Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2002, p. 3

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.,Hit-and-run driver handed The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 27, 2002 -3 By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion A Brampton man charged in the hit-and-run death of an Etobicoke cyclisi on Tremaine Road last s um- mer was sentenced to fine months in jail yesterday. Ini bis rUing. Ji tStîce l-arry Edmonstone took int accounit that Paul Carroll, 30,. aicepted fuill responsihility for his actions thai fatelul day and bas appeared rernorsetul. Howes er. Justice Ectniiinstiine acknovA ledg -ed Mri. Cartoll dis- Played callous and. os rl bebavinur si len he didn't stîîp ni iîlter assistance tii Jacek Wierzbicki. Along witb the jail termn. Mr. Carroll lad his drisrs licence res'oked Ifor four vears. "This was a very dillicult case with sensitive issues. Justice Edmonstone said during is ruling, in Ontario Couin (provincial divi- sion) in Oakvitle. M'r. Carroll sbo\ssed no emotion wben tbe sentence sias handed down. Famnily members wept outside the courtriomn. Detence lawyer Fred Fedorosen. who previously argued is client sbould receive a conditional sen- tence to be served in tbe communi- L.- " I'm glad he didn't get house arrest. 1 wouldn't have been satisfied. This was dragging on too long. It's been really painlul for the kids. 1 think he got what he deserved." ANNA WIERZBICKI ty. retused comttment oiusicte court.l During ttîe îbree day sentencing. Dr. J. Paul 1ederottt testttied Mi. Canroll lithe sccnc ts.'au.s(e t trtggered the traurna be expert- eiiced svben bis laitlier cirnmiitted suticide 12 ye.îrs agii. Ater ibe deatb uit litslatier. tbe psycbiatrist testified Mr. Carroill sutfered rom post raumatic stress disurder îFTSD> and sbiised traits of' tbe disorder atter tbe it-and- run. Altbougb Crown psycbiatrtst Dr. Senti Wîodsîde agreed Mr. Carrol sufered lrom PTSD lollowîng tbe deatb nf bis lather. be didn't believe symptoms of tbe disorder were evi- dent tbe day nf tbe accident. Annia \ierzbîcki tuîtd 'Fle Chanmpiuon she was pleased wîîh tlie jail sentence but îîoîbîng couud bring back ber busband of' 17 years. "'in gtad lie didn't get bouse arresi. I wouldn't bave been satîs- ied." sbe satd. "Tbis svas draggîng onîîtuo tlong. l's been really painful l'or the kids. 1 îbîîîk bc gui ssbat lie deservedl." Altbîiugb she said lite bhd to guo onit i asntt oig ii e r be the sanmc helîîre bier lîîîsband dîed. 'lis g Ioî iibc extrenîely b,îî c Our setîse if, salues',as a tamîly are desîtrîîed. WeCsuIt try tii rchuitd su lat s cati.t[lie tact t itbci(Mr. Ciirroll)t i lts the ilosi lupsetting"., Mr. Wier.'bîckî alsiî casles betîid a dauîgliter. Alic la, 5. and sons Tomnas,. 12. and Daniel. 5. Mi. tCarroill %%asitrasvelling onî Tiernaine Roa,djust nîîîlb otDerry, Road at about inoon August 14 vwben be struck Mr. Wîerzbîckî. 4 1 He suas priiniuticed dead at the scene. Aithte prompting <il bis ex site. Mr. Carrolltîurued bimsell' toto Hation Regiîînal Police twuî days al'ter tbe accident and contessed tii tbe it-and-run. Mr. Carroll pleaded guilty in Marcb tii careleus drivîng causing deatb and taîling to remain aithte scene of an accident. Goodhear $39USUC Cern$129LargoICnStarldg Baguefle quneîl»- Croam Hem: ea 'Wîe w il oe Oel Speacials Black $39 Vionna Cooked $2 9w.6o Forost Ham -u" Sausageor.Ile Ail Dm8 9166"0 farmer': $399uno Salamir Whfte Cheeso r.8/U PrmnofoffnAuga#27 -SqfrMhr2 Store Hours 905-875-03031-- 2 door Or h ~ 4 door or Smartlease tor 1220. por montil + taxes NO first paymnent and NO security deposit required. Add $18 per month for automatic. Add $26 more per month for automatic & sunroof. 'i% avaiIbI uiie nnw& eo ocl hyC s akmy etkn nuoi ancinq OAC AlliC l upstipl PST adGSi 00/ 48 Monthi (Iow 60 month interest rates as weII) I 1

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