20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 24, 2002 Senior 'Stangs win home opener Brand new season, same old success. Milton District Higb Sehools Brandon Byers was among the senior football team's top rushers lasi season - and quickly resumed ihat role for iis year's home opener Friday. The Mustang veteran bad numerous car- ries on the day. including a couple for îoucbdowns in the opening haîf to fuel MD's 15-0 whitewash of the T.A. Blakelock Tigers. This marked the local seniors' firsi home-opening win since 1995. Both majors were the direct resuli of turnovers - a fumble recovery and inter- ception - by a suffocating defensive unit. Remarked bead coach Keiib Pearce. "Our defense really mauled them. Blakelock ZDr. Agnes Kucharska' (FAmvîLy MEtDICINE) s, is pleased to announce that she is Sopening ber practice here in Milton! October lst, 2002 S To book an initial interview cali: 905-876-3843 L,,~69 Main St. E.,, Suite #2 Milton Méwie po Polsku Ir Hablo Espafiol to11,(-bdow1ý rlws lead IlD to victoi-V Milton Youth Soccer Club 2003 Rep. Team Trvouts Open to ail players Saturday September 28th and Saturday October 5th @ Milton District High School Ramn or Shine 8:00 AM Boys Under 12 2:00 PM Girls Under il to 1991 or Younger to 1992 or Younger 9:30 AM Ralph Williams 3:30 PM Jim DeMarsh Main field 10:00 AM Boys Under 10 2:00 PM Girls Under 16 to 1993 or Younger to 1987 or Younger 11:30 AM David Hamon 3:30 PM Joanne Berghammer Side FieI 12:00 PM Boys Under 15 3:30 PM Girls Under 19 to 1988 orvYounger to 1984 or Younger 1:30 PM Andrew Bowmefl 5:00 PM Loule DePalma realtv onlv Cot close (to scoflng) once al Standout del enders included iosi Suici, Lee Frittenburg, Mark Galick, Dan Greenland-Perry and Don MeKenna - who intercepted the visiting quarterback to set up one of the touchdowns. Offensively. Pearce was pariicularly pleased with his linemen - adding that the time they allowed bail carriers should have equaled another two TDs. In addition to Byers, Todd Arruda and Jordan Gunter gained substantial real estate against the Tigers. Meansshile, Taylor Couloinbc put the game oui of reach in the tourih quarter witb a .30-yard field goal. This helped case the sting of missed converi attempis - îhough not entirely bis fault - on both touch- downs carlier in the day. MD's seniors will be back ai home againsi the Lester B. Pearson Pairiots Friday. Meanwbile. the juniors began iheir season yesierday afiemnoon againsi newly- opened Holy Trinity (resuis were not available ai press trne) and cap a iwo- game home stand versus the Oakville Trafalgar Devils Tbursday. AIl games stafl ai 3:30 p.m. Fax ail of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at (905) 878-4943. --i 1 ,.-RoyaIs deliver shutout victory to start season By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Bishop Rcding's seniors made a strong case for the defense in bome-opening gridiron action Friday. Three îimcly turnovers - a pair of interceptions and a buge goal-line fumble recovery - were esseniially the dif- ference for the lier îwo retumnees, who blanked the White Oaks Wildcais 7-0. A visitors' îouchdown seemed inevitable late inithe finit quarter, when ai the end of a conservative but effective drive they had two tries to gain jost four yards. But BR's sturdy resistance and a Grcg Dambrosi fumble rccovery quashed that scaring bid. Froru there, hast defenders held their guests in check ai al crucial points of ihe afiernoon - before and afier quarter- back Andrew Pepper ruade a two-yard punch it te end- zone midway thraugh thse ihird quarter. Said Reding's pivot, "Thse defense reaily ruade the differ- ence today. They stuck un ihere and ruade big plays when we needed theru." Having missed preuty much ail of lasi scason afier surgery on a tom ACL , Pepper admits he had a few game-one jitters Friday. And a drappcd hand-off ta begin his initiai possession cetainly didii'i help matters much. But he eventuaily settled down - paiticulatiy following a 28-yard completion ta Siephan Paulic early in thse second quarter - and wis quite credible in bis flrst full ganelatthUe contrais. "Il (firsi big pass) deflnitcly helped," said Pepper, who was five for nine in Use air and misfircd just Uic anc lime an rmn- ning plays ta out-duel his White Oaks counierpari. Delivcring mass of the key camres on Use day and setting up Use lone major witii a nifiy seven-yard cut insîde was prom- ising rookie Rab Rubina - who lasi spring stand out with a successful qualifying campaign for the provinicial track and fleld chamnpionships. Pepper's TD was canverted hy Mark Salato. Dcfensively, Luke Antonelli pravidcd rock-sohid play as wdll as a terific pick-off in Use final minute ta put thse kibosis an a laie raily. Alex Kavanaugis also interceptcd Use opposing pivot - on a short second-quarter pass when Uhc gaine was still scoreless - whil in on about a dozen tackles was Mike Banks. BR's defense had just anc blatant breakdown on a fourtis- quarter reverse sweep and pretty mucis neutralized bath pass- ing and wide-out rushes by White Oaks. This alowed tiscir offensive counterparis urne ta shake off a fcw carly execution glitches and start driving the field. it wasn't pretty, but wc gai it donc," said head coachs Jac Junus. -Miai goal-line stand in Use first quarter was reaily tce différence. They (Wildcats) had two cracks ta score wiihin a few yards and we held tem. If you do Us and don'i alow a touchdown ail day, you'rc gaing ta win games." The Royals arc hoping ta have iwa-way veteran Rusiy Parsons back froru injury for Use second haf of Use season. In Use meantime, Uscy'll travel ta Burlingion Thursday afier- noon ta take on Use Aldershoi Lions. Their ncxt home gaine is scheduled for Tuesday, October h ai 3:30 p.m. againsi Use Q.E. Park ilagles. Major atoms earn a pre-season split Miltons AA major atorus kicked off pre-season play with a îwo- game split lasi week. The Collins Sunoco Winierbawks began by toppling Guelph 4- 1- thanks largely to a tbree-goal second peniod and clutcb defense inithe final frarne. Goaliender Trevor Rae-Hunt's shutout bid was spoiled late in the third. Ligbting tbe lamp were Mackenzie Gervais, Andrew Bergman, Brandon Haggart and Spencer Abraham. Jake Cochrane and Richard Monk eacb drew a pair of assists. wbile sinîgle belpers svere chipped in by Lauren Kelly and George Kopas. The local atorns ssere jusi as offensive in their nexi outing, bust wasn't quite enough as îbey \vere outdistanced by Burlingion 6-4. Kelly tallied tisce in the loss \vbile Gers ais also stood oui wvitb a goal and tvso issisls. Cochrane cbtppecd in a goal and an assisi svhîle 'onk addcd a couple of belpers.