4-The Canadian C~iampion, Tuesday, September 3, 2002 -I Couple wins $25,OOO in Internet contest Miltonians Jim and Diane Miller are $25,000 richer thanks to America On-Line (AOL) Canadas recent Discover and Win contest. The contest presented Canadian AOL members with a daily question that required them to explore areas of the AOL service while completing specific tasks, such as setting up a financial portfolio, checking e-mail and checking travel infor- mation. A whopping 58,000 entries were received over the 1 0-week contest. Smaller weekly prizes were awarded in addition to the grand prize. I like working with computers because ifs the only tume 1 cao tell something what to do and it will actually do it," said Ms Miller, who was chosen at random to, receive the $25,000 grand prize. I entered this contest because it seemed like fun and 1 had no problem locating each of the ballots. When 1 found out Id won, I was completely flabbergasted." She said she uses her PC to produce a magazine for the Canadian Family Camping Federation, as well as to stay in touch with individuals ail over the world. Ms Miller and she and her husband, a retired high school teacher. wili likely use the money to travel and lix up their home. Jim and Diane Miller have plans for their newfound wealth. "Before this we could only afford to go to Buffalo, but flow we can go anywhere we want." The couple have lived in Milton for more than 30 years and have two daughters and four grandchildren. Catherine Pearce, vice-president of mar- keting for AOL Canada, said the contest generated a significant response from members. "The contest prizes are our way of thank- ing our members for using AOL and we're thrilled to sec Diane and Jim win," she said. I44. BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY Crossing Guards Provided by tise Town of Milton and co-ordinated tirough the Clerk's Office, Scisool Crossing Guard Personnel perform an important function in thse safe crossing of young students. Sixteen (16) Crossing Guards arc placed in strategic locations servicing aIl elementasy scisools witiin tise Town of Milton and work scheduled shifts which are specifically co-ordinated witis scisool bell times in the ares wisere tlsey are stationed. Due to liability and insurance purposes, Crossing Guards are only permitted to cross students during their sciseduled shifts; conse- quently, it la very important tisat parents encourage tieir ciildren to become familiar wits tise scieduled times at whics tisey may utilize tise Crossing Guard(s) for a safe tip to and front scisool it is alto important ta remember tisat Crossing Guards will advise children using tiseir bicycles or skateboards tisat tisey are required to WALK across tise street. Tise Higisway Traffic Act makes it a requirement of motorists to stop and obey a scisool crosting stop sign. Safety Tips: 1. Get lots of sleep; sleepy kids don't con- centrate well. 2. Eat ahearty breakfast and lunch to make it through until dinner. 3. Cross tise street at designat- ed crossinga or lighs and stay clear of traffie. 4. Remember to look aIl ways before crossing thse street Gateway, Signage & Community Identity Program PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION ¶Ùesday, September 10, 2002 Mlmt Town of Milton is cus'rntly developing a town-wide Gateway, Signage & Community Identity Program witl, immediate and long-terni implernentation opportunities. Conceptual designs wil be avalable for public review and input dwring a Public Information Session to be held: TRaeday, September 10, 2002 Hugh Foster Hall 53 BJrown Street (next to TownEDal 6:00 p.M. to 9:.00 p.m. Presentation at 7:.00 p.m. A brief presentation wiIl commence at 7:00 p.m. We value your input and hope that you can join us. For mnoré information on this project contact: Jef Fraser, Proýject Manager, Parks, Community Services Deparinient, Town of Milton at 905-878-7252 ext. 2169. Town of Milton Executive Services Department TOWN CLERK Position Suminary Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, this position is responsi- ble and accountable for the overali operation of tise Clerk's Office by 'providing an efficient legisiative services function including: adminis- trative ami protocol services ta Town Council and its Standing Committees; responsibility for Corporate Records; administering tise Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; Vital Statistics Act; issuance of licenses and performing ail statutory duties as deflned by legislation and various statutes. Major Job Responsibilties - Preparation and review of aIl resolutions, by-laws and agreements for presentation to Council. - Oversee and review circulation of. zoning by-law amendiments, offi- cial plan amendments, public isearing notices and by-laws requiring public circulation - Manages and responsible for thse enforcement of numerous municipal by-laws by Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, Parking Control, administration of animal control and ail municipal licensing - Coordinate and oversee work of thse Clerk's Office staff - Responsible and accounitable for thse Municipal Election Education and Experlence Applicanta must have a University Degree in Public Administration or equivalent plus AMCT designation with a minimum of seven years municipal experience and tdrm years at Management level. Computer and supervisory "kls, records managemnent, research abiitesand1 excellent written and verbal communication sils are reqluiei. Legal training and knowledge of various Ontario Stalutes is an asset. Salary range: under review inserested applicanta should suismit a resume by September 20, 2002 bo: Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Or fax to (905) 878-4231 ,aer th audhanty ai th Mutaipal Ac, anidw%4Ube taad sral*yfae candiate aeteaia. Whle e app diate ai appication, ocived. any idom iovied fat an intret w aN b e conactai. Ir LÏM,