8-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, September 24, 2002 * bMpo Let flo'e' LF ,-New wheelchair ramp welcomed at Hornby Co-op Nursery School, thanks to Home Depot Labour, materials donated for worthy community project Homnby Co-op Nursery School now has a wheelchair ramp thanku largely to a pro- gram offered through Home Depot. Through the prograru called Team Depot, the ramp was buit using volunteer labour froru Home Depot employees who work at the Mississauga West store, along with volunteers from the nursery school. Homne Depot donated the materials (approximately $3,300 worth) and con- tracted a post hole company to instal the supporting posta. Sandra Pesce, whose son Andrew iv in a wheelchair and attends the nursery sehool located in Homby Community Centre, approached the store (located at Winston Churchill Blvd. and Britannia Rd.) last fail about the rarnp after eamning about Tearn Depot. After ail the paperwork wav complete. construction of the ramp began last week. The job was Io be completed Friday. Volunteer project Norru Simas. hardware manager at the Mississauga West Home Depot, said three employees volunteered their time to build the ramp. "Not only will this ramp benefit the wheelchair users. 16 wiIl also be very bene- ficial to the many parents of babies and small children who until now could not bring th&zi strollers into the building." said Ms Pesce, who added the Homby Co-op is grateful to staff from the Mississauga West store for the generous donation. The centre iv also used for euchre by a seniors' euchre group, a church group and for social functions. Ms Pesce said the ramp will be welcomed by those who find tepv a challenge. Mr. Simas said the Homnby Co-Op ramp iv the third Tearu Depot project employees from the Mississauga store have been involved in. They participated in the recent Habitat for Humanity build in Toronto as welI as in the construction of a peace garden at a school. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The officiai ribbon-cutting ta open the Hornby Co-op Nursery School's wheelchair ramp was held Wednesday. Joining five-year-old stu- dent Andrew Pesce (in front) for the event were (from Ieft) Norm Simas, hardware manager for Home Depot's Mississauga West store, moth- er Sandra Pesce and father Chris Pesce. Restored blacksmith shop is set to re-open After closing its doors more than 30 years ago, the Waldie Blacksmith Shop iv re-opening - but this time for a different purpose. T'he grand re-opening will take place Saturday froru 10 aru. to 2 p.m., with the officiaI ribbon eut- ting at 1l ar. When Alfred Waldie opened his James Street business ini 1865, the shop served as a place for horses to get shoed, for wagons to be repaired and for horse-drawn carniages to be manufactuured for town people. During its peak in the 1890s, the shop employed a painter, two woodworkers and five blacksmithv from dawn to dusk. The shop closed in 1965. Now, after months of digging, storing artifacts, felling trees, hewing new beams, pouring new footings and making nails, the restoration project - undertaken by the Milton Historical Society - is nearing completion. The shop will now be used for school tours, meetings and special events. TMe gift shop will feature historical publications, photographu, arti- facts, crafts and clothing. r COGECO 14 Programmîng Schedute - September 23rd - September 3Oth, 2002. 9, Io, l15 9a , 1Om 9amloan, pu Ittdn'-EartyWeek a , 108m 9i, t, an tlan, ;1235 kq dln -Late WeelEdbleoi laMtI30pm Plugged ln - E ýWeEdtd , llsntl30 ta0e ial 230 P l n!-tady Wee6Eddilsa laM1230pm Pk@W l- e' Wee Ediw len230pn Pky dI!- Lte Week EdSue K.10 Iet i an SundY RMY lO30asn MMMemyv~y loteoanr Tue"y Repiy 10oin Wm"edreay 5nip & 73p PqgdI -Ltetaei Edbm tan Stayte%*Y 5m,6cn70ç Pgged I! -EarWee&t3Mm5an tcSpmen730m Pnugged'!-Ealytauok Edea tn 7 n Pugdn- eht5 te 6 VL& s6du ae ueelod6&3a igeil ehda wwwN.coUDco.CU '5n m lN ses- 530çse M h»M 5 pm KiCmascusn 5 3p lWee& 6 3p Ses 9Seae 530p NsseiS. NORTH HALTON STUDIO 630 Pm amCfesat1sGoodsle 63ii e5758TV * 6306e NMes 6 Mae o treet T7 Nsseis 6:3pm Fam -Patel Krnkty 7:0pp No* pea e d 8 O ifl pHançRCafi70p Wràood Teste Laurier Plaza 7.00 sLiaa pm WistGoou Tse 830pn taon i MS , Sassire e 8.1mB p Spel)NPE N Spt 72302 80p c c 500 Laurier Avenue 8.0P SpaSeZONE LWes 8 2,M2aCs Moltn, ONL9T41R3 4b, Le~St338 905-878-9306 aie4i ~~ -1' I i