Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2002, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Now hiring for our busy season COOKS -must ave experrence & a gond attitude & lvokîng te move ep iv the ndnstry Excellent benefts package anti wages. Pleaso apply in person a 1011 Upper Middle Road LOCATION ONLY No phono cails please Morrison Nouse RETAIL MANAGER We reqire a reapvnarbte, handsoan intirvitial wlh praven reait management experrence for Sar tiawntawa akvlle store locaton. Renpnnsrbilrlrea inclade. prndact rdering, merchantiing anti heading ap a service rienteti sales eam. Please fax rosumne to: 416-259-9303 COME JOIR 1 l We are expanding at Royal Windsor & Ford Dr., Oakville F/T & P/T, antarmo provinti, pardt raning Dental anti Metircal Plan avalable. Sanîngs Prngram, com- pellîrve wages, incenive prngrams, early revews. Apply lu persun t15 Royal Windsor Ford, Online: timnhortons.comn Fax: 905-338-1966 BATCHER / DISPATCHER nevrîrirea fri ear1y ixed c r ere lrirîs ii vvid corniriircarîor kis andeir 11l) rt tred 1101 iiitiî iixEdciwAeridoriy aithii iiiý i iý it r ifs sposirion AOr rrcarts s1illi lfri i 111 i ii o ii aEr saii Orîst :vo 2002.rIo Attnr Joti Green POû. Box 1Go. st.m ain, 112 Guelph St.. Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y5 Fax: 905-873-1886 virrirs ianEqiai Oni,rirriiiry (rir iý Join Ontarios largeut Telus Dealer team & the fastest growing industry today. We require B2B sales reps & Ful-Time Retail staff. Salary, benefits & perks galore. Please drop resume at our Teins Store 415 Fairview St. email 01ECTNOMABT 20002 We are txakîng tor key people lv tilt the tllnwîng positions INSIDE SALES e COUNTER WAREHOUSE Onty tonne wth previaus electrical distribution exprience neeti appty tor 1he Ivorde Sales or Counver Service positions. Fvrwarti resomne by av: 905-465-1665 or e-mail Now Hiring ~ part-time Managers & In-Store Crew AIL POSITIONS! Ltlîe Canars wll train enthusraslrc, ambrîrvus und- vinuats Please an ynur resume t15 905-847-260Iu pick np an application aI 1395 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville. e-mail: JO : POTss TE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY APPLY NOW TO OUALIFY FOR FREE GIFI ACTION FORCE is recruiting: General Labour/Machine Operators Pîclure Framero Welders Lght/Heavy Assembly MIG Welderv Certifieti Forklrtt & Reach Operators MILTON, OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON $850 - $12. 1 H R. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY Mon. - Fi. 9-4 ai: ACTION FORCE 511 Plains Rd. E., Buringon Muai Have: S.I.N. Card + Photo ID., andi gooti command of Englsh language. -Certain condtitons apply 515 515 S~ ~Skif p Se pp GENERAL MACHINIST s, 1Y-. e& rin Small Company -Team Player INDEPENDANT Werker Benef ils CM MORRIS DESIGN LUI) 905-878-0578, fax 905-878-0451 e-mail: info@& Distributor of Industrial Vacuum Pumps and Blowers- Requires Junior Mechanic Valid drivers license, job requires packing and lifting, fork lift experience, mechanical abilities. Drop off resumne 10. 4161 Sladeview Crescent Unit 5, Mississauga. SERVICE ADVISOR Expandîno tealrstrip reqores an vaperrenceti conr scientînosAtivsor Must have keybnartiîng anti sope- rior costomers service skîllis.Wn otter a sopporrîve organînatîonvwîth excellent CSL, great prndvct, happy customners, compntîrrve Pao anti Onefits, Apply taý HALTON HONDA 0F BURLINOTON 2300 Fairriem St. Burligion, ON L7R 2E4 Fan 905-681-0098 Sservice@ DOWNSVIEW cnning toi a chaiiged PLUMBING ITO. MECHANICS Plembers & apprenlîc- REQUIRED es reqoîreti. hverly or Any mechanical bacc- paework, Truck groîrrît arr nsel proiee in ats. Mecnanic's ioense rct prllvîtie oiion ts regc ted 44 r week Fuî Tîe pnitOn Extcelt natte & Oerir, Cal Frank or Tony lit Oukit hesirres to 416-675-6215 Hiaton tt Truck Inc 154 S Servies vîî (JE Qakvoîlîn ON L6J 2X7 Fax905t84 35t5 OFFICE ADMUN Duties include: A/P, A/R, Bank Reconcitiation, Gov't Remit., Reception & Clerical. Must be wetl organizeti, self motrvated. 