20-Tho Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Septombor 3, 2002 CARPET 1 have several1 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon carpet. Wilt do iingroom & hatt for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installalion (30 yards) Steve, 905-639 -2902 FifAY ci E!(' ,ciis Icr di . !r r p 11 iera or delivered. 1-877-218-2488. IGHTWEIGHT 9001b. fibreglass 13' Tillium travel traiter. Steepu 4. Fumacestove. Port-a-ponî. reat for towing with a amaller vehicle. Asking $3200. 905-693-9893. SPAS..Spas ... Spas... Broken psrtnership forces sale. Over 30 spas st n wrapper. Mut bu sold aI cout or betow. 905-567-9459. 2001, 30 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER Trait-lite Super Light Weight, modet 8302. Avaitabte Oct. 15, 2002, in timo f0 90o South. Loaded with options. Phono or ornait for fuît invenfory & options ist. Asking $22.600.00. Phono 519-787-1694, ornait siboney@attcanada.ca GARAGE SALE Saturday, September 7, 2002 7:00 am fo 1:00 pm Ramn or Shine 642 Elliaf Ces. Lots 0f clothng, toys, and bookes f om newborn f0 ugo 9 ail sessons, misc. household items. Bed rame, dresser, computer items. YARD SALE September 7th 8 am - 2 pm Wicker, Doghouse, 2 love seat s, etc. 2395 Sfeeles Ave. West of the Guelph Lne (domn from Crawford Lake) BLUE HERON WOODWORKS" FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SH-INE "BIG BLOWOUT111" SAT. SEPT. 7th.- 9 AM - 3 PM li99 Winston Churchill Blvd. Georgetown 1 1/2 Miles N. of mayfieid Rd./Rlver or., Georgetown New ready to finish handcratted furnture, Oressers, nighr tables, armories, war- drobes, TV armoire. TVlvîdco srands, TV/vîdleo cabinets, hutch & buffet, china cabinet, corner cabinet, cottee & end tables. bookcases, desks. deacon banches, quili racks, dry sink. wash stand, pantry. jely cabinets, harvest table, sofa tables, maga- zine racks, hall mirror cabinet, magazine ta- bics, plant stands, mrrors and much much Bring s TRUJCK and take fi with youl Orders welcomae Cu WM~ Dedcated, expressive people person looking to work in an enthuisatic envirvnrnent Strvnq coimmunication rsuma & caver letter by Friday, August 23, 2002 ta Box #3034 c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. Milon, Ontario L9T 4N9 HUNT CHRYSLER LIMITED New Car Sales Manager required for busy Car Dealership. Successfut candidate must offer: " Leadership *Gotd Key Lease knowtedge " Ability te appraise used vehictes *Valid 0MVIC icense " Good diving record *Reynolds & Reynolds Automotive esperience " Chryster experience preferred (but mutl look a manufacture knowtedge) Hunt Chryster offers a weekly salary, monthty bonus, company vehicte, commission, benefits and a growing customer base. Fax or ornait resurne in confidence f: Gary Hunt (F) 905-876-0297 (P) 905-876-2580 buntld@cogeco. nef W're bock and we are growin! Magic Lantrn Communications Lt d. thn largeot Iarnîng vîdeo content provider in Canada has reocated hack lx Cakolle, and me arn growing tv mot thenends of Canadas edocators. We arn ooking tor tnam playrs. wtich are comlortable working in a ast-pacod eniroomont, wth a blend of techrnologies and are excitox albool 00w technniogy can assost yo009 Canadans svccend tnday and tomorrow. Wn crrently have the tollowîng full lime positionsý RECEPTIGNISI: dtes inclvon wlcvmîng guots. answnrîvg tntnphonos and conno cînrîcarates. Yoc are able v gnlthte most oct oaiMMcrosoft Oficn ta netp thn managnment team. Bi-tîngvaîîsm an assnt, MARKETING ASSISTANT: dtres incîcdn stratoox and tactîcai nmptoyment of multtîpln marketing tasks 10 support ducatîvn-rlatno opportcnditoc Blîngvatîsm vsan asst. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: to support tne CEG and COO who travet, work in multtiple nvronments ana are moiti-taskîng. A chattenging opportoinîty for thn night person. Magic Lanterx Commniacations Ltd erncovrages att qualifîed prsons to rvpoad to thove appartaxrtîos, as we are an equat apportvnrty employer Ptease orward your rsaceIo: Magîc Lanters Communications Ltd. Attn: COO Fax: 905-827-2655 3 Wheei Scooter - Uniicsre Electic 3Wheel Soot- e~,oTO tar lc2aatefn or. Like new. Now prîce $3500, sasie pice $1500. 771 w-e Zo/ i zc/. 905-878-1797. 165/k4M ea/v.a5 eededfetloea FOR Sale: 1985 Buick LeSabre. $300000. Cati V.44 caru. 905-875-3835. M kFi a,-eetr Cali (416) 221-3829P SALES & LEASING Ga" NEW & USED CDOIODUII.