Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 2002, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 27, 2002 VON needs helpers who Dateline Looking for volunteer work? The Halton branch of VON Canada is seeking individuals wbo bave iwo to tbree hours a week ta spare to help oui witb the organization's programs. For furiher information about the vol- unteer opportunity, cal! the VON ai (905) 827-88001. ligurir1g îîUl wbcb sebiiol your cbild \vi!! attend bas been macle casier l, tIile pcsing îof bounclaiy ns.îps on tIhe hain District Scbiiol Board Weh ite. "We are pleased to be able bo coming events only. The col- umn is available ta local com- munity groups ta assist in pro- moting their tuture events. Only charitable or non-profit coromu- nity groupa may use this serv- ice. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat ta the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand la low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the off ice of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed ta PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, taxed ta (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed ta mil- The final deadline la noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edîtion. Dateline items wilI not be accepted by telephone. Do von i-e a rncssbatby? Calling New Parents, a lice Pro- crani lfoi parents and! babies .iged 6 mionibs :and Y oLItgei , mlecS is slba Publieclhealib ourse Ioi discuss par- cntiinid inntcal e Il'lie grîîcp meets ,al the Milion Communily Resonii.e (entre. 917 Nipissing Rd.f..'rom 1:301 lu 3:3(0 pi. For information. cil! (9015>f693-4242, ext. 7899. A Cappella Showcase per!onnis i tbe Milton Mail!ai 7:3(1 p.m. For infornmatioin. cal! Cathy ai (9(15) 2781222 HeIp for Parents, a parent sup- poîrt griiup. meels ai Ptnelands Presbyieîian Cburch. 527(0 Nevv St.. in Burlingiuin ai 7:3(1 p.rn. The non-denorninational selt-support grîîup lhelpis parents ut' children ssh buarein troublte,î bomne, ai orb il il55ils li e Lmisor ssho arîe abisi c or tak iig di uîgs. For inIiii Sehool boundary maps can be found on board Web site especially ai tbe beginning of a nes,, schoîîl year wben parents need tItis information," sait! Elaine Westerbîit. manager of planning ssitb ibe board. 'We receise many t')05) 42-17,2() .'iI Wednesdai Aug. 28~ The Miltoin Seniors' Aclis iv Centre, 5001 Cbîlds l)r., bolds Iie Evening Euchre Party ai 7:3(0 pi. I hýýje costi s $2. F-or inturina- lion, cali (905) 875-1681. 'Fhursday Aug. 29 The Milton Seniors' Activîly Centre. 5(00 Childs Dr., boldts Seniors' Cinemas ai 1:30 p.m. The cosi s $1 and includes refresb- ments. For the l'eature film oir othet information. cal! (905) 875-1681. Friday Aug. 30 The Milton Seniors' Actiity Centre, 511(1Cbilds Dr., holds a barbecue trom 11: 30 a.m. 10 12:45 p.m. The cilsi is $5 and includes a baînhUrger or sausage. salad. dessert andI a bes erage. Foi intor- niation. cal! (905) 875- 168 1 Halion. resîdenis of the area, and reat estate agents asking for inîfor- mation about sebool boundaries." Boundary maps can be found ai w ARE YOU ON THEI BETTER SIDE 0F & shopping for a riew home to fit your lifestyle? Explore ail your options... ATTEND THE Relirement Housing Forum 016USestyle & Travel show FRIDAI SEPTEMBER 6& SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2002 20METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE, NRNTH UILING, HLL A , 255 iRONT ST. IN ' i, I i titi iii IN ' ti 1,,NCt, SUS5.1StINS: [j FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 215pm XOUN(1 #"EXPLOmING RTIEMINT HOUSINO OPTIONS" Eploe the e.ey optiOonsaaabe Acive Ad,,Ii Coetmuniteeu Land tease Popertieet Condo Lving und ,ecle moePreseier Pi Wde, Foee Yung HottgExpert j FRDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 3:Opm j SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2:15pm MVSULLING YOUR FAMILY HOMEn ?"1 Ths comprehenst.Oe okthop decistb ilOissuttethot mate conetoe s ut ooe,der e beeellnegther îsee, yPhome # ()! pt'clili Vi iitr picirlylu ~to citl --- ----------------------------------------------a ail ai lai his îtgitration faim, by Stpttmbtî 4, la: FOREVER YOUNIG HEWSMAGAZINE M 461 Spttîî Rnad, Oakvillt L6K 3S4. Ftx (905) 337-5511 - All. Shanoa t - MOT Inspections >1ERE' I B I I-tm Ë IVRJ U9PWlý I A T] 0 - - - a -À@ TU MUb 1 UAMZ) m STRE AMLINE]

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