2 years experience. C.M.MORRIS DESIGN LTD. Fax: 878-0451 e-mail: FULL TIME OFFICE CLERK Reiuired immadiately. Repansîbilitien include Ordar Entry, Inicing, Freight ratees anti chargea. Oher genaral office duies as required. Muse ha computer literate wibh expanence uing Business Vision. Please fax resume to 905-878-3599. EXTRA...- EXTRA.. CLASSUFIED VALUE! CnmFact Corporation is an akolle baseti pronier ut engîneers anti sklleti wvrk crews to proîects aroanti thn wvrîi New proîects have createdthto follnarng opent egs Administrative Assistant (Part-lime Fiex) We neeti a brîght, axîl spoken rininal to proie adîrrînistratîne support ncludntig flrng, typrng, tranel arrangements anti wrtchberarti retret Mast have ex- pet erce wth MS Word airti Oceý Accountinil Clerk (FIT) Tu perforer accnnrrtrng tues.Must have Acchac Plus anti Excel errpnrrerce. proneri ahlty lu meet deatlilnes artS a hgh lever ot atteniton ti etaîl ConmFact ohero competîtîne salaries, comprehensîve berretrîs & a tan anti supportrue workrrrg enorrurrmert. Fan ynnr esamne tlv905-339-3407 No phono catis pleaun Client Coordinator / Ad Agency OAKVILLE. We have an immetirate openîng oi a Clent coortirnator, Ton must 0e an excellenrt commo- nîcator On antIl organîzeti,tieatiline vrrrnrti anti able o work întiependenittp as wntI as iv a team. Strong project management t anti prnblem slvrng are ensentral Mast be computer protîcrent in Wnd- vws (Word! Encel). Reception dtites are regoirrnt Woltisoit someone wth 3-S yearv experrence iv an agency, marketing or sales envrnnment. Fax restîme anti salarpepectalionv lv 1-905-855-9444, or E- Mail te 525 525 525 MeHMP O0ffi WP fl M PROJECT ASSISTANT The (entre for 'îkills Deelopmnent & Training aeaningful emptiiemeineandi ,ssists emplrîyers ris recruitiei gatic empteihees. The Prîrrect Asistant proiudes administrative suppovrt lv hel Empîrryment Coinsultant andi generat assistane ho ail Centre r.tets/part- Start Date: Set.lb6/02 Schedule: 4.5d/wk (31.5 bri _Rate: $l.81/hr Location: Miton Emptîryment Parteers Centre (liwy 25 and Jerry Rd.) Duties & Responsibilities: " Pruvîde information, on the phone ant iir pervun, tv Centre clients " Priride eterîcat support for prvgram. including veheduting; peepaea- litre andti dstrhution of prîne materials; regstratioe; Sîmesheets; etec- Ironie anti paper file maintenance " Facîlibabe cient fotow-up, comprle seaisics anti prepare reports " Manage ail materials, resvurces/courseware relatedt e area prvgram " Assist with marketing aciities, înctutiieg dispîsys, information ses- ives, mail nues e Liaise with Ceeere Office Maeager 1er coordînate aeti support ail part- ner acinties - Qîher dutien, as asigneti, tir support ehe generat adimieiseraeive neetis of The Ceetre Ouatifications: " Experience anet rainieg as an adimieistraeive professional " Proficîeee en, MSWorti: Excel; Acces " Srong orgaeizaeîoeal skilîs, renoureeful, iependeel worker Apptv bv fax to: The Cenere for Skills Denelopmeel & Trainieg: Ateetion: Vîian Healy Fax: (905) 634-2775 Posting closes Friday, August 30, 