The Canadian Chamrpion, Friday, August 30, 2002-31 CTC Analyical Services, The North Amerîcan leader in predictive maintenance services. s -U- SAI FSPROFFI;,SIONAI, b d où[ alil oilivîiîgioî dlialesoficei lis position iii be respoosible for developiog exîst- ng castomer conacs and generatîng new sales fhroughoul Onario. The successful applîcant wilI be energetît, personable and comforlable morking in an industrîi enviroment. laid Analysis esperience is fot reqoîred bal prefer- ence will bae given 10 those candidates who cas demonstrale a comprehension of labritants andior heavy eqaîpmenl manenance skilis. This position wili be best snited ta a dynamic self- starter who is nteresfed in a career opportunity wvith an idastry leader Succestol candidates will be rewvarded wvith a remaneration package comprised of a base saiary, goal-based com- mission structare and a competitîne benetit package. Please respond witb salary espectatonos to: Attn: Laboratory Manager CTC Analytical Services Canada 916 Galeway Burington, ON L7L 5K7 Fax: 905-632-3741 Ware back and we op re wi,,g! Magic Latera Cammunications Lld, the laîgot eaîning videoscontent pîseidor in Canada as reocatod back ta Oakville, and we are gîawing ta meet tht reedu aI Canadas edacators We are Ieetîng toi tam playrs, which are comtettablo wrking in a fast-pacea onarseonet, wilh a blond cof technologies and aie vcited about bow echnetegy cas assisl yeang Caradians sacceed leday and tenaresw We carrently have the tltcsing al l ime posians, RECEPTIONIST: Otes icivde selcon ig que s ansoring telephounes artl ti secletca duites doi are able lu geltIer ostio it et Micîosuellific e te hetp Ire mtanagement eam i-i igia lste ail aset MARKETING ASSISTANT:, dtte, te. te l1aIig atd dtactîcat eriptloent cil ctipi rc tîsi ilg tî io suppot edil ci aItel oppartiiitî.îtes BilCi ta ste s ail ass' EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: t t ' r C C d CCO I c tiaae1 a t/t i i t itipie ( ivit tiieflii titi M cr9 t ,i f7ifý 1iu I Muatou a t îl il ot ui tîî is C'd piittag i dd il ee s1îi isti ta )pii/titt a Ctii it- h ease totaard gaci te alite te Magic Latterre Comni caions LId. Alla CC Fax: 905-827-2655 Leading Ford dealernhîp in currently seek- ing applîcanîn for the aboya position. Responsîbîltîtes wîli inclade, bt are net lîmttd teý -Knstodge af porbaso and tastetfvotîictov -Knastedgeof ai nanciat and leasing piocssos -Knnstedgeof ni nanciat insttutians and abîltît ta csttocl att ncessary inormation ana rqartd documents tsi apprevat, -Attndîng Fra somnais -Abîtty 10o elt atrmarkt lpvauts: - Accsantîng enastocige - Exeottnt cuvaler sorire abîtîty - letdge vf evmpuîeîu -Abîtîty lv mlt-au/ Our deatershîp is I150 901-20001 Rgstored and Bue Ovat Cerified. We aller benef ils, vehicle and campetitive remuneraian package. Submrit your rsamne to the attention of. aa d Sait i Deler ii pîtîat Oak rd F oi Lîti îi Sales iiii t 57 iýataigat Roue Ckia e, dbL J3J2 E mail: da ai(cCeakianrditcutît cd ASISTANT CCONTANTi Pîîvatete awîîed turtnim îporter aile supplierie vee idniieopeieiiced Assistaint Ar uLit tart The setectd irdiehievataitil e rsesîbeteor epoteng accaantîng Iliir gavrmecit emîttances.atik roc enciiatitis piepariig oîdeîs. scheduitîrdltas and dala entiy Ire suceceuutîtcandidtelewttllave a CGA teniaro giesa mnînain ah Iwo eaesaccci.iiting erpiite and àastîeng siiiking kroi aeoge ot accuuning sat- ware packages. îrctciig Business Vi s trîerested parties passesîng nheyequatliiatons tuîsaîaro ir esumeincnidirîence Bax 1925, c/v Tht Peut. 2321 haîîvîow St Battîngon. ON UOR 2E3 So Place Your Ad Today! Cali 905-875-3300 or drop by at 191 Main Street! monday to Frlday 9 arn - 5 Il Thi' Honte-Maintennce u'Sheappe-i! Àot/m ýe, ô-ôm teaee eei-îedila1,a Fui-cte/f 4a) ý1221-39829 GeneriGe a KepWantd Hlp Wtd Sringridge Farm " SCHOOL TOUR GUIDES SPECIAL EVENTS STAFFrS BIRTH[)AY PARTY HOSTS CBAKERY/RETAIL SALES Pleice ax vi i CeSMaîmîtticS Olvi v.