> 410 STEELES AVE. FeW e at A FAMILY BUSINESS To lease or purchase WITH FAMLY VALUES W- BOY - SELL - LEASE your car or truck LARGES SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILON Hwy 25 S. at Dttty Rd, HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP 875-2277 CAR DETAILER & 1 uw.gafunuttgrtup.cxm 8782393 mMAINTENANCE Roquirod Fuit Tme Muet have vatîd drivers tcenso. Muet bo honost and rottabto. rCTfc Aalytfcal Services. The Nerth Amnercan Cati Rob (905)876-2580 leader je predîctîve maintenance e AiesL frorCanadien Fîcîds Anatysis Business Unir. Based out et aur Balinten sales orice, thîs position iii be respocsibie for deveinnînu existitrO customer contacts and generating neur sales tlrouttout Otario. The successfui applîcent ii be eneruetic, persenabie and comtertable menkinu le an industriai environment. Fiuid Anainsîs experience te not eqaîred but preterence iii be gîven te those candidates ahe cen demenstrete e cemprehensioin et letmicants anid/or heavy equipcent maintenance skils. This position iii be bet sited ta a dynamic self-starter miro s înterested te a cameer eppertaetty mth an indastry leader Successtai candidates iii lie remanded with a remunenation package cea- prîsed ot a base salari, geal-based cemmlission structure and a cempetitive benefit package. Please respond mitir salant expectations te: AtOn: Laboratory Manager CTC AnalytiCal Services Canadla 916 Gateway Burlinçlton, ON L7L 5K7 Fax: 905-632-3741 rSpringridge Éam Has sasonat pao-lime and taIt-ime o oppovaunîties: " SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF " BIRTHDAY PARTY HOSTS " BAKERY/RETAIL SALES Please as pour resumne and imes vf aoailahilîry lv complte an appticativn. We are vpen daity 9-5. 7256 Bell Shool Lin, Mitron, Ontario Apply at xein eHrero ono 885Maiphne StmSUnt #4 a al905 878-368 or axaresu ane to 05 85-66 The Miliside Restaurant lu looking ho hire experienced fuît & part-time cooks. We offer competitive wages based on experlence. Apply in person with resumne to Stan or fax resumne to (905) 876-2706 Milon prinfing company reqires machine operafor frainee/shipper/receiver. Candidates must pessess mechanîcal ahiity, sud have reasonabte math skîls. Some heavy lifting is required. No expeience is required. The position is permanent/fuîltitme. 1 Cai 905-870-8926. 1 Dur Community Needs Bus Drivers Do you enoy drivîng? Joîn 0cr team et professionals who provide ochoot bus tranuportation for our uchoots. Train now for September. .Free traînîng.Competîtîne Wages.Ftesibrity Cail us today 905.877.4448 www.laidlawschoolbuscomr .1 'I Part time help required for Milton Cafeteria. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 arn - 4 pm. Please cati 905-878-1145 Looking for A orAZ driver to drive Car Carrier to U. S. Please eall 905-854-2155. $20-$25/HR National company wîlh lots f work tooking for: REMODELLERS REND VATORS HANDYMEN Own vehîcte/lools. + 10 peurs nvprencn Cati Mr Arhur 905-578-440 now HIING Mature iManager Permanenf Fuit-Time Days & Part-Time Days Dxwxtowx Oakvîtto 4 Lakeshoro Rd., W APPLY IN PERSON: "TCOY» DETAULER roquirod flitîlme butins dtaîlîng nxw and ased vehîcies. anîhîtîvas indîidvais Please dlîver resmne in nerson tn: Budds' Coltlision 2071 South Service Rxad, Cakoîin Attn, Stexen Maid-For-Vou Home Cleaning Service as hiring for fi n% rirç tni i nt i-t hkc' reliable, courteous., eneigetic and bondmbte. Please cali 1 -866-272-1560 Adecco Empioyment Services IS COMING TO MILTON AND WE HOPE TO MEET YOU!' We are currently recruîfing for our Milton clients fo f il a vaiety of labour positions. We need experienced: PRESS OPERATORS, GENERALLABOURERS, ASSEMBLERS & PICKEW/ PACKERS te work for $9 $12/hr. Pofentiat short & long-term f0 permanent posifions avaîlabte. Please coma to the HRDC on Main St. on Wed., Sept. 4, lOam - Noon Brîng your resume and SIN card snd he pre- pared te spend af least 1/2 heur regisferîng. IN O. D SRSiE i i - -SAP Located in Burlîngton. Perm St 4+/hr + bonus, lots of growth potentiail Shift fle.xibîity a mustc. tyr reted exp. requîred. Contact wiwworkicom by ph: 416-922-3800, fax: 416-922-5643, email: resume@Pwwwork.com www.miltoncan iarihampion.com Find the job you've atways wanted in Qfr Canabian üCiaîpon classifieds. Eed Sales Carters e Dundas & Neyagawa Rebecca Street (Hiopodale Mail> We are Iooking for candidates who recognize that Customer Care s the most important skill they bring to our business. BAKERS & CAKE DECORATORS MEAT CUTTERS & WRAPPERS (Pay rates based on experience for the aboya positions) In addition, Service Clerks required for the following departmnents: SEAFOOD DELI PRODUCE CASHIERS & GROCERY NIGHT CREW (11 PM - 7AM or similar) Alil positions are part-time, with flexible schedules including days, qr evenings, ir night crew. Ail positions reguire weekend work. Please apply in person to the courtesy desk with applicable references to any of these 3 locations. Tatamarkaters neodod for AM & PM shifts Cail for Interview 905-681-8102 LicenseCor Sears HomeCentral 81Licensed for use ln Canada by Seaux Canada Imc. Fuil-Time Exp. Fresh Meat Cutter Applp in person Denningers 2410 Lakoshore Rd West, Oakviîîe_ IMMEDIATELY REQUIRER Bleit SIif premtum wages, bene fîs Apply: Tim Hodons 2316 Royal Windsor Dr (ai Ford Dr) Dalaîlle. Fax 905-338-1966 or cal) 905-338-1966 i a -3