2002 4p.m. r r ir titrti t irrirrnan qIr v er. t re arC trih ierrirr in iîtl e errria ta iiisi/r ,, /e watihir an d atrinifirq iS 530 ~ 530 5 SWM Hep Sain Holp INIESALESTE aelC r tn ntrnaPotioa epn Ahîch reducn anoiiti îstrîue\l m ag efii potiit Satet Tranîng îdeoae ani Manuas Werkring t kCevtywBulî nion oe me pro ioirtie cjompaies nu1i.raiuontanada mrîb uIsewi 1 aitst aptantersafr elOat Waetyareakng te anitenatmarenales mpron avcoInes ettn u dcisbtea itonrnges AIlfb SaftesTracingVrsdeouesand ar 0ephen Woheran meofouarelakng ton ofiual eeo vipe cfumgaifictiens, but Craer hqali-0 abtyadamo en traint a staleinhiuorlth a caearersoistae andearinaes. ro Wa afauarscsal tary plan c omiSaeSti pamrenas l a dig business.bcgen Ia nu Allth baesaîtith ps oantialtiraiyphoan-. Thga aI $30.000- okig fo$40.000. nee A Coîuntry Mi le l iis ov eýekin ii aine part i rne isriciates.Liîîking l'or erergetir.. ighly naîîiviied îîîdîîduals prei'erahly nîtti retiiii/ctistrirer service esperience. Shifts wl vary anîd icuide. weekends. evenings andi days. I>ease submit resumne in person or by fax: 905-878-3770. JOIN THE WINNING TEAM BELL WGRILD and Total Staff ing have loineti force.s tre fectively change the wav Canada hfes. BELL WORLO is currently seeking higbly moti vateti protessional indrortivals in their Oakville and Mississauga locations for Sales Associates. Dur assocrates are amung the Oghesi pairuin he tele- communicationls irndustry. We offer above average remuneration, benetîts, bonases, inceobives, pard training & technical svp- pert tf yov are nnt ast lvekrng fnr a job, bet a cameer. we inote yen te take the irvl step by tan- îh9 yoor resomne tv TOTAL STAFFING Fax 905-387-1579 NEDCO, atdvioen of nexnada Cectialn lac.,F bas an immétiaie oennninn ora 1 Counterinside Sales Ho Representative rfl Your insuonsibiltit s wiiciotin preoting Serving custoerervince, seteeting ru sinmn pick-un HigIr qualît ordOn s nantlieg cash sains, compeint r rtiiprove-mer erîcnss anti veri yinstock non airty. noatitina room, baue apcnon cai npsssssa niadan 12 edotiore e n esperti lor iv nairerend rier mtv er as nifnreti 5472. expérience. Predoci keroninaneofthme eninrira 71 busness is essentiat.M vi T ueroson tOrs oprnuninter, sm nmase tnmwaîti yourrisu mn rer MOVINGIF Joans [aBat, DisrctManager, NEOCO mestic/ Ir 2245 WyncreftRdet., unis 7-8, Oakurin Free wurc ON L6L L.Fan: (905) 827-nou3 mouîng Io E-mail: tabni.ohn( jobu meli cererisirnter F mpoerutEsi ta 829-1282, 1313. tf lhrs position intarearsyonu, i RP1N"S peuse cati EtiAusman ai AtatieRts SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 I(Attratieategs)a npscale TC Facîlîtres rer Dakoile H04 blOI III Bnrlregton anti Peel hegron. F/t or P/h Weekly pay FaX teSLcme te Enneanour Personrnel Ora 905-272-4276 Open House aehrPlc Thursday, AuguSt 29, 1-4pm ReLake ese lae at West Oak Village, 2370 Third Line reqorreu I (i Dantias) nn kvlIe RPN's With meds Dpporlunntîes lor Competitive salary. RN's, RPNs trrenntiy enoîonement Serra resoîre lu DOC. PSW 's HCA's 5314 Lakesbore Rd Interviews onuteIfourlingtoit L7L 6LO Fax resume to: 905469-3294 Fax: 905-333-3103 RN's & RPNS ScHCAS Full-time & Part-lime Northridge Long Term Care Centre 496 POSTRIDGE DRIVE, OAKVILLE New wafti neW ways, conae home to Centra(ParQLofges! Fax or email your resume to: 905-257-9883 Email: renoualion. youn anea. iy home îm- îles Bath- ;ment, kilch- ns 416-876- Packîng. Do- Internationial. * oba for aIl jbs. Urgent :ome. 905- ý1(866)666- L.

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