îiliîtî lv 9tt8-15,o orne t t arni cîcltoiii i eim lîieatî' .1v.îîîî îtv. e aie oaîîen îiîîtî9-) S7256 Bell Shesl Lin, Miltvn, Ontarioî PART-TIME POSITION AT TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS Tuesday ail day and poasibly Thursday nîgbts. Cballenging positioîn. Please fax resume @ 905-875-2910 Attn: Kalhy MacDonald SECULITY GUARD aI Goff Course Ngbs 9p.m. to7 aîn. 7 days a week $1 Otlour Mvst have own transpnrtation. Ideal fvr rolrd ptrsn,r Reply ta Box 3036 c/o FThe Canadian Champion 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 tavdscope Convstruction corpnoy Ias thre followivg positions ovaîloble vvtît Detober in Milton: - Lbourer o nd dozer operofor Please caII 905-722-9720 j or fox to 905-722-5294 Fui-Tîmne Help Wanted The person should be a self starter and self motivafed. Apply with resume ta Super AVideo 550 Ontario St., South, Milton Ful l ime nighl and day shift. Dimensional and Lumber Pilers, medium 10 heavy lifting. Must bave good dexterily and be physically fit. From $11.5OIhr. Wooden Pal lt Assemblers FulIl ime days & nîgts. Some heavy lifting. Piece sork rated. Will train suitable candidates. Piece sork average $15-17/hr. Start rate $l3Ibr. Transportation Required. Apply in person only 9-3 p.m. Barco, 24 Kerr Cr., Guelph, Ont. Hanlon Expressway S. from Guelph,. eh on Wellington County Rd. 34, rîght aI first cronsroad, right on Kerr Cres. PT/PT - Curires for Women f 'rda larest itness orgunization io accepting reoumes for a mature, energelic. self moivated pereaîa that loives ta wark w/f h people. Perfect apprtunîty far sameane retumning ta the wark farce. Fax reaumes to 905-875-3512 The Miliside Restaurant s looking to hire experienced full & part-time cooks. We offer competitive wages based on experience. Apply in person with resumne to Stan or fax resumne to (905) 876-2706 Begin your new, promising career with us in Milton! WVe are curreniiy hrîng a Club Administrator at our Women'n Only club and a Daytime Cleaner at our Women'n Only and Coed clubs. Please fax resumes 10 (905) 876-1055 or e-mail <Word or PDF format) 10 IPease quoie the club and the position you are applinn for in tbe subect lune) Tat you ii alil applicanlslioa'ecer. svly tloue requîceri for ari înlerview wil be cvntacted Are you va neboc.persîll. (W E LI ircLlsîj rlinnni.' nildi. c iilng .iiliiii. FTrPor ('iks P/I Hîlusekeeping Pli Maintenance Fil.PiT Fuel tashier i I 11-7 iishwasher Sun.- ihurs. Mon-iri. 3-il1iishwasher W pr1 fîieves aiiuvîil, rvîltivsîî pniiîkl 1-exihie houri -Cimpelitiîe oages6$7.ttt$(t.Mihr. -Able te) sehedule anound iiîmii .%p, Jiiii HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP CAR DETAILER & MAINTENANCE Required Full Tîme Munt have valîd drivers lcense. Must be honeot and reliablo. Caîl Rob (905)876-2580 Dur Community Needs Bus Drivers Do yoa enoy driingtr Joîn our feamn of profennîonaln who protide school bus transportation for sur nchootn. Train now for September. .Free trainng.Cospetitive Wages.Ftenibilify Cali us today 905.877.4448 wwwadlawschoobuscnm Order Pickers Night shift for Milton warehouse. Top wages and excellent benef ifs. Own transportation recommended. Please fax resume ta: 905-878-9010, Attn: Guy Ramsay Or apply in persan at: 2705 Durante Way, Milton Cali (905) 878-5368 or fax resumne to (905) 8754663 1/1 & P/T Beverage (art, lU Bistro & Banquet Servers. RatleSîake [oint G.olf Club, a year-rounid tacility. 