1O-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 24. 2002 Ski information on way Entire community hurt when Glen Eden Ski and Snowboard Centres Ski Scoop will soon be arriving in your maîbox. tesson schiedule and calendi. t-or more inforrotion, cal 905i) 878-50f1t or visît www.gleneden.on.ca. GREENHODUSE.S ;Fi FIowerinie -Bulic' F:l l mat time to be hinkinq about eprinq garenn@and MIU a huge eelection of varieties to choose from the sprinq gadncanbefille with a rainbow of colour or wth a few of your favorite coour combnationg. MIxinq rmd and yellkw, purple and pink or blue and white arejust a few trditional combinationoi or ktthe bulbe inepire tdeas of your own to make a wry kod etatement In your gartlen. PIantrIn your Tulipe, Hyacnthe, Crocus and the 1k aiiiIn the same colour another grut way to create a stunninq spring gaîr1en. Stop in and~ see us not, thinlk sprinq, think bulb, think colour and letc your imagination soar with the inspit4on of a new season. LietenT'o G î, F N 101 S CHA (),'> For MorefEs3d 13urlitngton .Watertlown MiIVon loatedon H y. #5 ween oateôon the corner of octed at Britannia fanm treet and Guelph imUe mi .#6 at 5h Concession taet and Tafalgar 905-332-3222 905-689-1999 905-876o-4000 hate crimes occur: conference By HOWARD MOZEL Special t0 The Champion While 78 per cent of respondents to a Halton Multicultural Couincil IHMC) sur- vey feel safe in their community, Police Chief Ean Algar is determined f0 keep if that way. CORRECTION NOTICE In aur September 18-24,2002 Future Shap fiyer the tollowving error occurred: * On page 2, the RCA 'Complete Home Theatre Audio System With 6 Speakers" was incorrectly advertised at "$19999" the correct price should read "$39999" * On page 13, the Toshiba "Progressive Scan DVD Player" advertised for $29999 is only available at Future Shop in black. *On page 40, the Compaq "Intel Celeron Processor i 4GHz, lncluding Cîcero 17" Monitor" adver- tised for "$99999" is fot available at ail Future Shop locations, and s in limited quantifies where available, no ramn checks will be issued on this product. We sincere/y apologîze for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued custorners. re a Cliiel AIgr i tiîhlat ciimoitineo dur- iog Wecloesday tighf's 'Parfncrs Agatost Rate' initiative promut iîg the importance of reportîog hate crime f0 police. The crowd, largely visible minorities- appre- ciated his resolve and appeared eager to forge further alliances with police and other stakeholders. "I am glad to be part uf this gathering," said Burtington businessman Nobil Harb. If is a step in the right direction." I-laton Sikh Cultural Association presi- dent Sansar Singh Rai, who called Wedoesday's forum a "noble cause," addcd: "Everyone should understand love and work together. I arn honoured f0 be partîof thîs group tmday." That spirit oet co-operat ion was music fo Chief AIgrr".crs. sitîce he cxplcined that keepîng 1iltio scfe is cirespiiisihility that resis un everyioce's sliiiulcfrs.nouf lu;t lcîw eîîlîrccoicnt. "W' place v'aîîlc'iiisl ue ic îîîî ocrein- tiîîuîî s\\i flilec cîîîînîcîîîîî,,s.' siîc liel, \lgc %ii se lii ,îîf lcc l li a lic ci i n i liliiiii-siIo 12 i sii ii î'.cron c are NolîiIoh iilii'.atteicnt îî \ ilîîlîîîcîî o s. Ac'ciilo iiI1( ' innio iig cliocii Sîîîlîîcî \ lakriîli'..Iflie soiSc'.s i'ciîc'ulcîfcc ifi c l 'l iî. Siih cîjicf fhîîîLIcfîî cîîîîîîînî li iieîadlii iiiiiil 3l c' ceini oi isiii lc i ad ba ie ia isîc'iîîîî uit ciliciîc crimec oi. (i i6 ' ciiintlîii.ci'e u i sciic '.e ' hue.ricpîîitcc IfI Iopolice. (ieCiieicIA lîocii . DcîuixPlilce C(bief Gary C'nia li ',cicl tîccrinmes rcmcîîîî c "lîîglîpriîîî ix," %aitfthflicservice despite beiîîg dfculi I oltfesol selfor sseicl recisiii, iiicluciig tbciî i ciidiatutre. lcck ut 'if- liesses cacd lîî aiîes uof'repîotîîg. Tuming ci blind eye, ibîccîgli, cnly makes the prob- lem wurse. "Halton ik ci saîte comoiuoily. but we're nuit immrunie." scid Deputy Police Chief' Croael referriog to the 1993 Ko Klox Klan ratly on Georgeto~wn thcît promptecl the creatiîîîîou the North Halton Cu[turcal Awareoess Cîîuncil. Accordiîg lie Catîcdan Rcace Relations Foundcatioti executive director Dr. Karen Mock, aIl incidents - whether or ouf they meet the tegal definition of a hate crime - should bc reported sioce these incidents cao reveat the pattern of "somethiog brew- ing." "The key is working together," she said. This is offen easier said then done, Dr. Mock continued, since victims cao be retuctant fo report hate crimes for fear of reprisai or being btamed. Maoy assume oothing wilt be donc aoyway. White people of cotour are the prime tar- gets, Dr. Mock said, anyone cao be a vie- t im, inctudiog retigious minorifies as wett as gays aod tesbiaos. As a resut t, if is in everyooe's best interesf to remain vigitant. "Hate crimes hurt ouf just individuat vic- t ims, but the ent ire communify," added Depufy Potice Chief Crowetl. According to, Assistant Crown Attorney Jim Coppotino. 00e of the "greaf Canadian societal values" is toterance, su laws have been created in order f0 deter intelerance. Thcit cao becia fough balancing acf. but with eservones hetp, strides cao be made. tii kcepiog a iîh the parnership) themieoft Ille es coing. Mr. Coppuilîi o courciged flic crosscftii niohilIi/c aoainsf licite ancd retu'tiI bc silciîi. Be ai îolificil tfrce. lic c îîiîiiîucd. aiid nîike the issue aipcublic cone Ioi cllIci chcîîigandîoti 'hlil'i rec cîndeî Illic css oft C1o il , i itonle\ s lîkeinie." t-fsailI mcciii'.reporticciets. ?Mr. C'ippilîîuscîîc, silice tfie coulils ,and flic poic lîc aont beciblc tîl esi dec il îh flic isýsue il flîey dont hcave ihe experîeîîce (il iii'.est îgctîog aîid prosccutiiîg hale crimes. Ii addition to the survey, flic HMC' cnd police recenfly lauîîched phase onie of the Jîi'igrci by distributing ani information pamphlet thcît explains whaf a liate-moti- \cted crime is. \Nbat tii do if you are a vic- tini ut hate cand the importance to contact- îog police. Translated into several Ian- guages (French. Arabie, Urdu, Puojabi). the brochure is part of an information-stiar- îng and fact-fioding effort designed to edu- cate residetits white atlowing police a look inside the communitys hupes and fears. "Leave here confident that the police do care," said Diversity Ot-icer Constable Diane H-endry, who.tutd the crowd that she hopes the brochure stays in their drawer and that they neyer have to catI police. No one knows the neighbourhood better than we do. That means we can give you the expert advice you need lu selI your home faster or locate the perfect one f0 buy. To find the local expert in your area, visit www.century2l canada.com. The Local Experts- 1 q ýb qýtiyz.