm s00W- removal services. These part-ime positions are avalable in 30-, 24- and 16 hour mork weeko. On call/supply opportunities are sien anailable. Location: Milton. Qualifications: knowledge ut cleaning m ethod s/p roc esses, and WNHMVIS lmorkplace hazardous materials intormation system) te safety handle/store chemical supplius, abilîty to operate industriaf cteaning equipment, tollow policies! procedures. ensure compiance mt safety/quality standards, mork mith minimal supervision, and pertorm physicatly demanding work; knowledge ot the Occupotionaf Heafth and Snfety Act ru moîklace hazards. Salary range: $1626-$1653 pur tour (under reeiem) Resumne and covering letter must be received by Oct. 8, 2002. Quoting file EDU-151, send f0: John Vanderzand, Manager, Operational Support Services and Special Projects, Provincial Schools Branch, Ministry of Education, 255 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON 191 2M5. Fax: 905-818-6089. With eight offices across North America and our head office in Mississauga, we are committed te delivering superior service for ail of aur clients' transportation, distribution, and warehousing needu. OIC -J I 4 _____________________ com AZ Drivers e City & Local We also require LOCAL and HIGHWAY Owner Operators with tractors for our Mississauga-based operations. We off er excellent wages including a bonus program and aur added 'years of service' bonus as well as a comprehensive benefits package. Please contact us ta talk about your options! tb Rosedale Transport Limited 6845 Invader Crescent Mississauga. ON M5T2B7 Tel: 905) 670-0057 Fax: 905) 670-0065 e-mail: THit ROSEALE Oui penvle mke (r amen: P os Carem 3" AMCDOM CAFETERIA HELP PART lIME AFTERNOONS 3-5 hours, Monday Friday Must have own transportation. Fax resumne to: 905-876-1519 GENERAL Woretrouon Po- sitions ovariahie.Prenions eneerience wilti warehouse worh n required. Ifcou're o hsrdworkfng, dependohie peroon, plesse tan cour re- suase to OL-Opeciot Lahoro- tories Ltd., Fax f005) 876- 3729, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Riqii-i i r (nIr ne aiiii ini en uid ig. Mre îcoupletî, gînieii niii &I fii;i 'iii i u.ý i vi iîîn. r't Sii i Respiiud tri Btox3039. c/u Canaitian Chamrpioni 191 Msaini Si. E.. Miltorn. (ON L9T 4N9 Milton printing company equires Finishing Department Trainee. Candidates must pessesu mechani- col ability, and have easonabte math ukitîs. Some heavy lifting is ineoteed. No esperience ns required. The position is permanent/fut time Cai 905-878-8926 PART TIME OFFICE CLERK FULL OR PART TIME MAINTJ GROUNDS CARE Seasonat! Weekend Wagon Negotiabte Apply at Miton Heighis Campgr-ound 8693 Tremiane Rd., Milton HIRING Students, Home-makers, Seniors port time positions - October. Coshiers, Formera Markets, Sohoot Tours, Tractor driving (training provided). Application forma available at: Andrews Scenic Acres 905-878-5807 1 N 1 m

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