4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 24, 2002 Milton hospital welcomes own orthopaedic surgeon By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion ]Broken bones soon won't mean a trip to the Oakville hospital. Starting Monday, Milton District Hospital (MIDH) will have its first orthopaedic surgeon dedicated 10 the facility. According to MDH Chief Operating Officer Cindy McDonell, the arrival of an orthopaedic surgeon in Milton really boils down 10 numbers. .hI was a question of at what point can your medical manpower plan be expanded to include a fuli-tirne orthopaedic surgeon. That's based on the town's growth," she explarned. Currently, those with bonie, joint and muscle injuries must go to Oakville-Trafalgar Mernorial Hospital or a surgeon from there mnust corne 10 the Milton hospilal for treatrnent. But with the arrivai of Dr. Markus Bischoff, thal practice will become unnecessary. "in really happy lo be here. 1 think this is a greal lit- tie hospital. They've treated me very well," the doctor told The Champion. "I like that (being firsl dedicated orthopedic sur- geon). That way 1 can set up the prograrn the way 1 want to here in Milton, 10 help me work closely with the comrnunity. If you're the only one, you get more of a chance 10 work closely with the cornrunily." Dr. Bischoff cornes 10 Milton following medial training and residency aI McMaster Medical Center in Hamilton and a sports medicine and orthopaedics fel- lowship in Banff, Alberta. The surgeon wilI operate regular office hours during the week (8 a.m. t0 5 p.rn.) oui of the hospital, as well as pmoviding on-cali services along with those from the Oakville hospital. When il came imne 10 locale himsetf sornewhere, Dr. Bischoff said he selecled Milton for two reasons; both Photo by GRAHAM PAINE lb.e town's population increase has resulted in the arrivai cf Dr. Markus Bischoff, Milton hos- pita's first own orthopaedic surgeon. he and his wife have famnily nearby and Milton is a smali hospital. "t was looking for a smaller hospilal. 1 like smaller hospilals better. If's a dloser working environrnent. Milton was a togical pick," he exptamned. 'Tis is an area (orthopedics) that's expanding huge- Iy and il (hospital) is defrnitely in need of an ortiiope- dic surgeon."MU T THE IROION FSHETONOF MILON.LN TTO 905h878-1657905-878-725 RIEQUEST FOR BID 02-151Q - MSA Breathing Apparatus (No substitutes) Sealed Bids on forms supplied by the Town of Milton will be received by the Corporate Services Departrnent, Purchasing until il1:00 arn. local time on: October 16, 2002 Bld documents miay bc obtatned at the Town Hal. Corpiorate Services Department. Purchasing. 4. Brmwin Street, 2nd Floor, Milton. Ontario during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. 8:310 ar.. o 4:30 p.m. There is a bld document fec of S-17.00 (S25.23 + S1 .76 GSTL. Paymcent can be miade with cash, cheque, lnterac or Visa/Mlastercard. Any inquiries regarding titis bid m-ay bc directed tn Purchasing ai (905) 875-5404. If xou would prcfer the bld document sent by courier. please comiplete the Requesi <'or Bici Document torm on the Toss n's web site: ww \. town.milIton. on.ca. Plan takets and current and upcoming bids are also posted on the web site. The Town of Milton invites you to check out our Used Office Furniture Online Auction!! Tliere is a wt(le vat îety of computer mnonitors. clesks. chair s adJifier 11Uoffice sc2il rulsand e'. n aîI0iOS are pNldon the website. ~ ~ A .ni.fhk1a t lhe-~Miltnn Pubhlic Iihrarv. ruw'v Iiternet tW'- v al' ' v z lr IV--gvgi------.J-A " TAX NOICEI Ratepayers of the Town of Mlon are rernînded that the second instalîment of the 2002 final billing is due on September 30, 2002. If you require information about taxes. please contact the Corporate Services Tax Department aI <905) 878-7252. ext. 2193, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Fridlay. Tax paynienis inusi be reccisud l n ihe Corporate Ser-vices Office on or hetore the due dite t as nid penalty. Late pa\ ment charge of t /V 1AÏ <1 l he charged on the first day of detault aînd on the tirs day o) each calendar nionth in sshich the delaufli commu'lLes. ht 1' the responisihilits of the raiepayer to ensure that the taxes are paid by the due date. even in the event that the bill is tnt received as nailed. Taxes may be paid: a) By mail to the Corporate Services Tax Deparîment, 43 Brown St., Milton. ON L9T 5H-2 CheQues p-ost-dated tu the due date are acceptable and encouraed. ctui CL ,acîiii ~aî lîrc.i chî aio aceptcd. e) Please contact our office <above notedi for details regarding the pre-authorized lax payment prograrn. 1