5407 Hlwy 25, Milton. 'l'i. 905-878-6222. lceasc fax resume to 905-693-1900). Eull Time Sales Clerk/ Warehouse Driver. Apply to: M/lton Country Depot 28 Bronte Street N.,M/lton tifi OCK Designed to be a step ahead. General Labour/Service Department Unilock Ltd.. a local Georgetowen manufacturer of Iandscape concrete products has a full ime position in the Service Department. This person must be a self-starter who cao work independently. Responsibilities include the set up oif trade shows and landscape dispîsys and the undertaking of warncwork as well as general support to the sles and cusloiner service departmenls. lieavc liftting, basic f(rklift experience and a valid drising permit are revtuired. tliilock Ltd. îtteis a comiie cruage and benelils packaige. Ilfcliii eîjîîcwurkîing outside in the somimer and indours in the linIer tIis positionl could he clairs. Send cour resunleamd rite expeuttîioîis tii Unilock Ltd. - Customer Service 287 Armnstrong Avenue. Georgetown Ontario, L7G 4X6 Fax (905) 874-3034 Maid-For-You Home Cleanîng Service is turing for futi-le positions. You must be reliable, courteous, energetic and bondable. Please cal 1 -866-272-1560 Georgetown Terminal Warehouse Lld. seeka staff for the followlng positions: FULL-TIME CERTIFIED LIFT TRUCK DRIVERS " 1-3 years experience with order pick, reach and swing reach trucks " abilily 10 lift up 10 80 pounda " day and aflernoon shifts ORDER PICKERS " on-cali casual: 9am-3pm weekdays " abilily 10 lift up 10 50 pounda Please forward your resume to Karen Hughes: fax 905-873-6170 or email Milton prînting company requîres machine *..a operator lrainee/shipper/receiver. Candidates IICtt$ Ireanonable math skilît. 505e heany lifting is Tht position s permanent/full tise. reqire. 9N0e-erenc8s8e926 . _______________________ IAre yau retired/student TrjUsI laoking for part-fime wark? Requîred îmsedîately for part-tise daytîse titan-up of outsîde grounds maintenance. Munt have vehicle. **Light duies 15 include liter pick-up, garbage rîsoval, etc. Cati 905-985-7802. Part time requîred for Milton Cafeteria. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 arn - 4 prn. Please caI 905-878-1145 Light Assembly/ General Labourer required immediafoly $9.00 / hour Day/afternoon shifts available. Oakville/ Milon Please Cal Glenn 416-417-5744 NOW HIRING mature Manager Permanent Faîl-Time Days & Part-Time Days Dawetawv Oakvîtte 4 Lkeshvre Rd. W APPLY INIPEBSONý Tetemarketers needed for AM & PM shifts Cal fur interview 905-681-8102 Licensee for Sears Homeenîral ®DLicensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada lot. QUALITY cnnscîentînes cospany seeks deperdoable poison for assembiy wark wîfh gnod mechanîcai abilify & taperience wilh hand tools. Wage depends on toperience. (Mton) Fao: 905-875-4729 JAGUAR SPORTS BAR te quîtes COOKS Bronte Road & QEW CalilDeanna: 905-847-8118 Olé! Now you can browse PRODUCE MANAGER obs No h ils regîîîres F/T Praduce Manager îrnmediately, espensibeiîtîs daiy management et preduce deparîrnent ncivdîng crderîng, inerchan-dis- îng ceiterner service & saperaesory responsîhîlîlîes. Candidate ailpassess 3-5yrs. of relevant exp. & be avaiuable toi /T empinyrnent with weekend woih reqairtd. We otter ceapeltîve sage/bevetet package, Itfereted candidates rnay fax hir revarne tI (905)-331 -3325. Atention: Store Owner 2400 Guelph Line, Durlngen. r-